Is Napoleon the last true "Roman emperor"?
Is Napoleon the last true "Roman emperor"?
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trump is. they get 4-8 years then FUCK OFF
George VI is.
>conquered Italy
>conquered Germany
>conquered France (kinda)
Nigga looking like Kylo Ren
No, but he certainly fashioned himself to be, down to making the supposed Republic of Rome he invented like a parody of old Rome, and also making himself "Consul" of France before becoming Emperor
It's funny because the romans emperors were
>Not monarchs
They were princeps, prime cotozens and the romans abhorred the monarchy, until of course christianism destroyed the roman world
>Not catholics,
True romans were pagans. Romanity and ancient roman vertues were lost with Constantine. The last true roman was Julian The Apostate
>Never conquered Italy
It was roman way before the Empire
>Never conquered germany
>Never conquered France
Caesar conquered Gaul and wasn't emperor
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was the last true roman
nope Bloody Nick is
He won't be when Macron gets his way.
He was the last soldier-emperor
t. Gibbon
stilicho was the last roman actually
He was very educated and read thousands of books during his life, he always had a mobile library during his campaigns.
So, yes, He was inspired by Roman empire and used Roman imagery to create his legacy and to serve his propaganda.
Umm sweetie he was germanic, I'm sorry for your asses but you will never be roman
i'm greek anyway, but still he was the last roman in my books, unless you want to count based byzantium
Then learn your own history
Stilicho wasn't even the last celebrated general of western Rome, how the fuck was he the last roman
george didn't conquer shit
aetius and boniface weren't much chop compared to stilicho. I do wonder who you are referring to when you say that there was a more celebrated late roman general in the west.
>He still believes in princep meme
top kek, let me just make my heir hereditary and it Democratic People's Republic of Rome.
Nope, Nicky was
No, Justinian was. Napoleon was the Emperor of the French.
He most likely saw himself as one. I did read somewhere that the reason he didnt take the title "Caesar" was because he thought that the name was ruined by many central and Eastern European petty kingdoms and rulers.
Not really. The Roman Emperors had to constantly worry about being assassinated or overthrown. Napoleon, on the other hand... while there was at least one failed assassination attempt, for the most part it seems his rule was unchallenged.
Uh, no, that would be Francis II.
Aren't you forgetting Mussolini, OP?
Anything other than Constantine XI is larping/we wuzing.
>Constantine XI
I wouldn't call him a "Roman emperor" but he was certainly the last man in Europe to reach such a level of greatness that affected the entire continent through his combined use of conquest and diplomacy (Hitler doesn't really count since he fucked up way quicker than Napoleon did, and way more severely). At the very least Napoleon was the best Roman larper of all time, what with his golden eagles and triumphal arches and Roman terminology of consul, senate, etc. He also btfo'd the """Holy""" """Roman""" """Empire""" and conquered and subdued almost all of the European territories that the Romans did.
Napoleon was at least like Augustus in that he was basically a moderate that knew how to appease the masses and all classes of society, even while he still gave himself more and more absolute power.
>The Roman Emperors had to constantly worry about being assassinated or overthrown.
This is what happens when mortals won't accept the fact that one man can be a god the majority not.
Kylo Ren reminds me more of somebody else named Napoleon.
>the fact that one man can be a god the majority not.
Not really. Maybe when he was first consul.
Augustus was Consul for 10 years or so but then let the consulship kind of run on its own with his military being a reminder to do what he wanted.
Napoleon really ran things with the advice of the Concilee in which he participated and debated. But he had more dictatorial powers during his imperial period.
Not to say he wasn't doing is best to LARP as Caesar.
Why do Europeans LARP as Romans yet feign the EU? Isn't the EU the modern Rome?
Because the far-right is retarded and people are uneducated.
>Loves the romans and wants to larps at the roman empire, an undemocratic oligarchic pan-european empire
>Hates the EU for being an undemocratic, oligarchic and pan-european empire
hol up, so you be sayin that NK and Cuba are monarchies and not actually communist?
EU is Modern HRE.
>Isn't the EU the modern Rome?
galaxy brain
Bankers, I'm afraid, are not exactly known to make good emperors and you don't want your monarch to be a sockpuppet.
So Merkel is the Roman Empress?
>Merkel is the leader of the EU
only retarded Anglos think this.