ITT: good jews
ITT: good jews
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I remember when trolling was a art
But seriously I've been waiting for this. My top three draft picks of all time:
>1: Otto Weininger
Austrian philosopher. And sure, if you look up mainstream narrative bs on him it'll say he's a sexist, but men have collective problems and so do women. Pointing them out isn't anti- anything if it could be true. The man was pretty redpilled in the sincerest sense of the word: he swallowed the harsh truths.
>2: James Loeb
Yes from Kuhn and Loeb. Another Yidd banker. Also enjoyed the classics, and by that I mean Greco-Roman culture. Funded a bunch of stuff. Established the extremely useful Loeb classical library, where it has both translations in the books.
>1: Bibi
Prime minister and hopefully dictator for life Benjamin Netanyahu. My only beef with this guy was almost unilaterally pushing us into an Iran.
The only two common denominators among these men is their willingness to expose themselves to hard truths and being cultured.
Oh shit just realized Otto should be #3 I started doing it backwards lmao I need to get off here
>ruin europe
Go burn down another church Varg
fuck off varg
Don't you think the likes of Freedman are good for 'the Jewish cause', because they help to smash the stereotype of Jews being communists/Zionists?
>muh barbarism
I'm a zionist, I hate Hitler, I hate communism and every materialist doctrine and I accept Jesus as the Savior.
Freedman was convinced the Synagogue of Satan killed Jesus and destroyed jewish spirituality replacing with revenge, magick and materialism
Some leftists hate jews because they are part of global banking, some ''right-wing'' socialists hate jews for the same reason while modern traditionalists hate jews because they think they gave birth to Christianism
They are all brothers fighting each like little kids competing the love of their father
The problem in Israel today is the lack of zionists and the increasing number of leftists, communists, anarchists and pro-Palestinians
That was the Dueling Banjos of intentional and unintentional dogwhistling
“Cosmopolitan bias”, followed by liberals saying he looks like a goblin
Same thing happened with Damore. “‘Master race’ btfo look at this guy’s appearance” then a side angle of his massively Jewish features
>I'm a zionist
>I accept Jesus
>I hate Hitler
America: the post
>The problem in Israel today is the lack of zionists and the increasing number of leftists, communists, anarchists and pro-Palestinians
I don't know. I would really like to see the end of Israel. Most non-Arabic countries have semi-large populations of Jews already, and ex-Israelis would certainly receive refugee status if Israel were to break up. The Arabs are never going to stop hating Israel and working to remove it. Until it is removed, there's going to be a lot more blood spilled unnecessarily in my opinion.
>He thinks israeli shouldn't have their own nation
If you muslims want that land so bad invade Israel or accept it
Jews hate arabs and arabs hate jews. Both want the land so bad. Both are willing to kill children to have that land. The thing is jews were smart to get there after WW1 and build their ethno-state while muslims were inflating the sunni vs shia wars
I think it's far easier for jews to realize they have to let other nations alone than muslims
Biggest fear though is Iran or a non-state group getting a WMD and using it on Israel. The response would make the Israeli casualties look like nothing.
>you muslims
I'm a Lutheran, you ranch sauce and semen encrusted obese mongrel. Christian Zionism only exists in America where similar headfucked degenerate heresies grow like mushrooms after rain because of all the Jews controlling your education and media.
Christian Zionism was invented by your protestant preachers and your secular obsession
Luther's preaching pro-divorce, encouraging nums to get laid, separation of Church and State caused did more harm than any ziobanker
A portugues writer (Fernando Pessoa) wrote to a newspaper 1935(a few months before his death...) saying the secret societies in Italy promised to destroy Germany and Italy because they closed masonic lodges
Later Germany was responsible for destroying Japan and Italy, leading to their destruction.
Not hard to imagine why Germany, the land of Luther and agitators, was the perfect ground for their work. It's not hard to imagine why Germany fomented the worst kind of capitalism instead of closing it
Fernando Pessoa warning (almost 5 years before WW2) is why we should not be loud and retard (like Germany) while fighting the enemy
Israel took it's refugees in.
The Arabs didn't, they weaponized those people.
>>He thinks israeli shouldn't have their own nation
but more jews live outside of israel than in it
whats the point of israel again
More Irish live outside of Ireland....
Christian Zionism was invented by Anglo-Americans in the 17th century. Luther or Lutheranism had nothing to do with it.
The idea of ''going back to old testament roots'' was born with Luther and even before Luther. Luther gave voice to them
The christian sects of the 15th century were nothing but people adopting jewish clothing and habits from 4th BC jews.
>Luther in 1517: the pope is corrupt
>Luther in 1518: The entire Church is corrupt
>Luther in late 1518:The Pope is anti-christian
>Luther in 1519: The Papacy is anti-christian kill them all! Destroy their churches and drink pope's blood
I wonder who inspired the French Revolution and modern anti-clericalism
WW1 divided Palestine and the fact is UK gave to jews. There is nothing we can do about it
Instead of muslims trying to conquer it they use subversion and children's dying as propaganda to convince United Nations to give half of the territory to them. Jews aren't innocent but the war is totally unfair since the muslim warmongers have a luxurious lifestyle, make daily deals with Israel while sending weapons to Palestinians so they can die to show on TV
This is worse than jews in western society promoting subversive series and movies
Does Spinoza count?
>jumping from "pope is corrupt" to "let's worship the Christ killers and defend their illegitimate state"
Nice mental gymnastics, papist.
Christ and his followers were Jews.
You are most likely to be killed by people you know, like your family and friends.
Does all the lard clogging your cerebral arteries prevent you from understanding why Christian Zionism is not only nonsense but an abomination? You're prostrating yourself before people who not only killed Christ, but deny Christ and his role as the messiah to this very day, and you'll defend them based on their birtright covenant even though it was superceded by the church of the saints through Jesus. You're a faggot heretic Jew-lover and you'll burn in hell.
>Gets on the back of people who deny the Messiah
>Ignores all of the Christians who are really Satanists.
The IDF not much better than the terrorists.
Nothing more Satanic than supporting the Satanic state of Israel.
Explain how they are satanic.
They didn't make up the crazy shit about angels, demons, ghosts, and witches.
>Magic and materialism
>Explain how they are satanic
Read the New Testament.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
>1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
"The first letter to the Thessalonians was likely the first of Paul's letters, probably written by the end of AD 52."
>Quotes the Jew whose killed the most Christians in the bible.
>Quotes the guy who never met Jesus
>Quotes the guy who thinks women are below men, at the same level as like dogs or children.
The smartest human of all time
*converts to Christianity*
>Romans 11
>Quotes the guy who thinks women are below men
hi freemason
Luther denied and mocked Christ. He was a satanist. Protestantism is not christianity but rather worship of men
Luther was a man who noticed the bible said you could ask for forgiveness and meant it, but those around him kept saying you had to pay to go to heaven.
He was a noble jew.
He seemed like a guy who just wanted to understand things. I am sorry he lost so much saving his sisters.
He was a good teacher and figured out some badass shit. Also, he didn't buy into the "chosen people" meme and didn't hate whites. He identified with the history of Western ideals.
>ITT: good jews
Jesus of Nazareth - who damned the entire Jewish race and anyone else who dared challenge the gods with glee.
>And a real hero...
Hey! It's my boy the merchant of death!