Is anyone here into re-enacting their favorite time period? What goes on?
Is anyone here into re-enacting their favorite time period? What goes on?
I'm reenacting the great depression
>What goes on?
Drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.
please don't tell me those are americans
I'm reenacting the firebombing of Dresden - on the toilet.
Seems like a fun thing; WW1, WW2, and Vietnam would be neato Benito
>front left guy's legs
Veeky Forums sure is.
Yeah, I actually own Waffen SS uniform for this very purpose. Not a Stormfag but I am really into reenacting and Hugo Boss is fucking neat.
Hugo Boss didn't design Waffen SS uniforms or any other Nazi uniforms for that matter. His company only produced them and made use of slave labor for this purpose.
>signifer, aquilifer, vexillarius and bucinator all walking next to eachother
somehow this concerns me
Nah, they're not fat enough.
Should they not be?
You cheeky cunts
I'm actualy curious, did they get using animal head furs as hats from the Berserkers?
different roles, a signifer carries the standard of a cohort, a vexilarius carries the standard of the legion, the bucinator gives out the orders to the men from the general and the aquilifer carries the legion eagle itself
you dont want them too close together because losing them all is going to shatter your morale and your command ability
no, they were using animal pelts since way before they encountered Germans.
Velites, for example, work wolf pelts often and they were a class of Roman soldier (skirmisher actually) that existed before the republic.
Were Romans really this silly looking?
Roman culture can be vaguely described as a mix of Greek and Celtic cultural values and customs, Velites wore the pelts of animals first to show they were the bravest and to be identified in the battlefield, as wearing an animal pelt was iconic of ancient heroes like Hercules. Celts may have had their own parallel traditions but the symbology is the same.
I wonder if they fought eachother and both where using animal hats, that'd be awesome
Also meakes me think of that mayan(or was it aztec idk) prophecy of the return of the wolf pelt wearing white god
also druids