What's the point of having money, security, crypto, etc. when you're still always going to be tfw no gf?
What's the point of having money, security, crypto, etc. when you're still always going to be tfw no gf?
cuz you can get a gold digger / series of escorts :^)
a gf would only want me for my money, I'm going to spend my money on escapism.
Its a better investment.
Besides at this point a gf would be in "used" condition and would depreciate with age.
Whats the point of having a gf when
>love is an emotion solely for the purpose of procreation
>everything is 50% off
>a fleshlight is tighter than any human pussy
>a fleshlight is tighter than any human pussy
this is how I know you never had sex with more than 2 woman. if any at all.
they still haven't figured out how to make it wrap around your head
nah just happy I don't have to fuck fake plastic poosi like you.
Waman are overrated. Have to go plastic.
Fleshlights are overrated. Have to go Meiki.
>when you're still always going to be tfw no gf?
You can only really miss having no gf when you have had one.
You cant miss what you never had.
If you go without a gf long enough, you will see women for what they are: a commodity with a cost like any other object, just with way more volatility and a value that depreciates faster and faster as time progresses.
These days women spoil at a faster rate so you might get a better deal if you buy foreign but nothing is guaranteed.
How many fleshlights have you had sex with?
I've had a girlfriend for over 7 years now
Trust me user if gaining incredible wealth is your life long goal, it's best to be without.
I have wife, kids and a mistress. I'm more tfw no McMansion
if thats how you get happiness, then you have a really sad life
Go to russia/Bulgaria/Romania find a 10/10 dont marry her just fuck her 2 years and promise her you will marry her one day.
After 2 years dump and find new one
>girlfriend for over 7 years now
7 years and you havent popped the question?
How does that work? dont they normally fuck off by that time, or are you rich?
>What's the point of having money, security, crypto, etc. when you're still always going to be tfw no gf?
Being this retarded.
Women are attracted by money.
A fat balding neckbearded dude is worth 1000 Chads, as long as his banksavings are in the seven figures range and he owns a dozen houses, a few boats and a couple Lamborghinis.
So I can flex in my rarri
You can surely buy a gf if you wanted user, whether flesh or plastic...
But for me it's about generating money to up my free time. Less work to keep me distracted/exhausted from going out and pursuing my passions. It is this kind of path that leads to meeting a girl with similar passions. But that only comes secondary.
You don't need a gf user, you need pussy.
Money attracts pussy. Lots of pussy.
Want company? Get a dog or a cat. Make some good male friends, or unattractive gentle woman.
Look at that stupid fucking douche mobile. What asshole would ever want to drive an Ostentacious piece of shit like that? Probably only sand niggers, and monkey niggers.
holy fuck thats an ugly hunk of shit
What's the point of a gf if you want money, security, crypto, etc?
>not preparing to fund and arm the separatists in the coming civil war so you can have a comfy county all to yourself as reward for your assistance when they win
lambos just don't look that great anymore
>pretend to be broke with the girl you're dating
>if she's still around after two years then you're good and she actually loves you
Don't want to blogpost but basically we met in highschool (Not in the same school, met her at a concert), became a thing all through college but we were in some weird limbo between online and real life. Pretty much only saw her during summer, holidays, and occasionally randomly during weekends. We both lived either on campus during school or with parents when not.
We've only been actually living with each other for a year and a half despite technically being together seven years.
Nice blogpost.
gotta stop wearing sweaters bro and get yourself a denim jacket and some boots fucking kek
See here is the other thing.
You probably were in a relationship with her before she could go full slut mode.
if a woman is single for a large amount of time
between her 20-30s then shes no damn good.
wasted cause. only worth the PnD
>tfw gf
She'll be a lot happier if I had money though.
Me too user.
We're waiting until I graduate from uni
because someone bought one with bitcoins
GF's are the cancer poorfags get, since they can't afford to buy sexual pleasures from prostitutes, and or regular whore that'll jump on your dick just because you have a nice car.