How accurate is this to ww1?
How accurate is this to ww1?
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Too white
About as accurate as COD WW2 and its reflex sighted BAR
>only one in four classes uses the most common weapon of the whole war, the bolt action rifle
It’s more of a reimagining or WW1 that revels in late war exotica. Play Verdun or Tannenburg instead.
its like ww1 but if it were in the interwar period
Not very when it comes to the actual gameplay, but things like weapons are usually very accurate (with exceptions like the Kolibri's magazine capacity and the BAR's sights).
Are you fucking high.
Yeah I remember all of those black Russian soldiers. Did you know that Franz Ferdinand was really Francine and zhe wanted to give all transgendered womyn their own state called Serbia? Plus African Amerikkkans single handedly won the war against the Nazis and the French did nothing.
It doesn’t capture the spirit of the Great War at all.
It made me realize that maybe those Iraq veterns who for butthurt at COD were right.
Not at all and anyone who expected otherwise was a fucking idiot.
mate are you kidding. the game might aswell just be a reskin of battlefield 4 with everyone running around with smg's and semiauto rifles. not about ww1 at all.
Genuinely terrible game that might as well've not been about WW1. If you want a slightly more realistic WW1 game play Verdun and Tannenberg (but these are still not too realistic with the officer to soldier ratio being way too high aswell as there being way too many machinegunners compared to bolt actions etc.)
Why does it have to be accurate?
there were nigger colonial troops, though there were virtually no female soldiers, least of all in the middle east
I am sure a redditor can find some meme example like mata hari, many nurses shared similar risks to the majority of men serving just behind the lines, however they would not spend weeks in muddy trenches with rats and constant shelling or march 100s of miles in the freezing cold
innacurate games are shit and not fun. Not every game has to be ArmA, but please for the love of god at least give everyone the correct weapons, that's the least a developer can do.
There are literally no Black Russians in BF1 you overly offended faggot
>innacurate games are shit and not fun.
How accurate is this to WW1?
>lever action rifle
>some sort of badass revolver
>random uniform
It's more accurate to Civil War than WW1 imo.
But there's black everyone else apart from Austrianiggers and Italians.
Ottomans don't have either.
autists itt
you will never have a wwi fps game with realistic gameplay, unless it's like a turn based a horror game
Of course not. It'd be racist to misrepresent the proud people of the Ottoman Empire.
That lever action rifle was actually used by Russian troops.
And? Guess what all those empires with large overseas holdings did in response to large losses of manpower? I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with ‘limport slarge clamounts bof bocolonial stroops.’ The only country it’s wierd for is Germany, who didn’t do that.
But not to the degree of being a quarter of their infantry forces. It's a gross overrepresentation, imagine if a quarter of the British forces were 15 year old. Same thing.
Call me a bit of a faggot, but one black character model for 4/6 factions in multiplayer that has a half-decent explanation (colonial troops) doesn't really ruin the game.
Makes me think it's not really about historical innaccuracy, since everyone runs around with automatic weapons.
>That lever action rifle was actually used by Russian troops.
As standard issue weapon? Doubt. Not a specialist though. Also handguns were for officers, I don't think there were any black Russian officer, not to mention officers always wear a proper uniform...
This and honestly if you get your WWI history from a video game that even admits its not trying to be historically accurate for the sake of gameplay then you're a filthy pleb. That said, I didn't like the game very much, takes way to fucking long to kill some one, I'd pump half an MG belt in a guy and he wouldn't die.
There aren't any black Russians in the game.
I'm talking about OP's picture.
She's not black at all.
This, but more like early ww2
B-because that's a gril? wtf?
very accurate
In fact, over 35% of great britians army was african american
Anyone disagreeing is an retard nazi asshole
I said the weapons themselves were accurate, not how many of each type there are.
Not even remotely similar
>Between 1915 and 1917 approximately 300,000 M1895's were manufactured for the army of the Russian Empire, accounting for about 70% of total production of the rifles prior to 1936 when the M1895 was discontinued.
Also, here's the base game weapon list, for those who are interested.
There were Russian female-only battalions in 1917
Machine guns were widely used in the later half dumbass
>tfw your tanks go the speed of modern cars
>being so bad at fighting that you have all-female units
> Initial delivery of the rifles was delayed because adaptation to Russian standards, particularly the charger guide, proved more difficult than expected.[6] Additional delays resulted from incompetent and obstructive Russian inspectors, who refused to use Winchester-made test gauges despite no Russian gauges existing,[6] insisted that test ammunition be shipped from Russia (instead of using readily available Winchester ammunition made on Russian contract),[7] and often rejected rifles for irrelevant flaws such as wood grain in the stock being insufficiently straight.[7] Winchester later sold these rejected rifles on the US commercial market.[7] Russia issued many of their Winchester Model 1895 rifles to troops from Finland and the Baltic states
Probably none of these rifles were issued to regular troops before the rebellion grew up...
A rarity well known to have done nothing except being massively ptsd'd (I can't blame them).
Your quote says itself that they were issued. You are nitpicking to hide the fact that you were wrong.
They do not go fast at all
>from Finland to the Baltic staes
What don't you understand there?
I have the game, but I find it somewhat disturbing that we're playing a game based on the hellish experiences of young men about our ages 100 years ago.
You do realise that during WW1 Finland and the Baltic states were part of Russia?
You could say the same for all war games, really.
As oppose to all the other shooters?
>mfw people's relation to ww1 contra ww2 games shows Baudrillard was so right it's downright depressing.
>Finland and the Baltic states were part of Russia?
They were not part of the Russian army and did not take par in the fights (not by the side of Russia anyway). I don't remeber a picture of a winchester in WWI.
Who says I'm not targeting all shooters? Anyway, other shooters' (with the possible exception of WW2 shooters') soldiers didn't suffer as much as those in WW1. Mustard gas, disease, trench warfare--WW1 was the worst.
Ok, I admit, 12 guys were probably issued with a winchester...
I know for a fact that latvian rifleman battalions were mostly issued with lever action winchesters and japanese arisakas, due to shortage of moist-nuggets. Pretty sure those weren't only such units.
I see it this way, there's no problem in having blacks in most of the factions present on the game.
The problem is that each class in BF has it's own unique and unchangeable appearance so it looks like all armies are made of moslty non-europeans, and that's innacurate.
DICE could have simply allowed to choose the appearance of the player or represented actual blacks that fought in the war and deserved representation by having maps showing the conflicts on the colonies.
In the end none of these problems actually matters as the game is pretty bad by itself.
"Widely used" as in a couple per platoon not fucking half of the platoon. Hell even in WW2 rarely were more than 1 in 4 men armed with a anything other than a standard-issue rifle. Yet in most games it's the opposite.
I downloaded the free trial from origin but after I discovered that I could only use the Lee Enfield on the British team as a black man I lost all interest in it. Not from a racial point of view but a historic one.
I'll stick with Verdun instead
i t's realistic because most people play useless fucking hill-humping scouts
>everyone with automatic rifles
Not at all
Every archived footage showed machine guns
Thanks. I like being proven wrong.
>that fucking war seriously
>implying all footage weren't recorded for propaganda films
Also, the cameramen wouldn't have followed ill-equipped cannon-fodder troops. They'd have hung out with the machine gun guys.
Wikipedia indicates the women’s battalions were often praised. Are you wrong or is the wiki propaganda?
BF1 is fun. Sometimes realism isn't fun.
Anyone who uses the Hellreigel should kill themselves though, fucking hell.
Also that sweet spot shit is gay, if I shoot a dude 5 meters away in the chest with a Lee Enfield, I'd expect him to die.
Read Storm of steel, by Ernst Junger.
Also, watch all ten hours of this.
>that pic
I guess its understandable since you outed yourself as retarded on every other point.
Not realistic at all but doesn't try to be either. It's like an alternate history hyper-WW1. All the guns are real and feel nice to shoot too, but obviously the vast majority of them were nothing more than prototypes IRL.
They could've done a better job with the Operations game mode to make it tie in to history better. Nobody gives a shit about listening to those stupid loading screen narrations.
This is dumb af. No other game will let you shoot the cool ass guns in BF1.
"Fun" has always been the rallying cry of the idiot pleb.
>Who cares a game is not historically accurate and has shallow gameplay? It's FUN!
>Who cares a movie has shit script, shit acting and shit cinematography? It's FUN!
>Who cares a song sounds like something a monkey could put together in Fruity Loops? It's FUN!
Really a bunch of low IQ faggots who probably think a series of farting noises is the most entertaining shit ever.
>b-b-b--but muh historical accuracy!!! we wuz gassed in the trenches n shieeet!
nobody gives a fuck
>shallow gameplay
t. retard and a shill
t. no argument bandwagoner
>wiki propaganda
Soviet propaganda.
Its not. Its a bunch of left leaning sw*des finding some literally who special interest things and over inflating their importance in the grand scope of the war in order to push a modern political agenda.
I actually can sympathize. I went to museum and saw an exhibit commemorating the 100th anniversary of American involvement in the war a few months ago, and I started to think about how if I had been born 1898 instead of 1998, my scrawny, 5'8, near sighted ass would've been drafted, stuffed into a uniform, and sent to die in the trenches by now. Spooky stuff.
I actually don't think BF1 is fun, because it has shitty gameplay.
But historical accuracy is almost impossible to meaningfully achieve in games. Running around shooting each other is far beyond what humans actually experienced.
You're a bit of a faggot