>tfw fudded LINK relentlessly the last 2 days and finally approaching target buy price
I-I'm sorry bros
>tfw fudded LINK relentlessly the last 2 days and finally approaching target buy price
I-I'm sorry bros
Son, I am dissapoint
To be fair it was low quality fud. Still have about 400 sats to go and I'm back in.
user it was entirely me desu. btc is irrelevant in this matter senpai
>oh fuck LINK isn't going to moon like I thought it would
>oh fuck the FUDDers were right. I should have sold yesterday.
>Hmmmm... I have a plan...
>"Uhhh guys sorry I fudded yesterday. huhu. See it wasn't real after all. Please buy now."
The judgement is firing squad
What would you like as your final meal user?
idiots who research sell ahahahah
I can confirm SAP is already developing their own blockchains. By that LINK is pointless and doesn't already have a foothold in the ERP game.
It's ok user I did the same thing, I was able to fill my order and have switched sides now
What's that, 9 cents OP?
Oh wait, that was my entry price lolollolololol 1 million + link LOLOLOLOLOLOL GON BE RICH LOOLOLOL
>"this new blockchain makes LINK pointless!"
You have absolutely no idea what LINK is or does.
SAP is an ERP system that has existed since the 90's or longer, now implementing blockchains. You have no idea what LINK does.
>tfw I also wanted to buy a big dip
you are forgiven, OP
4 million? Damn, you fucked up big this time.
Good thing that uni starts next week. I hate seeing LINK tank and need to get my mind off it.
LINK allows for mainstream smart contracts thanks to the very first decentralized network of input sources (oracles) that translate external data for use on multiple blockchains.
Protip: Gartner Group pretty much came up with the concept of ERP, and guess who's partnered with Chainlink?
Starts with 'G'.
Neck yourself
>Wanted to sell at 9000
>didn't do it
>wanted to sell at 8700
>didn't do it
>wanted to sell at 8300
>didn't do it
M-my iron hands will be rewarded, right Veeky Forums? I'm 50% btc 50% link but it still hurts
Here's a report by Gartner on Chainlink/Smartcontract btw.