Is it going for another moon or no?
yeah its just shaking weak hands out right now
Metaverse Entropy. Changing my name to this.
flush yourself down the toilet.
Whales are accumulating
Whales aren't doing anything. People are selling whole they still have gains from this very well executed pnd. No complaints here, I got my 2x but I'm out now. Will continue to monitor the con though and may buy back in later.
What's your name?
16/f/cali. you?
maybe, i just used it as a quick pnd yesterday
Eric Gu was arrested earlier this morning. I am selling out of this shit sorry boyos.
you are about 12 hrs too late mate. get rekt.
Don't give up on him yet. Have you heard about the sticker on his skateboard?
just went all in on this dip. I can see this pulling a walton in 2 weeks
You'll be rich soon. The biz cucks calling a legit project pnd will buy at 5$.
I hate how Pump and dump gets so constantly thrown around here. Pump and dumps don't last for longer than 24 hours. Pump and dumps dont list for 11th on volume for 24 hour period in Crypto.
Pump and dump on Bitfinex who are super super strict on what coins they list. Yeah, buddy sure. it's a pump and dump.
stupid assholes.
you need to settle down.
I am!
>He didn't buy the dip
>FUD best coin on Veeky Forums
>accumulate more
>wait for moon
>dump on pinkies
Good job anons !
biz im up 40% in this coin should i put another 9k jew bucks in? at 2.5?
Looks like volume is increasing, get ready for another pump lads
you were right it screamed to 2.7