Which of these languages should I learn?

Which of these languages should I learn?

French, German, Ancient Greek, or Latin?

I know English and Spanish already!

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I picked up a book on Basque, I'm starting to regret it

How come?


> I spent time and money trying to learn Basque
How is it possible to be confused as to where his regrets stem from?

Didn't you ask this question about a week ago?
btw, if you think boy in pic is concerned, you're either autistic, or you need to work on your English definitions.

He seems really concerned user. Maybe something happened to his girlfriend, or mother? I hope shes alright.

why french?

I kind of want to learn sanskrit at some point in my life, darn.

French for poetry
German for philosophy
Latin for theology
Greek for autism

French without a doubt.The true patrician language, the key to understand the greatest culture and country in history.

Thing is my European side is all Basque and my mother still knows a few phrases and shit so I thought it'd be neat to learn the language. Turns out its ridiculously difficult since it has almost nothing in common with what I know and there's no one around to speak it with so I can at least practice it.

how is greek autistic

>French, German,

Nigger languages.

>Ancient Greek, or Latin?

Only languages you'll ever need.

Learned French as my second language. Has thusfar not been super useful other than reading art history and at work (chef).
Although, would love to visit or work in France someday and it impresses plebs.

How do I stop the internal debate of

>you gotta learn a language that would be useful in your life and make you more employable
>learn an ancient dead language for its own sake

might need to learn some curry recipes if you want to work in France


For what reason? Latin if you want to pursue a career in medical science and history. I can't say that French and German are very useful languages.

>french and german are less useful than Latin

I'm fucking baffled

how can a modern a modern language be less useful than a fucking dead language?

France is a steadily irrelevant country.

Yes and in that order


I wish it was a relevant language again. Latin is still used in medical sciences, mostly medical terms though.

I've had to learn French and German and never used it once in my life.

People always say that if you learn latin you'll be better with medical terms but that seems like a kind of worthless thing.

I mean if you were learning medical terms you'd learn those things anyway so if you have that goal why not just learn medicine?

Also, I'm in America so i thought french or german coud be useful with immigrants. For instance the Hatian population

is this even sfw?

it has nothing in common with anything, Basque is a fucking mystery, no one knows where it came from

isnt that neat on its own

Latin seems really cool!

Go for French, it's still spoken in African countries or old french colonies in the Indian/Pacific ocean.
Let's face it, you won't use German or French in your daily life but if you ever go to Europe, you can speak English in Germany and people will undestand you.
Can't say the same about France, even though there's much more to enjoy than in bleak, gray, tasteless and unrefined Deutschland

German if you want some money with that.


t. never studied ancient greek conjugation

Really depends on the field


What field?

Yea, now I have a $50 book on a near extinct language I don't have a chance in hell to learn in the US

I'll learn with you :3

There's greater reward for lesser effort with "dead" languages. Living languages often have more dialects than there is even time to learn. "Dead" languages are learned for more clearly defined topics and literature that have been passed on through consensus that it's valuable.


I see someone has just finished reading the Handy Dandy Fresh Off the Boat From Reddit How To Fit In On Neo-Neo-Veeky Forums For Dummies Online Manual.

I will genuinely learn basque with you

is this autism


French,it'll be a bit easy for you since you know spanish


german and latin, forget spanish

I'm serious let's do it

I just had a look at some Basque. Holy fuck user why would you do this to yourself?

It's dine

French and German should open up most history worth reading. Greek and Latin are lists if classical and middle ages primary sources are what you want to read.


All 4 of these languages have great literature and poetry, don't limit it to french because of some arbitrary autism

German is only useful in Yurop.


Learn Greek you'll definitely not regret it, many of the components of words we use in English and in other languages come from Greek. Mr. Aristidis Konstantinidis' study which took 28 years to complete, led to the conclusion that one out of four English words is of Greek origin.



but so is Latin

write me a paper right now on greek vs. latin

Japanese, obviously

Ha ha ha ha


this guys a retard and doesn't know how to do business in china. there are foreign economic zones he should've went to where businesses are subject to foreign law. its this own dudes fault he fucked up. all of those businesses who deal with china and profit, but because some idiot on Veeky Forums who doesn't do his research gets fucked over you'd rather listen to him over all those other companies.

considering you know spanish and english, French would probably be pretty easy for you to learn.

If you want a challenge learn German

Not only that, in the other situations further below he got in a medical need situation. Nobody bothers calling for ambulance and while at hospital the doctor instead of doing his job casually talks with someone about trivial shit, as if the guy who needs help does not even exist before his eyes. etc, etc. China is over all not worth it.

So latin sucks?

Do it for your waifu, user

t. Chang

Hey guys

I want to learn Hebrew and then Sanskrit


I fell for the muh heritage meme

>Handy Dandy Fresh Off the Boat From Reddit How To Fit In On Neo-Neo-Veeky Forums For Dummies Online Manual.

Want to teach me? Let's learn together

>Nearly extinct
It's an official language here in Spain. Every kid raised in the basque country is expected to be fluent with it, and so every person trying to get a job in thepublic administration.


im more spain than you and i say no

I highly doubt it. The obligatory teaching of basque is part of Euskadi's Authonomy statute, and its officiality is recognised by the Constitution. Same with galician and catalan, as far as i'm concerned. And, with the PNV governing in Euskadi, I don't think the basque would be ignored (Here in Galicia galician is widely spoken, and every public charge has to get fluent on it)


Multilingual guy here, I speak a bit of Spanish, am fluent in French, and am learning German.
It'll be easier for you to learn French since you're already used to conjugation and their structures are similar. Not to mention that German grammar is a bitch and a half. It's a bit more practical to learn French since a lot of French aren't very good at English, but as well that a Frenchie will appreciate you knowing their language moreso than a German.
Honestly though, I'd have to say that I personally enjoy German more at this point.

HUGE POINT. How good are you with listening skills? If it's difficult for you to understand quick speech with soft sounds along with words often having bits cut out in normal speech (rather than complete pronunciation of the word as it would be written). If you believe you would struggle due to these then go for German.
Also, if you learn french or german you coud then study there since they offer free tuition for anyone in the world.
Oh, and the value on paper of knowing German is greater and I'd have to say that it allows for a more interesting way to think than does French.

>value on paper of German higher
>more interesting

What about Hebrew

If you want to learn Latin just learn Italian. Both are similar enough



fuck france

Latin and German


Ho fuck tuiteros frehch is incrédulos superior to why of This e irrelevant caía sus goatfuvjets langua Gea

Excuse me

I was never a fan of Greeks


I’m not OP but I actually have a semi-related question.

I really wanna learn Latin because it’s just a badass language in general, but where would I even begin? It’s not like Rosetta Stone has lessons on it or anything.

>learn some awful abortion of a language like mandarin just to get scammed by chinks and contract lung cancer because the only place the language is halfway useful is mainland china
No thanks, bud.

the Basque people joke about how they are not concerned about the devil tricking them, because there is no way he could learn their language.

Haitian Creole isn't intelligible to French speakers.
French is useful if you plan on working in a francophone nation, or if you're going into the business world but that's about it. Same with Italian.
If you're an amerifat the only really useful language is Spanish, and German is definitely useless unless you're going to live and work in Europe.

Chinese to make connections with your future masters.

Learn an East Asian language you brainlet.

user I'm pregnant

teach me basque

Why do you want to learn latin?