Get in bros
You can hold this and not worry ever again
Youve won. Why deny yourself that beautiful feeling?
Other urls found in this thread:
did i won with 6k?
yes but try to get to 10k goes a lot farther in the long run
if one company says theyll use chainlink its going to $20 if 11,000 use chainlink its the next ethereum
Stahp... you're making me hard.
20 bucks over 5 bn market cap...
And SWIFT is a $5 trillion/day market. Your point?
excuse me?
if anything gets bigger than bitcoin
the whole market will crash!!!!!!!11!1!!!
Why is it crashing?
I dumped another $200 into LINK last night because I thought it would keep creeping up like it had all day yesterday. Really kicking myself right now.
That's not a crash. Just retards selling to make 3% on the Bitcoin pump, kek.
Keep in mind that bitcoin keeps growing too, it grew 5x this year alone.
Crypto is all very much in its infancy.
It will come to pass. 2018 will be the year crypto truly explodes. 2017 will look like a blip. LINK will lead the charge.
You have been warned!
It's down half a percent. Take a look at other coins that are down TEN. That's an extremely good sign
How is ripple not absolutely going to wreck this when they render the entire SWIFT useless ?
Ripple's tech is better, but banks would have to choose RippleNet. They would have to actually replace their infrastructure. I think they're more likely to just keep using SWIFT with the new tech they're slapping on top, rather than switch to Ripple, even if Ripple is faster.
It's probably too much work for each bank to replace their infrastructure. More work than they'd want to put in.
Is this Deluders's Anonymous?
Reddit is getting in on it now:
Is it too late to join already?
m8 everything is going down cause everybody's being autistic about Bitcoin
there's still time to get in until the fork
finally just made 1 eth from just doing tard tier trades of chainlink.
waiting for around .00133 eth price so i can buy in again. when is that sibos shit the 15 or 16th?
can you faggots stop dumping LINK?
the ChanLink demo is on the 16th at 10:15
Fill my 0.92BTC buy order at 7500 sat pls.
Now is the perfect time if you haven't got in. BTC is gonna straddle the 5300 line and once people realize the moon is over the money will flow back into Link. I just bought more. feels comfy.