Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit!
you good for nothing waste of space faggot!
Fuck you and your mother hard in the asshole WITH A SERRATED KNIFE!
Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit!
Everything is crashing, dumb faggot
I hope you didn't sell during this little dip user..
Odn crashing the hardest
>muh masternodes
This was my easiest x5 ever.
3/4th of the buy orders were removed over the last few hours, and it's losing 10-15% every 15 minutes. It's dropping HARD.
Thats their fecal point fag
Nobody cares that you turned 50 bucks into 250
I thought OP was panicking for nothing and then I looked at the charts... holy shit, this is a BIG crash.
I love the little 0.8 buy orders in an attempt to make it look like it's recovering. Does anyone fall for that shit?
While I'm tempted to buy back in, if there's so much as even 2btc more of selling this will go down to 6.4k sat.
Ill buy in at 0.15$.
burgers just waking up and will run from this shitshow
oh, its this time again.
People whining and crying about this when every coin is crashing
Me just comfy staking on my ICO purchased masternode.
Stay dumb. If it seems like ODN is crashing harder than other coins, it's because it's on a single low volume exchange.
>burgers just waking up and will run from this shitshow
>Me just comfy staking on my ICO purchased masternode.
More like run to buy the dip, lol
As soon as I sell it gets 50k bids above me.
This is funny to watch. A whale is putting a large buy order up so people sandbag above, then he sells into it. Repeats.
all I see are a bunch of sells for 0.8 ODN in order to display the price as lower and lower. classic manipulation that is exacerbated by only being on one stupid exchange that many people refuse to even sign up for.
Ahh yeah. I see that now. And there's a bunch of buy orders doing the same thing as well after that. So, just whale games then and they are building up more for the next dump. Ugh.
Looks like a trick to get people to "buy low".
ODN has been amazing to watch
It has been amazing to watch. I remember when it wasn't listed on any exchanges and people were posting "WE ARE THE ODNMARINES AND WE CAN'T FUCKING SELL".
Good times.
....no, it's a trick to get people to sell low out of panic. are you retarded?
This coin is Signatum 2.0.
Most of you are newfags or just low IQ. This was obviously a pump and dump. How can you be so gullible? Holy fucking shit... What a bunch of imbeciles. As soon as it started dropping from around 20k I knew it was time to sell. I bought at the ICO btw.
Is this the first time you've watched a pump and dump group work? If so, that's only true when there's more buy strength. With such a thin buy book, groups like that try to trick people into jumping in with large buy orders so they can dump anything that didn't get bought up in their cycle. There was 60 BTC+ of buy orders just yesterday and its down to 9 right now with no FUD or praise campaign in action. They aren't backloading it for a reason-- they're getting out the leftovers.
This coin is dead.
Let me tell something for you mongoloids..
Crypto is like the wild west, full of psychopaths and evil people trying to get rich very quickly. If you keep falling for scams like this shitcoin you'll never get rich. You must find a few shitcoins, put 10-15% of all your money and sell at 3-4x gains. Then u try to find the next one. This is how I went from 16k in June to over 300k now.
finally some truth on /biz
yeh look at that logo its just slapped together with two cutout circles, looks very rushed
but anime chan said it was a good coin...
lol i honestly don't know why it's doing so poorly right now. i actually like the concept.
>takes a dip with rest of alts
>Fud comes out of the woodwork again
Man, anyone selling this has got to be retarded.
Jesus christ this.
except bitbean. bitbean was and always will be /our coin/
No volume. Hitbtc this week and next month will be on the binance vote list. Cryptopia is a bad meme.
lol cryptopia is fine it's the coin that sucks dick
>cryptopia is fine
when the fud is this transparent it doesn't work
I bought in at
.70...can't wait to unload my bags and walk away from this cancer
Come on ODN.. I need my lunch money back.
Literally wrong
the PnD group left, apparently, was about time.
right now you can consider this coin as on day 1 it got listed. i guess it will behave "normal" from now on, hopefully.
Rebranding to Dead coin