Oh my god, I've done it...
I can't believe I've done it.
You don't know how happy I am to see this board like this again.
I can't go into too many details, but I'm from a couple years in the future.
You think LINK spam is bad now? Wait 'til you see this place in 2020, Veeky Forums never was the same after the great civil war of 2019 between LINKmarines and noLINKers.
Every. Single. Thread. 50% LINK millionaires and billionaires, 50% dirt poor anons begging for a single cent, still FUDing a coin worth xxxx a pop. I'm hoping this message goes out to you all, and sure, I look like a massive LARPfag, but please, for your sakes, don't allow the Great LINK war to ever happen, the loss of life was fantastic, and the division of anons completely ruined this board, reddit, and basically every other forum. Feel free to ask any questions you'd like. Unlike some timefags, I'd love to change the future (although LINK moon is pretty concrete).
Oh my god, I've done it
I love threads like these. What happens to Trump in 2020?
Second term. Pro tip: get the fuck out of BTClegacy by Q2 2018.
He gets reelected, obviously.
So which coins are you going to ride to the moon (except link)
Also the 25th and the fork,share some insight Veeky Forumsnessman
Dubs speaks truth, but, it's funny, you guys still only have 3.8 million posts on here. I think we had just gotten a GET before I left?
What happens at/after SIBOS 2k17?
What projects are the big players in the future?
Re-elected. Also 2024 Don jr will have his turn.
25th fork isn't even worthy of remembering, it's the next one you should be concerned with. Also
BTC (The BTC of 2017 is renamed to BTClegacy)
In that order.
SIBOS goes well, Microsoft partnership is announced. See above reply for big players/ gainers.
holy shit youre like the third time traveller to return telling us about Link.
The Microsoft announcement was announced shortly afterwards, that is. Hard to remember every detail after all these years.
Fomo shill thread number 18523
Pssst. Smart contracts paved the way for time travel.
Expound on USA, if you would.
Basically deflationary USD, sometime in late 2018 fiat collapses.
the only reason link was shilled was because it has the swift brand attached to it.
Its just an api
it doesn't make sense to use a blockchain as an api when the data it is linking is not decentralised
this is because blockchains are slow and expensive and should only be used when there is a trust problem to be solved
there's no point in making a trusted link to untrusted data because the trust problem is in the data not the api
nolinker out
top fucking ses
I didn't invest in LINK the first time around, either, why you think I came back?
Let's up the ante, OP.
What are the winning numbers for the Mega Millions drawing on Friday, October 13, 2017?
Post your e-mail, and we can work out the details.
what the fuck does ses mean?
I will shit on your worthless alt coin grave and all shall call me Warren "value investing" "crypto" B Buffet
>get the fuck out of BTClegacy by Q2 2018.
aaaaand OP is a faggot. How are those cashcuck bags treating you, loser?
Fuck, my IP changed. Ah, well.
Do YOU remember The Mega Millions looto numbers from 5 years ago off the top of your head?
ses is the kek/lel of the F U T U R E
dis is my new ID, fag.
Creative shilling.
The more you shill the less anyone with any sense becomes inclined to fall for the bait.
Never asked to recall from memory. You are on an Internet-connected computer, no? Would you take 2 minutes of your time for a quick search? No harm in that.
Why don't YOU look it up? Exactly, I am on the same internet as you, friend. All I have is my memory to go off, now.
>literally begging for war with nk
>basically all moderates who voted for him are pulling back
>somehow still gets re-elected as dems run hilldog's resurrected corpse for the 5th time
Makes sense.
Is Blockpool (BPL) relevant anytime in the future? Need to know if it's time to sell.
Bretty much not, user. Haven't heard that name in ages.
What are some general investments/innovations to look out for on the horizon?
Crypto and beyond.
So you do remember it? Hmmm. May be worth hanging on to for a bit longer.
Having a future friend is alright, user!
pink wojacks you faggot
OSIS -long
USD -short, lmfao
It's not very memorable, but yes, I'm sure I saw it sometime on Veeky Forums or /crypto/
So the Vegas shooting was a false flag for added security layers.
Your OSIS tip falls strangely in line with some odd chain of events lining up for me recently.
This may seem like an odd request, but is there any way to keep in contact with you?
Any similar events are on the horizon?
And any memorable ICOs? Looking at Mercury Protocol.
You got my email yeah?
I'm going to bed.
Night 2017anons.
>claims to be from the future
>doesn't say what coin to go into
Judging by the OP that would be LINK.