Say it with me,
Say it with me,
Other urls found in this thread:
stay mad nocoiners
i dumped my alts days ago and btc is mooning right on schedule
>sell low
enormous tx costs to pay a small amount, no thanks. Either ETH or Universa will overtake this shit.
Why do people keep parroting this though
Wasn't like that when it actually acted as a currency, but nowadays it's a "store of value" aka ponzi. Jamie was actually right.
top kek
>buy in lower
u are the retard
Say it with me,
The most important invention since the internet.
It's like the internet was for education and information, but for something people care far more about: wealth and money.
why do we want lambos and hot women
seriously. These things are desirable. But I don't understand why. Especially the lambo. I see the evolutionary reason for wanting a woman
Blockchain technology yes, Bitcoin no.
shill me your favourite blockchain technology, user. I find it hard to believe anything else will overtake Bitcoin's name brand and network effect any time soon.
Neither do I. Nothing in the future will ever overtake Bitcoin. That does not mean that Bitcoin is the greatest crypto. It only has that title because it was the first. There are numerous coins/tokens that do what bitcoin does, but better. But since Bitcoin was the first, it will remain the top dog.
>The most important invention since the internet.
yeah and bitcoin is dotcom bubble of said internet
how many sites from that era you actually use? how many of them worth anything today?
>how many of them worth anything today?
google and amazon are massively valuable these days
Google, Amazon, Netflix, Ebay, Paypal
I would say cryptos overall are a bubble for sure. So much useless ICOs
I'm certain some will win out though. And for now Bitcoin has the lead. Solving the block size issue is critical.
hahaa fuck off
kek, you must be new
surprise surprise, everyone saying bitcoin is trash and has unwarranted growth didn't buy lots of bitcoin when they were cheap, almost like they have ulterior motives for bashing the coin :^)
>shorted BTC at 4600 with 2/3 of my stack
What the fuck is causing this? is this institutional money or just the fucking fork? Japs and koreans buying more?
This shits going to 5500 by tonight
one of these things is not like the others...
its the fork.. people are accumulating for "free money" aka BTG
It's a complete travesty that fucking hardforks are doing this.
>institutional money
this imo
so many rich suits now talking positively about bitcoin. We've been waiting years for institutional investors to get involved and it's finally been happening.
I think the fork is highly overrated. most buyers don't even know or care about it.
we are going to fucking jupiter my niggers
this spikes out of nowhere are bad for holders
today you gain 1000$ for btc, tomorrow you loose 1000$
if this thing want to be a store of value (its obviously can't work as a day to day currency anymore) then it should act accordingly
all aboard!!
I was watching a video on the fork and I dont remember it too well but the dude was saying the people who want the upcoming fork dont want it to have a sort of "backwards compability".....So if you sell one of your BTCs you sell all of it....Theres something you have to do to split it.
Havent seen that mentioned (and maybe its not happening)but i feel like a lot of people would fuck it up...I def dont think its only the fork
I just hope i get out before the big crash
They are retard FUDders
Just hodl your private keys and wait for the dust to settle and if there is a clear winner. As long as you don't spend nothing bad can happen. If it does end up with two chains then people will develop easy tools to split them, but it could take time.
Wasnt really FUDding.
He was just saying the people causing the hardfork didnt want that backwards compability so people dont dump like they did with Bitcoin cash....makes sense
Then by definition it's not a fork you moron.
>woke up this morning with 5x leverage
I don't want a new lambo because they're all automatic now. Maybe a classic one with three pedals would be cool, though.
What do you think about this?
Bitcoin's price may be getting propped up by unbacked Tethers by printing more of them and by going margin long every time it dips.
>this spikes out of nowhere are bad for holders
Shut the fuck you ignoramus. Obviously no clue what you are talking about.
Monero and I don't even hold any bags. Ethereum as well and I sold my ETH bags long ago.
dude are you a fucknig moron? this was the easiest pic of the year.
let me spell it out for your moronic ass
beating 5,000 USD is an ATH and hundreds of news outlets have picked up the story with soundasn of ppl buynig in
2. the fork is coming = free coins and free money
>tfw the future is electric and all are automatics
>only have .5 btc
>have to hold ether because shitcoin trading is the only way i'll get to lamboland
>mfw bitcoin is mooning and I barely get anything
up a solid 5 figs today lads, how you all doing? Hope nobody fell for the altcoin meme
Literally every token and coin being cannibalized for this trash coin
Bitfinex isnt the only exchange in existence though
Bitcoin is thus far the ONLY great opportunity for anyone old enough to post on this board to make money out of nothing.
If you'd mined or bought a couple hundred of these things when they were worth next to nothing, you'd now be a millionaire.
Few altcoins worth squat now will ever amount to anything. None will see the meteoric rise of Bitcoin.
Everyone who came of age in the past decade, this WAS your get out of jail/work free card. It was your get rich (relatively) quick. And so, so many of you already missed it.
Lament. Then accept that 99% of you will have a life of wage cucking and insanely hard work on real businesses ahead, while you peck at baby profits in ultra-volatile shitcoins in your free time.
so how do you feel starting with crypto a month ago user?
Got 0.5 btc in storage. Worth buying the alt dip or not?
Lol your vaporware evaporated
If it's to be a store of value, this market cap isn't shit.... Yet ;)
>trash coin
>foundation of the market and industry
Never go full retard.
Would this be a dumb time to buy some more?
Same boat user
Sitting on 1 and always trying to convince myself to use it to catch some easy gainz in these cheap alts
Do it faggot, throw your money away :)
>Netflix on dial up
Good thing you don't know what you're talking about.
No, the price will keep on increasing until the Bitcoin Gold comes out. You will be gaining 100% until then. Also, if you keep it for 5 years, it will be worth a lot more than it is now. Either way.
Nigger we're going to have fucking Star Trek 3d printers and AI drones doing work in the next decade.
Free money with crypto is a step on the way to having a society where money is meaningless.
Crazy to think Netflix used to just send DVDs in the mail and now I don't know anyone who uses it for that. Amazon used to be an online bookstore and now runs about half the internet through AWS and swings its giant dick all across the retail market. This is where I think ETH or something could really take off, if dapps ever actually amount to anything.
JP Morgan CEO said this on an article about btc
He's a massive faggot
BTC reaches 10K within 3 years... save the text
1 year.
>mfw even the FUDfest that is Veeky Forums have come to the realization that blockchain is a groundbreaking, game-changing invention.
>Netflix was not found as a streaming service
>I'm in the same board with people who don't remember that
You must be born after the millenium, yeah? Either that are you're too retarded to remember.