What is it with Germans trying to destroy Europe since ancient times?
What is it with Germans trying to destroy Europe since ancient times?
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Ah, the daily German hate thread.
What is it with rampant leftists always making the same fucking threads to gratuitously bash Germany,
We won, she lost, get over it
>naked barbarians meme
they put too much nasty spoiled butter in their hair so their brains never developed.
German autism at its finest.
They killed Rome, they killed Catholicism & they will destroy finally Europe by the end of the XXI
>be germanic
>your people destroyed rome
That's a wishful thinking of g*Rmanoid nationalists. Actual Germanic ancestors of the Germans were slaves to the Romans, they were fucked in the ass daily.
It was Eastern Germanics that brought down Rome and they had more in common with Scandinavians(Gotlanders, Swedes,Norwegians, Danes) and Slavs(Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Croatians, Sorbs). Western Germanics on the other hand were mostly of Celtic stock.
g*Rmanoid subhumans were always someone's slaves.
The Left can't meme
Rome fell because of other Romans
germscum swung the axe
Vandals did nothing wrong.
L*tin subhumans let themselves grow weak and payed the price.
The r*Ma(n)s deserved it for fucking up Celto-Germanic civilization.
>only a left winger would hate Germany
There's nothing inherently "rightwing" about Germany, in fact it's one of the most cucked countries in the world right now
> Romans get out of muh forest REEEEE
> We Roman Empire now
>Catholics get out REEEEE
> We Protestant now
>Jews get out REEEEE
>Welcome Turks
Germany needs a wall to keep Germans in but allows weapon, engineering, and beer exports
Germanoids were dirty refugges running away from Huns. The Romans let them in and later defeated the Huns. Biggest mistake in History. They should have killed all the germanic subhumans.
How's the weather in Punta Cana Dominican? Your mom still peddling her ass to German tourists?
zamknij te zapierdoloną mordę, parszywy robalu
So, this is just another butthurt Pole thread then.
Prove me wrong
>take me serious, please!
Thanks, but no thanks.
>le reddit toilet plumber memes
>Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
That's rich kraut
What is it with Germans always having to fight the world's most powerful countries for tiny slivers of central Europe?
they fought for the romans
Something to do
>That's a wishful thinking of g*Rmanoid nationalists
>Western Germanics on the other hand were mostly of Celtic stock
Only the sucessful ones(Franks and Bavarians), the others(Saxons, Thuringians, Germans, Dutch) were mostly pre-IEs
>more in common with slavs
keep dreaming slavshit
romans couldnt fight shit by the times the huns arrived. without germanic soldiers in the roman armies, all your ancestors would be hunnic rape babies
Meanwhile, in reality
GERMANICS*, you fucking retard, GERMANICS
fuck you cant even get that shit right, what are you doing here?
inferiority complex and self-hating slavs
t. butthurt kraut
I don't have to. It was already proven if you had any doubts.
>All Germans are racist
>butthurt Pole in charge of "history"
always a fun thread.
>projecting germanoid in chargé of history
im dominic*n
The Germanoid subhumans were the slaves/foederati of the Roman Empire, you dumb mutt. Huns had most of their army made up of Germanoid slaves as well.
>Romans can't fight
They prefer diplomacy and make Barbarians fight each other rathern than waste money . Majoranus assraped Germanoids in Western Europe and restored the Empire, you dumb Russian tank driver spawn. But the Christian Romans didn't have the stomach to genocide those subhuman refugees, unlike the Pagan Romans and the Empire fell.
fuck off back to r*ddit, you dumb piece of zebra shit
trolling and low discourse
>being so proud you can't do typical men shit yourself
lol, do you need polacks to change your lightbulbs as well lmao
you're so fucking patethic lmao, can't even refute arguments. keep posting those reddit memes, you sure help your cause
>start troll thread
>get trolled
>Reeeeeee, stop trolling me
>start troll thread
proofs? nothing OP or said is wrong.
>No, I'm totally not OP
>doesn't know about the poster counter
prove it. i'm waiting
>Majorian becomes emperor
>He rediscovers his Pagan roots and rejects Christcuckianity
>He assblasts filthy Germanoids
>He either kills or enslaves every Germanoid man, women and child.
>The Empire is restored.
imagine having an entire fucking folder XDDDD
Thanks /pol/ for reminding us how smart you are and for augmenting the posting level on Veeky Forums. Much appreciated.
So this is the famous "Deutsche Qualität"
No wonder your country is being conquered by negroids
Not Polish
>were mostly pre-IEs
t. retard
>blaming /pol/ for typical native Veeky Forums behavior
No such thing
Its true name is urbs/civitas Aurelianorum (City of the Aurelii) where the gens Aurelia settled. One of the last bastion of the Roman Race.
a habbit