What would a Medieval Lord be doing if he wasn't waging war? In other words, what's the daily routine of your average seigneur?
Being Lord In Peaceful Times
Sucking cocks
you sound like a serf
Administration and reporting to his feudal overlords.
too vague
smoke pot
fuck thots
read books/strat with my inner circle on what shit we can do to fuck shit up/improve the domain
Go hunting
>wake up in a room that smells like shit
>shit in your chamber pot if you're lucky enough to afford one, otherwise pull down your pants and do your morning shit out the window while your serfs watch
>go down to the great hall which reeks of dog shit
>break your tooth on a rock in your morning bread
>go to church
Poland is a shit-tier eastern-European country and they had sona-like baths in every village that the average peasant could go to almost every evening (that's where gossip was rampant). Now imagine what sorts of hygiene standards a highborn lord in France, England or Spain would have.
>le medieval times were dirty as fuck
Not for everyone. Some historians even go as far as saying that only cities of that time had hygiene issues because of population density paired with extreme poverty.
No just a fag
Thread is about medieval nobility user not about modern day USA
>In other words, what's the daily routine of your average seigneur?
Depends on your rank and station.
But for the average manorial lord, knight, or low baron, you basically spent most of your days literally doing whatever the fuck you wanted.
Your primary responsibility was the maintenance of your castle, your retinue, and your levies. Beyond that, everything of any significance (from tax collection to religious matters to the upkeep of your furniture) would be handled by someone in your service, usually a retainer or family member. As a man of standing, people would come to you and offer you their services in these matters, people would constantly be trying to sell you shit, from religious relics and blessings to tapestries and beds to their skills as poets or masons or silversmiths or whatever the fuck.
You generally didn't really need to do anything beyond making sure your services to your lord were performed, which usually meant making sure your castle was not falling to pieces, and making sure the villagers on your lands had weapons to equip themselves with when needed, and making sure you had some good soldiers around you at all times, to be your bodyguards and muscle in peacetime, and your lieutenants in wartime.
Other than that basic shit, you spend your days feasting, hunting delicious animals, attending mass, listening to bards while feasting, fucking your wife and/or mistresses (possibly while feasting), trying to engage in schemes and political machinations while balancing a healthy feasting regimen, attending tournaments (and the subsequent feasts), and all that good shit.
Basically what good is being an aristocrat (and as such having good food) if you can't enjoy it?
Huehuehue how funny
>le 'murica sucks meme
stop being a 12 year old
>that pic
lmao, is there one for every kingdom?
Was there pot in medieval europe?
I would think that sort of thing was isolated to India and Persia.
jesus of nazerath performed miracles with cannabis oil in his annointing oil. it spread with the cult surely.
nigger knows he'd be setting up a trading chain for hemp/cannabis, it would be the reason my kingdom existed/based
Depending on the period they might be expected to train daily even during peace time. Hunting was common because it served a secondary purpose of training nobility horse riding and using a lance while also being fun. Tournaments were the same, training and participation was all preparation for combat. Imagine a professional sportsman training daily, they don't stop training in the off season. These guys would do the same with fellow aristocrats or their own retinues of men at arms.
They were a warrior caste of society, not a party class like modern media seems to believe. Male aristocrats were expected to serve in the military even during WW2. Medieval aristocrats would take this even more seriously, being able to fight and defend your property as the why their ancestors became a seperate caste of society and why they maintained control of society for hundreds of years.
The very idea of aristocrats being degenerate gambling/drinking/party addicts was a countermeasure to ambitious aristocrats from starting trouble in the realm. Kings would encourage their more powerful lords to partake in hedonism to reduce the chance of civil wars etc.
very good post
Huh... neat
I'll have you know our bread is just fine.
kill niggers