Do you think he ever personally killed someone?
Do you think he ever personally killed someone?
Probably not. Hitler was a peaceful man.
Gonna hijack this thread, why are their so many communists and fascists on Veeky Forums? It always destroys discussion.
During WWI maybe.
Lonely people shunned by society like collectivism because it forces others to care about them and befriend them.
Well obviously he killed Adolf Hitler the most evil man in history.
I doubt that anyone who served in the trenches didn’t kill at least a few people.
Then what explains the pervasive lolbertarian presence on the Internet?
>fascists on Veeky Forums?
>not being fashy
You're not very open minded are you?
Watch the Greatest Story Never Told
statistically this can't be true, but I get what you're saying
I agree
Probably his niece. It’s said that the Hitler changed drastically when she died and I can believe it more so if he was the one responsible if it was true that she got knocked up by a Jew
ww1 veteran,what do you think?? the world is going to shit and someday,somewhere,a new hitler will be born and formed,out of struggle, and then prepare to get btfo cuz this time there will be no millions of russians inbreds and retarded anglos to save (((your))) ass.
is just a matter of time,i just hope he doesnt assasinated like my man rockwell
TL;DR: There is a persistent theory that he murdered his niece and possibly lover, but otherwise there is no evidence that Hitler ever personally harmed or killed anyone.
>the most evil man in history.
Dude, if you wanna talk about Churchill make your own thread
Lmao I watched it in my edgy phase. Bunch of nazi apologist propaganda and twisted viewpoints.
>asking reddit pseudointellectuals
Fuck off.
Do you personally believe he killed her? Would make for good drama. The belief he loved her in a unhealthy way has credence
>posts a thread with credible sources on a very interesting discussion
>”Oh it’s on reddit so fuck off normalfag”
Go die you faggot ass
>t. Reddit
>being this reddit
To be fair he also killed the guy who killed the most evil man in history, which was kind of a dick move.
>Do you think he ever personally killed someone?
Because centrism is gay.
Cause libertarians wanna be left alone like the majority of NEETs on this site...
>The Greatest Lies Ever Told
no thanks
next you'll tell me to read le elders of le zion and take it seriously
Nah he was a pussy.
he probably lacked the gut to kill anyone.
According to his comrades during ww1, he was a coward.
Soldiers always treat rear area guys as "cowardly pigs".
you gotta be 14 if you never heard that fucking joke before
He fucking fought in WW1. What do you think?
>He fucking fought in WW1.
so what?
>What do you think?
thats what OP is asking
There's the possibility he tagged someone in WW1 with a random rifle shot or grenade. Otherwise while wrathful for sure, he doesn't strike me as someone overtly murderous, in that he'd rather destroy a man's life via political/societal machinations than put a knife in his throat.
Probably not.
Brainlet. The vast majority of soldiers during WW1 never killed anybody. Most casualties were from artillery.
>The Greatest Story Never Told
for good reason
So what? Statistically the majority of deaths during WW1 and WW2 are attributed to artillery. Most soldiers never killed anybody.
Hitler was sort of an errand boy, so it's very unlikely he killed anyone during WW1.
Most soldiers never saw a living enemy soldier (POWs not included) let alone shot one
Hitler was awarded a medal for his bravery in WW1. He did not have friends in high places so it's very unlikely for him to have received this medal without an actual display of bravery. His job in itself was also very dangerous. He delivered messages to and from the front lines, which may have put him out of cover even more often then front line soldiers.
I did not read your source yet desu, but if the claims of his comrades emerged after 1945, or 1932 for that matter, the claims should be aproached with the highest degree of skepticism.
Edit: the article disputes all my claims.
However though the article mentions sources, it does not link to them.
So my points stand.
>He did not have friends in high places so it's very unlikely for him to have received this medal without an actual display of bravery.
Are you kidding? EKII's were handed out like candy during WW1.
An article in the Telegraph, with a title such as that, is not to be considered very credible.
You just aren't welcome here. If you have to ask why then you probably found your way here from Reddit.
Sounds like freemasonry us the thing for them
He also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed the most evil man in history
>Hitler was awarded a medal for his bravery in WW1.
Technically it was a dare from his ((CO)), which he only got because he closely interacted with HQ and could make an impression on the officers. Actual fighting men commited such braveries on weekly basis.
>His job in itself was also very dangerous
Maybe compared to a field cooks, compared to the lads in the front it was cushy af. There's a reason why he denied promotion from this relatively safe job.
>there are only two political positions, and you must pick my side of the two
so that would make him a pretty good guy, right?
I'm not a stormfag so Hitler has never been a common topic in my social circles.
>Literally thinking with your dick
Well you don't have to. You'll just get some time to think it over in a death camp.
t. every tyrant ever
>linking to fucking reddit
How about you make like Adolf Hitler and kill yourself?
unironically kill yourself
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
didnt he win the highest medal of honour possible
This joke is older than Gandalf's beard.
He pulled a gun on some people during the night of the long knives, didn't he? But without killing. So he only killed himself. It's more probable that Stalin killed someone back when he was in anti-tsarist conspiracy.
This article leaves too many questions unanswered to be used definitevly. Although it does sound like an interesting read.
Reddit is a good place for serious and intellectual discussion. Your hatred of it because it debunks fascist lies and myths says a lot about you.
>implying thats why I hate reddit
Go have your "intellectual" discussions over there and leave us alone you fucking humongous homo
This is good bait
It's all the ww2 threads that really puts me off coming here. It really reminds me that I'm too old for this board. Stopped going to Veeky Forums as well.
Nigger what