Tfw, fomo link but to much of a brainlet to use etherdelta

Tfw, fomo link but to much of a brainlet to use etherdelta.
End up buying 0.001link for 1.482eth.

Dont let me cry myself to sleep another night biz.

It's ok. 0.001 LINK will be worth much more than 1 ETH in no time.

I hope so or i kill myself

Just hold, people will wish they could have bought 0.001 Link at 1.482 eth

I'm affraid i'll be the only one not driving a lambo after this :(

You can still fill a complaint with EtherDelta for a refund.

But OP, you're not going to cry yourself to sleep! Not tonight, or any other night, because tonight you're going to kys... as you should! ;^)

How user?

you are a brainlet because you didn't go a legit fucking exchange and buy it like a white person.

Im pretty close, push me off the edge?

You didn't buy from ED, you bought from some lucky fuck somewhere halfway across the world. ED can't give you a refund.

Keep the screenshot mate. When you're old and gray this is your war story from the days of the cryptobubble. Tomorrow's another day.


Here's a fun thought to entertain yourself with in your final moments, do you think the ETH went all to some lucky guy, or did the exchange fill both your buy and his sell order, and kept all the free ETH.

If I was you, I'd die a bit happier knowing it went to someone. Then again it could've ended up with some child trafficker.

Here's another one, do you think that once you'll die, and get to be one with the universe and shit you'll get an answer to the above question, or will you just be worm food?


Thx mate, wish i had some eth left to give to you since i gonna kms now.
Been nice knowing you guys.

are you the new buy high sell low meme?

I'll tell you what, when you die, if you do end up somewhere as a ghost or whatever just make sure you give me spiritual support on the way to lamoboland, M'kay?

Seriously thought, you lost like what? 420$? Even if you're a europoor like me you can recover from that, let it be a lesson, some people NEED to learn the hard way, unfortunately you're one of them. Now forget about it, go get drunk or something, and when You wake up just get back out there, and just let time pass for a while, you know get some more $ for next time, maybe even get on ED and fill out some practice orders, M'kay?

Make sure you help me with my typos too OP.

But if feels so empty inside, i couldv been a linklet by now.
Itll take me a whole week of wagecuckory to recover, user.

Will it make me some ether to recover?

>But if feels so empty inside
Well then, you know, you can always just fill the void, by putting a bullet in it. ;^)

you know the rules brah
>take a sharpie

Considering but dont want to humiliate myself even further for nothing


Shouldn't that say ETH/Link?

Don't worry OP, it's worse to do something you regret rather than not doing anything. I had half a BTC last year, I used it entirely on drugs. At the time I also knew about monero and thought it looked promising so I should invest everything in it instead of buying my half sheet of acid. It turns out if I had bought these meme coins, I would have close to 50k. I think about it before sleeping sometimes and that's why I am here now. You lost 450$ because you did something stupid. I lost 50k because I didn't want to do something stupid. So, cheer up faggot. Theres a saying on this board that goes by: we all make it.

this is legitimately the most retarded way to write it. It's like "you need 0.001411 Link to buy one ETH". Goddamnit this is nigger tier design.

Yeah and it stole my ether with it. Im to old for this probably.