Why are Argentina and Uruguay not as developed as Spain and Italy, where most of their ancestors came from?
Why are Argentina and Uruguay not as developed as Spain and Italy, where most of their ancestors came from?
>Why are Argentina and Uruguay not as developed as Spain and Italy, where most of their ancestors came from?
Because we commit a lots of mistakes.
Incompetent governors
But why is Italy so much more stable?
Argentina (and Venezuela) was richer than Spain in 1950. They fell for the protectionist meme.
We were richer before the military coups and peronism started. And we still can't get rid of one of them.
Europe gets the spillover effect from Germany. There is no Germanic country in South America
Because they're far from everywhere.
At least New Zealand is close to Australia
>the home of muslims, international jewry and anarchism
>23% unemployment rate
>2nd largest prostitution market in europe
>home of cocaine and LSD parties
Weren't Argies doing good in the 50s/60s?
>mfw there are people that actually exist that would look at all those things as unironically good
US meddling with the region's politics and favoring corrupt leaders over the democratically elected ones
USSR funding commies in the region
Latin america was basically a proxy war zone between the two superpowers
Any southern cone bros on Veeky Forums?
What are the main cultural differences between Argentina and Uruguay?
They both seem to be more European and prosperous than their neighbours.
Better thank the EU, Paco Valdez.
>why is X country a shithole
this needs to stop, whether its the middle east or latin america, both were shitholes before US interventions
>mfw dude weed lmao is the considered the pinnacle of modern europe
Argentina wasn't
A country with a HDI of 0.884 is developed by most objective measures, especially when you can only greentext trivialities that are not even true
Why do Spics give a shit about this communist meme index?
>Spain is not developed
>GDP per capita higher than Italy,about to catch Japan's and Finland
>10 in the infrastructure index
>7 best healthcare system in the world
> Second country with the most fast speed railroad lines in the world
>Fastest growing econlmy in the eurozone outside of Ireland
>Ranked consistently well in the quality of index metric
You guys are memeing or just jealus because your shitty south American country can't even lick the ballsack of Spain. If Spain is not developed only Norway and 10 other countries are.
Nice meme.
It's still below 0.9
Thank you, EU.
Spain after Franco's death was richer than any country outside of western Europe,the US,Australia and Canada while growing at very fast pace. Spain just shits on your shitty South American shithole even if it hurts your feelings
>They both seem to be more European and prosperous than their neighbours
Because they are lazy af, the uruguayans seems ok to me but Argentina's youth are a pair of lazy socialist dumb as fuck
Argentina's youth is **
the USA and a very fucked economy that never recovered from terrible planning in the 19th cen.
hows that beef based economy going? stupid args.
Dejá de hacer estos hilos, nos hacés quedar mal.
You could ask the same for most of LatAm, minus the Italy part.
We need a new José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, we would be closer to having a first world country.
Weak institutions and an overly-powerful Presidency attracted opportunists, psychopaths, and megalomaniacs who ruined their countries with their obsession with militarism and their promotion of corruption.
>dude, free market lmao
There's a myriad of reasons why they aren't rich now and why they were "rich" back then (which they really weren't) and they all go back to centuries ago.
Not an argument.
what's with them and copying the Washington Monument?
Para de hablar como idiota. Volve a hispachan retrasadito
>LSD parties
How would they work?
>implying the Washington Monument would be the original obelisk
how many other white obelisks can you name
oh, it's fucking white, that changes everything. I'm gonna do a pink one and make it the defining feature of my otherwise entirely shitty town.
Dunno about ur a gay but argentina has a tonne of problems europeans didnt
Argentina is firstly fucking huge so infrastructure is more difficult and expensive to construct and most of the immigrants were more interested in farming than indusdrializing
This worked in the 19th and early 20th century when argentina got rich exporting raw materials and especially food but this made the upper class arrogant and reject any reform when the system stopped working, getting the country stuck in a quagmire of outdated politics and economics while europe raced ahead
Then peron came along and realized that you can dictate without being an asshole (though he was still an asshole) and reformed the system to help people but also just make them like him. At least he fucking tried tho.
Then there was an ineffective democracy and after castro and bros showed that revolution could actually happen the left wing went in hardcore on the insurgency leading to the coup ajd dictatorship.
Unlike peron though the dictators were just military asshats who could only just about manage to keep things the same in the name of stabiliy and the country stagnated again
Then the brits belgranoed them in the malvinas leading to the fall of the dictatorship
Thats about all that falls into the scope of Veeky Forums
Probably have to take LSD to get in.
Have to take LSD some time in your life to gain entry, or actually be on LSD as you walk into a 'party' with spanish strangers?
Neither of them sound like clever ideas.
M80 partys on lsd are the best
Probably take LSD at the door. LSD is pretty fun. Don't think i'd enjoy a party whilst on it.
I've taken it once and it was extremely difficult. Couldn't imagine being there with strangers, but then again, I'm also an introvert, and not an alternative lifestyle druggie spaniard
There are no jobs to be had there though. Btu congrats on the train system.
Cause u argentinians suck ass
- Greetings from Chile
Como se dice entonces?
>american puppet state
>bragging about anything
Spanish here, can't deny the muslim thing but drugs? It's mostly weed. And whores? It's a business man.