Rome fell in 476 AD

>rome fell in 476 AD




tell 'em, De'Lorraine

It fell in 1806 actually.
>inb4 le ebin Voltaire meme

Umm no sweety it fell in 1918

Both of you delet this

This, but unironically


I think You mean 1814

Stay obsessed Byzaboos.

Eastern Romans were not true ethnic Romans therefore suck my fat cock bitch mothafucka

Rome never actually existed.


This. Imposters need not apply

>no connection to any successor
>doesn't hold any of the former land
>not even on the same continent
At least put a minimum of effort into your shitposting


the hellenic soft cunts of byzantium are not true romans

The united is states is not an empire, least of all the roman empire

the Finnish people possess a robust and daring spirit worthy of true Romans


Rome was a Jewish conspiracy to use as a spread of their power with Christianity.

>Western Roman Empire
>the part that actually contains Rome
Saged, reported, called the police

I thought the meme was good at least

>>the part that actually contains Rome
Rome wasn't the capitol of the Roman Empire though. It wasn't even the capitol of the Western Roman Empire, that would be Ravenna.