daily reminder that if Bitcoin's epic run is making you sad, you are doing this whole thing wrong.
If you haven't allocated at least 25% of your portfolio to Bitcoin, do it when (if ever) it dips.
Daily reminder that if Bitcoin's epic run is making you sad, you are doing this whole thing wrong
>If you haven't allocated at least 25% of your portfolio to Bitcoin, do it when (if ever) it dips.
Literally everyone on Veeky Forums has done this
tfw most of my portfolio in BTC ETH and LTC
tfw the holy trinity rises when all the rest bleeds.
I'm so fucking confy right now.
yup 25% is a good number. that's what I've naturally gravitated towards.
I wish this were true user, but when I go through any blockfolio thread, I see a painful lack of BTC in most portfolios
My baseline is BTC.
When i trade, i always end the day in BTC.
Fuck shitcoins, fuck fiat, fuck gold, fuck stocks, BTC4lyfe
what I love the most is the blockfolios that have no BTC but are using ETH as their main store of investment. how's that workin out for ya, lol
if you haven't noticed. ETH is rising too.
keep telling yourself that. 0.059 BTC on bittrex.
I love it when Bitcucks are gloating as Bitcoin rises 10%
Meanwhile I've literally more than quadrupled my money on altcoins in the past 2 months
But have you been holding those shitcoins throughout?
If so, you're doing it wrong. Don't hodl shitcoins.
you're mistaking gloating for an opportunity to remind idiots who have lost a fortune on DGB, MYST, BNT or whatever Veeky Forums shillcoin that BTC is a sensible, necessary hedge (hence 25%).
I made most of my cryptogains on altcoins, too, yep. But after a big win I put some into BTC to keep it at that 25%, and I have never regretted it. The altcoin days like in March and April are gone, never to return
I hold 75% BTC the rest in shitcoins.
75% portfolio in altcoins is way too much now given how regulated they've become and bitcoin's increasingly publicised, continuous gains.
Look at Eth since July. Literally the state of altcoins now and it's not getting any prettier.
Asking to get burned with that ratio.
How the fuck did BTC break the psychological barrier of 5k so easily?
Literally who was buying in and obliterating those buy walls at 5k?
I'm not confident that this trend will last.
>having less than 60-70% of your portfolio in bitcoin
you guys are fucking retarded
Jesus fuck haven't you seen everything thrown at bitcoin the past month since reaching the precipice of 5k to hold it back?
FUD only lasts so long.
>The altcoin days like in March and April are gone, never to return
The list goes on and on, plenty of 10x or greater have happened very recently.
Keep being a safehanded baby, I will remain 0% BTC 0% ETH, 100% 'shit'coins
Good for you, easy to do with your 2 btc portfolio
I see now, I get it
I bought in really low, and sold at 4400
Felt like I made a nice profit and than invested in some pre icos
Now I have no bitcoin at all and I'm sitting here like damn, why dont i just keep putting money into bitcoin and sitting on it for long term gains.....
I think I'm going to have to start over and just throw $500 a week into bitcoin or something
this whole 1k push is orchestrated by whales
you buy shorts, then shortsqueeze stops-losses and sell them everything back
pretty sure gs boys have opened longs from 3k
That sounds like what I did 4 years ago. It's a great plan if you manage to stick to it.
3 years ago I wasn't a believer. My friend from the time basically begged me to put 100 dollars in. I caved and put in 15 dollars into btc. 3 years later that same 15 dollars is worth about 450. Usually I think my friends aren't that smart so I stand corrected.
that moment i asked my rich mate for some cash when bitcoin was at 3200 and he said no
Wow, you made it user!
You friends have no obligation to finance your gambling
putting anything less than %60 is fucking wrong m8
no eth but damn im feelan gr8
>only 25% not 75%
Everything else is a shitcoin
NEVER go full shitcoins
ETH/USD pair is irrelevant
Am I the only one who doesn't track my bitcoins with blockfolio? I just use it for alts.
Smart man. No need to track anything youre hodling long term
I have around 5% of my portfolio in bitcoin. 80% shares and 15% bonds.
Believe it or not Bitcoin was NOT the best performer. Obscure shale oil companies gave me a higher yield in the same amount of time (2015-2017)
i find that extremely hard to believe.
You're up almost 2000% on traditional investments over 2 years? You might be the greatest investor that ever lived.
I wanted to build up my portfolio with shitcoins before allocating a permanent slot to bitcoin. Will do this on the next pull back.
Oil companies give pretty high dividends. And since the oil price plummeted around 2015 a lot of people started to sell all their oil assets in a panic sell-off. This meant that stocks were suddenly giving 10% div/yield a year. But while they gave out dividends the stocks also recovered really fast almost doubling since Shale started to become profitable even with these current low oil prices. Meaning shale startups went into boom mode multiplying their share price many times over the past year.
Hahaha, I wish. That was only very specific high risk high reward stocks in shale startups I owned that I cherrypicked to showcase that there are actual better performances than what bitcoin has been the last 2 years.
My other stocks gave a very mild average of 20% yoy in the same timespan.
Holding on my bitcoin though. I'm riding this one out until either bitcoin crashes and burns to the ground or it becomes my highest valuable asset in the future.
dont be blind, everyone is accumulating for the free shit coin BTG.. If you were smart and not a whale.. your best bet is to accumulate solid alt coins at current low costs.. Dont buy BTC at ATH right now just to get free .5 BTG, buy in these cheap alt coins that will 20x after this fork and steal these bastards money when they release their new BTG money into alts after the fork
welp, ill take your word for it. gonna go kick some dirt.
thats where bitcoin is heading right now
Shit picture, we can't see the andromeda galaxy because of the moon.
ive just been trading ether. what will the fork for ether do?
This is going to end in a massive fucking crash.
we all know that, but when?
Thats no moon
When people find out btg is a fucking worthless scam. I also hope their btc gets fucking stolen.
So is LTC actually a good buy?
always been unless you're an ADHD 100% shitcoiner
I just got into crypto desu lad.
Just been holdin btc and lnk. Need to diversify my stash
>I just got into crypto desu lad.
The point still stands, don't fall for the shitcoiners on this board. LTC is a good and safe buy.
I can't even afford 1/4 of a bitcoin. Alts are my only hope. Even if BTC when up substantially, it would never give me a high enough return to choose it over, say, another NEO or something.
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>Tsurunen toimi demokraattien edustajana Japanin parlamentin ylähuoneessa vuosina 2002–2013 sen ensimmäisenä länsimaalaissyntyisenä jäsenenä.
Ihan helvetin kova saavutus, kun miettii, että kuinka epäluuloisia japanilaiset ovat ulkomaalaisia kohtaan. Toki Suomi on eräänlainen poikkeus, vanhempi väestö tietää ja arvostaa Mannerheimia ja suomalaisia.
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