Help me Veeky Forums im having a crisis of faith

Help me Veeky Forums im having a crisis of faith.

As a son of a middle class family. I've always thought of capitalism as a shining beacon of hope. One that might show the rest of the world innovation and freedom in light of tyrannical rulers. For one might express their creativity and thus exercise their liberty by the creation of something that benefits humanity. And be rewarded for it.

But lately, the more I think about it. The more im starting to really hate capitalism. Bobby Kotick, EA, net neutrality, big cable. Their desire for 1-2% profit margins has led to overall the disintegration of humanity. After all, why take 5 million off the CEO's 40 million yearly salary when you can fire the workers?

I dont know his. I would still consider myself a capitalist but im no longer seeing it as the beacon it once was. It's dehumanizing and benefits no one but the top.

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occasional shenanigans is a small price to pay for the enormous benefits of capitalism

You are an idiot and don't even really know what "capitalism" is. Kill yourself before Veeky Forums gets yet another braindead communist.

>a crisis of faith
>believing in capitalism of all things

Capitalism comes in many forms though.
Unrestrained capitalism is shit. Regulated capitalism works great.

join the socdem gang
all you need is full employment

>Capitalism isn’t about profit maximization and selfishness
Yeah sure thing. What’s the quote from Wealth of Nations again? “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

Well, if 2017 doesn't make people understand that Class Warfare exists whether they participate in it or not, I'm not sure what will.

Capitalism isn't something "good" or something "bad"

But it is, indeed, what Marx, rather than Adam Smith described:
Not a natural god-given system that magically gravitates towards all things good and beautiful.
But a ruthless tug-of-war, in which the moment you stop pulling, you fall over and die, and the other guy grabs everything. You may fall over and die anyway. Your talents and labour almost doesn't matter. Your environment and ancestry matters almost everything.

Capitalism with strong social safety nets is best. USA has gone too far towards "fat cats in top hats" capitalism. But regulated, properly taxed capitalism is very good.

Who decided profit and selfishness are evil? Someone who dreams of becoming an engineer and building bridges is hardly like someone pimping 12 year old heroin addicts.

Nice normy opinion, very centrist and moderate. However the US's problem isn't a lack of social safety nets, it is corporate welfare, protectionism, prohibitions and other cardinal sins of the free market.

Memes are usually silly and uninsightful things, but Radical Centrist is 100% spot on.


social democracy tempered by catholicism

>You will never pimp 12 year old heroin addicts to coked-up floor traders from Wall Street in 1970s New York

Of course I had to choose this simulation...

all of these pale in comparison to the abandonment of full employment as the major goal of economic policy

Rent seeking is a problem of political economy, not a problem with capitalism specifically.

What you need to do is become a social democrat and work to strengthen capitalism by creating accountability for the elites.

The free market is not a fringe belief though. All good wholesome centrists must agree that we lean too much towards gub.

If you agree that not everything in economics is tangible and quantifiable then you must also agree that there is nothing unreasonable about looking at individual decisions and trying to extrapolate how this affects the market at large. You don't have to agree with austrian school praxeology and ancap attempts at this, merely acknowledge the basic logic, supply and demand, competitive advantage, equilibriums, bubbles, the tragedy of the commons and so forth. You can't simply wish these things away because the effects of some government policy don't immdiately show up in some statistics or economic index.

Further, having control over your own affairs is an essential part of the human condition, even if you make shitty decisions it can be overall a good thing that you are the ones making those decisions. Liberty and freedoms should be the standard. Let people smoke cannabis and if cannabis starts turning people into flesh eating zombies, THEN do something about it.

The entire point of radical centrism is that you ignore existing political ideologies in favor of pragmatic/evidence based reasoning.

For example, I think that gun ownership is a basic human right, abortion is a basic human right, single payer health care makes sense (but there should literally always be a copay), mass incarceration generally makes sense, drug prohibition is ineffective and destructive, and social democracy/social capitalism is the ideal political economy.

No party espouses all of these beliefs at once, and a lot of them are considered fairly extreme, but because you're refusing to take a package deal, it's considered centrism.

That's what they mean by "radical centrism." You're supposed to ignore the existing consensus entirely.

Did I ever say that I like corporate welfare and so on?
Also, calling my opinion normy, centrist, moderate, and so on isn't an argument. Sometimes centrists and moderates are correct. Actually, they're correct more often than extremists are.

>then you must also agree that there is nothing unreasonable about looking at individual decisions and trying to extrapolate how this affects the market at large
you don't have to consider this in all cases, though.
for example raw extrapolation often falls flat on it's face when you don't consider how they interact. i.e. in a recession if one company fires workers, that's great and will cut costs and restore profitability - but when everyone does it, you don't have everyone magically getting more profitable - you affect a variable you hadn't considered (demand, since now those unemployed workers don't have money to spend on your products) resulting in the problem (your unprofitability) getting worse, not better. everyone makes a rational individual decision and the result is inadvertently pulling one another off a cliff.

>Not capitalism
>Not marxism
National Socialism Master Race

Except nationalism is a spook, and socialism disregards the fact that humans are inherently greedy

>believes himself superior to the other races
>lost the only war he fought

Fuck off, stormnigger. You are the master of nothing

Capitalism is good, but that’s not to say that it can’t go a little nuts. Ideally capitalism should be protected from its own excesses.

>there's reams of information about how economic calculations and price settings are impossible under socialism
>lel I'll just say its human nature xD

Just come home to leftypol please, Just browse once. I promise you will be happy.

Not OP, but I just collected my courage and possible cognitive dissonance, and went to leftypol. And the first thread was about taking down pol, the next one was about blacked, which was the same with the next one, the third one seemed interesting for talking about rising superpowers. The fourth one was blackes, and the fifth an ad hominem about conservatives. Yeah, I feel like home, which is exactly the way I do not want to feel like.