How does crypto strategy differ from a $50,000 stack to $200,000 - $2,000,000 stack?

How does crypto strategy differ from a $50,000 stack to $200,000 - $2,000,000 stack?

I've been having success in low market cap coins, but I wonder if that doesn't scale with a stack larger than $100,000.

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it shouldn't, but at some point (for me personally) the money becomes an amount 'you can't afford to lose' as they like to say
from that moment onwards you play things a little safer (or try to). If you can avoid this, and keep thinking reasonably, you might make it big, but you might also lose this big stack you've accumulated

Playing around with shitcoins is fun with a couple of thousands. If you get more you can just put large percentages in mid and long term holds, while keeping a small stash to play around with. That's what I would do anyway. I'm still in shitcoin territory.


As your bankroll gets highers, fear of loss will replace fear of failure

Thanks guys. I went from $2,800 to $38,000 in a week. Gaining awareness that I'm riding a sports car without a seatbelt, and need to slow the fuck down and learn how to drive.

try going and buying a BTC worth of WYV or HOPE or hell even a few BTC of bitbean and tell me how easy it is to make huge gains with big dollars

it doesn't scale very well. i don't know how to accumulate. I'm a clumsy whale. I just put huge buy orders up on total shitcoins ands they rocket without me every time...

Damn dude. What coins did you pick? If you're confident you didn't just get lucky I would take a reasonable chunk out of that money and keep going. Get like $20k worth of BTC/ETH and maybe some NEO/XMR etc and use the rest for some more sick returns.

Put up your buy orders close to where the large sell orders are at. Slap the ask to pump up the price if needed, also to possibly motivate the weak handed pajeets to sell their bags to you.

$2.8 -> $6 with eBTC
$6 -> $15.5 with INXT
$15.5 -> $39.8 with ETP

I left my job a month ago, so I have ALL DAY to read and research. However, I feel like 80% of the success is luck when it comes to timing the buy and sell.

>$39.8 with ETP
kek what

I think my phrasing was confusing, sorry. The dollars listed is the size of my stack (in thousands).

How do you find people to talk to about this? I want to talk to my friends, but its best that I keep the financials on the down low.

I feel like I'm playing Eve Online but don't know how to find other players to talk to. XD

Some pretty good calls. I stayed the fuck away from ETP because the shilling looked fishy as hell (even before everyone started ironically shilling it rp'ing as pajeet). I wonder when it's gonna dump. You out yet?

Thanks man. I got out last night at $2.89 because of the MASSIVE FUCKING SELL WALLS at $3.00.

I wake up today and see that the sell walls have been eaten and the market still is hungry for more. I hopped back in at $3.01 and am confident we'll go past $4, maybe $5.

That girl is not human.


with thousands of eth you'd have to hold shitcoins even if it were only to get 10% gains

Looking good for now but stay safe. Don't get dumped on. Godspeed user.

Thank you, it is helpful to hear words of caution.

I talk to autistcs on here and rarely use the discords

the biggest issue is liquidity. Even on 100% gains, if there's not enough volume you can't really realize the total of theoretical profits.......

you drop risk to 1% when you have real money
1% of your full stack per trade

Similar situation to him. I did WTC before the big moon then rolled that into link shortly post ICO. He did a little better than I did. I think I've found a new moon mission torn up about selling half my link post SIBOS to fund it.

Nice! Any chance I can get the details on your next target? A man can't stay on ETP forever *chin scratch*

i'm also looking for something to roll my ETP gains into, although I am planning on keeping half my stack at least

I'd read the white paper. TLDR; it's WTC for westerners. Still not sure about it. I'm going to do more research.

>inb4 wtf I lost all my link.

And if you don't trust the link just google devery crypto or devery ICO

Thanks! I just posted in the telegram channel. Cheers :)

basically organizing QR codes onto the blockchain. What's to stop someone from copying a QR code and putting it on a fake?

How the fuck did you know when to jump in though? Do you hop on every PnD coin box shills?

Like I'm really curious how and when you decide to hop on a shills coin.

*Every coin biz shills

When spending ALL DAY reading /biz and /ethtrader, you can see when hype starts to exponentially grow. Thats when I hop in.