Wake up as Nicholas II of Russia in 1910.
Fix this and continue your rightful imperial rule as the Third Rome.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also be daddy af
release the nations you unrightfully enslaved and commit seppuku proclaiming first russian republic
That's not really a lot of time to do much desu.
Accelerate industrialization, pass laws to improve the status of the peasantry, go on a PR tour around the country, portray yourself as a man at least a little in touch with the people, keep a close eye on the High Command and make sure they do not make the same mistakes they did in OTL.
immediately renounce my alliance with serbia
begin the process of giving more power to the duma
continue to reform industry
Aside from the last point, he did all that
Then do MORE of it.
Just don't turn the Austro-Serbian war into WW1 and kick back as Russia slowly develops.
best one. Slavophilsm was the biggest factor in Russia joining a war it knew it wasn't ready for. head of Imperial Russian military even said that the Russian army was in no shape for a war, but the Tsar couldn't back down from defending Serbia without essentially renouncing his claim to even being a monarch after so many successive hits to Russian national prestige. best thing he could have done was see the righting on the wall and started giving more power to the Duma until he became a tourist attraction like modern English crown. Russia was on the cusp of being able to use massive amounts of its in-land resources from new railways and if they'd had another ten years of development they would have been the greatest power in Europe again.
>just be louder and with your mouth open.
Don't get involved in that stupid balkan thing.
Slap willy for backstabbing me
Tell serbs to fuck off
Keep eyes on high command
Try my best to set up for future generations to end serfdom
Industralize like a motherfucker
Prepare to slap the jap
>Try my best to set up for future generations to end serfdom
It was abolished long ago, so was the land-redemption tax.
>Industralize like a motherfucker
Already doing that, long ago.
Adopt the "Chinese model": Reform the economy but don't let up on the repression and state control, let a generation be born who see the strong rule of your dynasty bringing them wealth. Also, of course, kill all the future commie leaders and don't WW1, instead declare your outrage about "MUH FELLOW SLAVS" and offer their leadership safe haven in Moscow but don't actually press the matter seriously and privately tell Austria they are owed their revenge and you won't try to stop them.
>immediately renounce my alliance with serbia
Without Panslavism, you lose what little hold you still have over the subject non-Russian Slavs. Serbia is also an ancient ally and for an absolute monarch to behave so shamefully towards an ally would be another terrible blow to your reputation at a time when the people are already sick of you.
>begin the process of giving more power to the duma
They vote to become a republic.
>Reform the economy but don't let up on the repression and state control
he did that. problem was that WWI caused huge strains that a security state cannot contain without collapsing
Russia was panslavic for just 40 years at that point, they would do fine without it.
>Reform the economy
Reform what exactly?
>immediately renounce my alliance with serbia
Hahaha jealous rvat. Fuck off back to your p*pe
His reforms were still terribly centrally planned and monopolistic, I'd simply start moving towards a free market. And yes not joining WW1 is a must, but I think that falls under "general time traveler common sense".
40 years is two generations you dipshit. And remember that your empire is already on its knees, rife with unrest, nationalism, liberalism, and gommies, too. Panslavism alone wasn't enough but it wasn't totally ineffective either, and publicly abandoning it would be humiliating and destabilizing as well as being a sign of weakness. But paying lip service to it would be enough in this case, even most Slavs thought Serbia deserved what it got, the Tsar only joined because he was stupid enough to think a war would rally his people in his support.
Kill your Kraut wife, declare republic and hang yourself.
>I'd simply start moving towards a free market.
Holy fucking God no. Russia already tried going towards more liberal/ free market under Mikhail Von Reutern. Russian industries were outcompeted to death and the only way Russian industry could prosper is via protectionist policy with customs + subsidies on Russian companies. A free market will be fucking suicide before you properly industrialize and build up a sizeable domestic economy (which Russia didn't really have, she was still massively importing most of her machinery from Britain and consumer goods from Germany).
>And yes not joining WW1 is a must,
If France demands you to join WW1 and you refuse you are fucked. France holds 50% of your debt and is biggest investor into your stock and industries, second being Germany. Want to become Germany's bitch? That's how you become Germany's bitch.
1- Kill all commies in Russia
2- Kill all Russian commies abroad
3- Mend the Schism. The Orthodox Church of Russia is now under the Catholic Church
4- Copy Prussia's military
5- The Russian Royal Family will adopt Stoicism as a philosophy and will live a very simple life
6- Kill all commies in Russia
7- Economic reform, bringing English engineers to Russia in order to improve production technology
8- Education reform. Literacy+Classical Philosophy
9- Decadent nobles will be demoted. They will be taught Stoicism too.
10- Isolationist Foreign Policy
11- Kill all commies in Russia
12- Decrease Rasputin's influence
Did I forget anything?
>ITT: Catholics can't stand the fact that a world superpower is Eastern Orthodox for ever
The state of this board
You build up industry by letting people control their own money, simple as that. And I didn't say "immediately implement laissez-faire", just move towards a free market, start small by deregulating things but still control stuff to ensure the best outcome, then deregulate some more and guide the outcomes, etc etc, over decades. Sudden changes are always disastrous to economies, you have to do things gradually so the system can adjust.
>France holds 50% of your debt
Guess what? That means THEY are fucked. What are they going to do, threaten war? That would mean no more debt for you and no more interest payments on said debt for them. Likewise with the investments, they "own" your factories? guess what, those factories are physically in Russia, so if they go to war with you, now YOU own those factories. Likewise with the Krauts, and in fact your status as a debtor and a target for investments by both major belligerents pretty much guarantees that they will both accept you remaining neutral. Germany of course would be terribly relieved but even France would have no recourse but to accept it and in fact if you made it clear to them that you weren't going to war, it's possible they wouldn't, either (but then again those frogs be crazy so...)
>3- Mend the Schism. The Orthodox Church of Russia is now under the Catholic Church
Ironically, after killing all thosde gommies, it's this act that will lead to your assassination.
I fuck my youngest daughter and make a military alliance with the German Empire to fuck up Austrian Empire and France.
Kill all the commies in the world
Enact hate speech laws punishing anti-Semitism so the Jews don't overthrow me.
> start small by deregulating things but still control stuff to ensure the best outcome, then deregulate some more and guide the outcomes, etc etc, over decades
Well Russia gradually started making its alcohol industry more liberal, the only thing this resulted in was overfluctuation of poor quality alcohol sold at expensive prices, I can see how this would work but you'd need to have strict control over Russian capitalists, although there actually barely were any.
>now YOU own those factories
No, now you have no money to spend into railroad construction or industrial growth because France has stopped investing in to your own growth, that's where most foreign investments went into Russia, railroad construction, and Russia still barely had a big railroad system by 1913, do you want to build railroads alone? Are you sure about that? Are you sure you can survive with foreign enterpreneurs leaving your country and foreign nations refusing to export industrial machinery into you? Even America was a net indebtor and it HEAVILY relied on foreign investments to get its massive as fuck railroad system going before WW1. Secondly, while you may not give a fuck about France's investments, your governors and ministers sure as hell care, pic related.
>What are they going to do, threaten war?
No, they'll just stop trading with you and cut off investments, damaging your credit reputation who knows, maybe Britain stops as well and you basically become entirely reliant on Germany? Do you really want to risk losing your biggest traders and investors?
>His reforms were still terribly centrally planned and monopolistic
All industrial powers had huge state intervention to achieve it. They only adopted free trade after the fact.
Read: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective to see how utter bullshit the idea that "muh free market" is to essential to development
>They vote to become a republic.
This is just a childs game of pretend now, "I shot you" "nuh uh I'm immune to bullets"
Wtf this is 100% intelligible to me
t. Serve
I forgot to mention foreign investments + your industrial boom go hand in hand. In 1899 Russia stopped receiving foreign investments, coincidentally industrial boom stopped and it led to economic depression of 1901-05. So, I repeat again, do you want to piss off your foreign investors?
Cant. Too inbred mixed with already lowest IQ slav genes.
Fire Rasputin and banish him
>inb4 cursed by vengeful Rasputin and entire family gets slaughtered by demonic Communists except for my youngest daughter, who suffers from amnesia and swindled by two con artists into posing as herself
Rasputin was good, he warned Nicholas about entering that war.
Probably try to be peaceful and a kind ruler. This would make the people not need the communist party this communism never rises in Russia.
>peaceful and kind
Those get killed the first, especially in Russia. See Alexander II the liberal cuckold. Nicholas wasn't harsh enough.
That's not the point you dumbass
Also why the fuck are there a bunch of music stores named after the man in California? NBF was posting pictures from one he lives right next on /pol/ a few days ago.
Because Ametica sucks dick and so do you for living there.
Peasants were mainly pissed about the horrid living conditions in Russia due to taxes and no trade unions and shit, not cause of the Tsar's harshness
>NBF is a Cuckoldfornian
Probably because of this
>Russian peasants wanted trade unions
This is just you projecting your urbanite western delusions on Russians
No it was a genuine fucking complaint that was made, so much so in fact that the government employed a state-controlled trade union.
>western delusions
I'm an Eastern Euro myself you fuck.
That would explain why he's so angry all the time.
He's a far-right zealot living in a leftist paradise
>Eastern Euro myself
>t. Brayden Popovich from Minnesota
He's also a quadroon.
Not an argument.
No he's not.
He's just like half-Mexican or something
>The Orthodox Church of Russia is now under the Catholic Church
ah the delusions of 15 year old western conservatives
No, he constantly posts one of his ancestors who's blacker than fucking Obama
Assassinate 10 yo Hitler
I was about to say
Yeah they did fight two wars for serbs around then
Fuck you the pope is the heretic traitor here. Unless you want a pope that sucks outlander toes.
Since I want to I'll provide the situations in which what could've caused Trade unions to be adopted in the eyes of the labourer:
>When the labourers arrived, they typically worked up to 16 or 17 hours a day, sleeping with the cattle by night. Disease and industrial injury were both prevalent, these workers can hardly have enjoyed either their journey or their work.
>Trade unions were banned, until the government was forced to concede on this issue in March 1906.
>Some sections of the government took the view that official intervention on behalf of workers was desirable, in the interests of social stability.
>Factory owners would delay the wages of the workers to prolong their stay in the industry
Gatrell, P. (1986). The tsarist economy 1850-1917. London: Batsford, p. 91, 95
France only joined the war because Germany and Russia mobilised.
If Russia never gets involved, the conflict remains solely between Serbia and Austria
>the conflict remains solely between Serbia and Austria
What a pedantic analysis
What a pointless post that fails to refute what I said
>mend the schism
WWI would have happened either way faggots. How is it possible that a single small nation can be blamed for a single autistic Serb that didn't even share a popular opinion with his country. The AHians were power hungry, like everyone else.
I know for certain that if for some reason Russia doesn't get involved then the Austrian invasion of Serbia won't become WW1, what other nation will bother to militarily oppose Austria? They have a casus belli and Serbia is strategically irrelevant to anyone else except perhaps the Ottoman empire.
As for "WW1 is inevitable" that's pure speculation and you can't prove anything.
>I know for certain
Fuck you
But i do and fuck you too
Fuck you
fuck you
fuck the both of you
fuck me ;) i'm in london btw
>Do you really want to risk losing your biggest traders and investors?
It's not a risk because THEY want to invest as much as I want them to invest. Yes they might be butthurt if we refuse to DoW, no they won't cut off their own nose to spite their face, they would stand to lose much more than we would. Also France is not the world's only economy, and it wasn't even the biggest during the time period, the Brits, Krauts, and yes even the Americans would continue to invest, and the French would not pull out because that would be a tremendous loss both of wealth and of influence for them. I'm sure AFTER the war, if France wins, they will try to exact some kind of reckoning, but we both know they can't win the war without us so that won't be a problem.
>started making its alcohol industry more liberal, the only thing this resulted in was overfluctuation of poor quality alcohol sold at expensive prices
That's because they did it in the stupidest way possible, simply deregulating the SALE of alcohol. As time travelers, we would know not to start our reforms with liquor, and that deregulation should start with production long before it hits consumption.
State intervention is not incompatible with free markets (look at Singapore, or the Wall St Bailouts), and I'm not talking about simply implementing free trade, but of moving the economy in that direction over decades.
Remove Jews. Make democratic reforms.
Crisis averted.
>4- Copy Prussia's military
>Remove Jews
But then who are you going to blame military defeats on?
Pose as an underdog fighting to win. (which they were)
Propaganda to increase morale.
They don't need to much either, as Marxist demoralization is no longer a factor.
Some primary steps
1. Become more friendly with Germany
2. Focus on liberalisation, try to forge a good relationship with the Duma
3. Never proclaim yourself as a protector of all Slavs, fuck Serbia
4. Industry
>Outnumber the enemy
>Ally has the largest navy on the planet
>Beating the everloving shit out of the Austrians
>Germany so scared of you they try to take out France first
I don't think you know a lot about WW1 user
*blocks your path*
Russia IS the greatest (military) power in Europe