Why doesn't V*nice return these treasures to Turkey?
Why doesn't V*nice return these treasures to Turkey?
Right of conquest
The fact that Muslims can build great structures like this proves that wh*tebois are nothing special and in fact inferior to the brown man.
Turkey was never conquered though. Venice was. Turks are undefeated in war and Byzantium absorbed by them
If that's so, then why does Venice have it and not Turkey then user?
Fucking crackers fucking faggot asses we'll cut off your left hands for stealing our stuff
Let's keep the KARA BOĞA posting as a defensive measure.
Also, It's not a matter of Venice possessing it. It's a matter of recognition. As the true heirs to the Byzantines and Ancient Rome, and through their martial prowess as demonstrated by kicking the V*netians out of Crete and Cyprus, it's only correct that the Turks be rewarded their just deserts. Türks don't get enough respect for their prowess, and this is only the most blatant symbol of this defiance by wh*tes
Get real Osman. You should be preparing for greater kurdistan instead of feeding revisionist delusions.
So much bait.
wh*Te thief subhumans
Because they took them from the Roman empire.
Eh they can keep it.
Napoleon conquered Venice and bring the horses in Paris. Why aren't they still in Paris?
Why doesn't Turkey return Constantinople to Greece?
napoleon lost amigo
We don't want it. It has t*rks in it.
Hmm, maybe because Napoleon got his ass kicked at Waterloo and Austria ordered the horses to be returned to Venice?
We will build pyramids from the skulls of crackers
We will rape your nuns, behead your priests, burn down your churches
We will hang you birdshitskins from lampposts
I will personally go to Europe, beat the shit out of anyone who browses /his and kill them with my greatx10 grandfather's mace
Who the hell do you think you are, cracker?
But the Obélisque is still in Paris. And the horses were right at the other end of the avenue on the Arc de Triomphe, it was aesthetic as fuck.
t. 1.60m
>but they looked so good in France!
make your own
O fug.jpg
Not him but
>make your own
Like the V*netians did?
mental illness
Every Türk wants you dead, white boy.
I personally want to behead /histards. because this is the worst board on Veeky Forums. I want to start with the rabid Chechen from Germany/Russia and wewuzzer Persians first (I still can't believe how they declared Nader Shah as a Persian king, really makes my Turkmen blood boil). Then crackers second.
Nigga who cares you got bigger problems like hiding your loukoums from the kurds.
>but they looked so good in France!
They look like shit in Venice, they're in a basement.
when will turkey return the hagia sophia?
The greeks don't have any free space for it.
Talk of Venice with greater respect, you subhuman roach....
nah, fuck them
Because they've never belonged to Turks?
If they should be returned to anyone, it's the Greeks.
Turkey has no valid claim.
Maybe when they leave Islam for Christianity.
choose one
Constantinople is a türk city by right of conquest so it belongs to them
Why does everyone say that it's Venice's fault the Ottomans conquered Byzantium?
You know the 4th crusade happened more than two centuries prior, right?
The quadriga is venetian by right of conquest.
Then they should go and take it from them. Or arrange some sort of deal.