Was he the greatest European leader of the 20th century?
user are you enjoying the strudel?
I dunno man how hard do you think someone needs to fuck up before you recognize it OP
JFK was pretty charismatic, and another cult icon.
Konrad Adenauer
No. Not even close.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Looks like he's posing for an album cover.
splain please, why an allied puppet is the greatest leader of the 20th century and not the guy about whom the majority of threads are about.
oh, and that means greatest in the sense of 'most influential', not in terms of good&evil
A Brilliant speaker and leader. However he was too stubborn to listen to his generals, invading Russia was his biggest mistake.
Of course not. Even if you don't care about the murderous totalitarianism, the fact remains that he was a terrible statesman who got his country into an almost unwinnable war.
>"After visiting these two places you can easily see how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country, which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
He literally called him a menace to the peace of the world. Interesting how they left out that part.
>"lmao let's invade Poland and the Soviets, burn France up and start another world war that fucked up our former Empire so our autism can somehow last more than a thousand years"
More like 988 year short Reich, amirite?
except he did, and he didn't take more control of the Wehrmacht until it started to lose in 1943
well he did try to negotiate and make offers at numerous points but of course that would be like the devil making peace with jesus
>le 1000 year reich meem
where does this even originate? i have not seen him mention it once.
>no citations
top kek
A good statesman would have not invaded Poland, knowing British and French attitudes on the matter. He should have known that his diplomatic capital as a negotiator was finished after his grab of Czechoslovakia. He also failed to realize that he was about to risk war with states that would soon have a revolutionary new form of weapon.
Fuck of man read something
What specifically do you dispute about my statements?
If I took your car, run over some pedestrians, crashed it straight into police car while flying on meth and then kill myself to avoid responsibility would you call me the "Greatest European driver of the 21st century"?
Not that user but makes sense:
>Er ist ein Berliner innit
if you did it to protect and secure the future of the white race then he probably would
>secure the future of the white race
Jesus Christ when will this meme end. "white" isn't a nazi category, just like that "world conquest" thing it has always exclusively been an anglo wet dream.
>Killling random people in a drug powered suicide charge is an act of heroism as long as you say you do it to "protect and secure the future of the white race"
>cheap attempt to copy another post on the board
>low quality at best
And as for the question:
>Drug addict
>managed to shit on all tactical advice from the war planners
>locked panzer divisions on paris under his command becoming directly responsible for the success of D-day
>shitty general
>meh bavarian corporal; got an iron cross by sucking dick
>couldnt make his mind up for an economical system; barely sustaining the nation's trasure by stealing from its citizens
>Non-viable plans for europe
>allies fucking japanese edgelord instead of actually anticommunist and much more reasonable KMT
>suicides because of being a faggot who cant tolerate being on a court
>may have possibly ran like a little bitch to argentina
i-its nice my Furher, how was your black Forrest cake?
Probably Tito
>United Cherniks, Ustase and Jannisary Turk kebabs into a single country.
>Shit was so good even the tiny Austrian village of Slovenia joined up.
>Prevented a national gypsy plague by not anschlussing the eternal Albanian.
>Moved away from Stalinism smoothly enough to not trigger Moscow (unlike Mao's narrow-eyed yellow devils who turned the sino-soviet split into a gigantic clusterfuck)
>Technically not a full member of the Warsaw pact and not behind the iron curtain.
>Achieved that without a lashback from gommies like the unsuccessful attempts of Hungary '54 and Cz-Sk '68
>Kept order enough, that 3 ethnic groups that wouldn't hesitate to stabwound-rape the other 2 out of existance didn't start until 10 years after his death.
greatest failure maybe
i wouldn't call him a good leader
almost every single one of his achievements was meaningless after he died, he failed to create long lasting stuff
He was not a wh*te subhuman but a North African carrying E1b1b
>every single one of his achievements was meaningless after he died
Under that criteria, we can discredit anyone from Ghengis Khan all the way to Ozymandias.
There was a definite effect for more than half of the 20st century, and I reckon him and Hoxha are the only 2 European communist heads of state who wouldn't get disposed of in some sort of velvet revolution type scenario or Caucaescu'd.
Post-death staying power, yeah that was shit and practically non-existant. But longevity, ability to establish your nation as a regional power definitely makes him a candidate for one of the better leaders of the 20th century.
>Turning a shitty hovel where horse is the preferred method of transport into a south-European industrial powerhouse, while playing off russkie gommies and chink gommies off each other to get more aid, despite neither being Stalinist nor Maoist.
Best leader of the 20th Century if we were to remove the European restriction would probably be Rama the 9th probably...
The only non retarded facsist.
>Only non retarded fascist
>Wasn't even a fascist
Adds up
>defeated USSR rival ideology
>conquered half of europe
>transformed his illiterate shithole into literate industrial powerhouse
you might hate him but he knew how to get shit done and if not for the fact that he was a dirty commie who wasted his time and genius on failed ideology he would be considered augustus tier dictator in his accomplishments
>destroyed the falange
>non retarded
please neck yourself
>Drug addict
No, just wrong
>managed to shit on all tactical advice from the war planners
No, only fault is swinging the panzer down after kiev.
>locked panzer divisions on paris under his command becoming directly responsible for the success of D-day
>shitty general
>meh bavarian corporal; got an iron cross by sucking dick
>couldnt make his mind up for an economical system; barely sustaining the nation's trasure by stealing from its citizens
>Non-viable plans for europe
I have never seen the charter of charlottenburg. Please post it if you have it
>allies fucking japanese edgelord instead of actually anticommunist and much more reasonable KMT
allies a united nation instead of a nation otorn apart by warlords.
>suicides because of being a faggot who cant tolerate being on a court
"court" implies justice. Also, are samurai faagots now?
>may have possibly ran like a little bitch to argentina
now you cant have both.
You know nothing, merely repeating what you read on wikipedia and commieforums
How could he ever know about nuclear weapons?
>our army two weeks to berlin
You clearly know jack shit about hitler or the nazis.
Nigga please
>Shitty general
Are you implying a guy whose only military experience is delivering letters and getting gassed is capable of any tactical or strategic thought worth shit?
Overcompensating manlet country
He had good opportunistic insight. Many of his orders were beneficial
Most of his "orders" were literally copy pastes of more talented generals
Especially his halt order.
>A good statesman would have not invaded Poland
If he had been a great statesman he would waited for Poland to attack. Their delusion of grandeur certainly speaks for that scenario
lol, idiot.
Nuclear weapons were discussed as a theoretical possibility for years before they were first built. How did the US govt hear about them?
USA is a European satellite.
A statement already Bismarck disagreed with.
bismark was 19th century noob
Yes, I'm aware of that. That means your statement was already wrong even in his time.
>Was he the worsest Kr*ut leader of the 20th century?
>White race
Nazis weren't white nationalist. They were pan-germanic ultranationalists.
They would have guessed you if your weren't germanic enough for them, after they won the war.
Stop larping amerimutt.
>You clearly know jack shit about hitler or the nazis.
Clearly more than you
>>locked panzer divisions on paris under his command becoming directly responsible for the success of D-day
you can say what you want but prior to dday hitler had ordered that the panzers in france were not allowed to move without his consent. even rommel said if he were allowed to mobilize the armored divisions the chances of repelling the allied invasion was likely.
That's not entirely true, he came up with a totally fucked compromise where some were allowed to move and others weren't, not that it would help anyway considering allied air superiority and Ostfront commanders not understanding just how far air power had come
>he came up with a totally fucked compromise where some were allowed to move and others weren't
not trying to get you to do my research for me, but do you know where i can read about that?
Ataturk (Turks are European, deal with it) or Attlee
No, it was De Gaulle.
>Asia Minor
Fuck off
>Ataturk (Turks are European, deal with it) or Attlee
If Turks aren't European, Russians aren't either.
>>epic world wide war finishes
>>Germany losses
>>Germany now in a state of ruin, defeat, and humiliation
>>one man rises up to lead Germany into salvation
>>through cunning political maneuvering, works his way up the chain until he is the leader of Germany
>>not only fixes the german economy, but makes it into the leading economy in Europe
>>reorganizes Germanies alliances to become a key player in the world, rather than the pathetic and humiliated foe that was crushed
>>basically makes takes Germany out of a pathetic gutter of defeat, and maker her into a glorious world power
>>be Konrad Adenauer
>>pic not related
Russians were settled by Vikings fuck off roach.
Modern russia is literally a mongol construct
that speaks more of balkan autism than his incompetence me thinks
>No, only fault is swinging the panzer down after kiev
Explain his autism surrounding the Battle of the Bulge then? Even the SS generals involved highly doubted that they’d be anywhere near successful and it was Wehrmacht guys like Manteuffel that got the farthest.
You cannot be fucking serious.
Germany is literally on course for self inflicted genocide.
Idk what you are talking about.
The bundesrepublic is basically a museum and the people are going extinct. A state without a nation and a bunch of relics of its past.