>Danzig massacre
Danzig massacre
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We get it. You are a libtard.
t. Bluepilled faggot
Don't you know that Germany was ROBBED of Danzig?
>Bombing of Dresden
the Danzig massacre never happened, but it should have
it's very real and horrible, but you gotta realize all things considered they're lucky they themselves did not get exterminated
in and of itself, would it be a better place german? yeah, i'd reckon so. but it isn't anymore for a reason. my family had to escape from pomerania and it was awful yet also a completely natural course of events as a consequence of what germany did for the last 5 years.
wollt ihr den totalen krieg?
and by very real and horrible, i mean soviet war crimes overall. i don't know of any danzig massacre specifically, i just took it broadly. but i think i already explained why trying to out whine the jews about it is retarded
>most germs don't know that the danzig massacre happened two days after the war between poland and g*rmany
No Hans you're not supposed to eat that
>A massacre on German population done by Polish army
>In a free city
>That was under League of Nation's supervision
>That was 90% German
>Where there were no Polish forces
>Right after Sudeten was annexed by Hitler after accusations of massacres of local German population
Need a lighter?
>muh holocaust
>muh pograms
>muh bigotry
I think eveen stormfags have stopped using this meme and were forced to realize how fucking retarded it was
>forced to
*Never followed it in the first place
But of course any rightist has to be your ridiculous skinhead strawnan who thinks that only 200,000 jews died in the holocaust and every piece of information ever about the war on "their side" is immediately true. Because people who dont think like you have to be
>talk to a normie about medieval stuff
>they think medieval just means anything before the year 1900
>he's seriously trying to claim that stormniggers haven't been talking about it for months or that it doesn't appear in the greatest meme never sold
>Never followed it in the first place
>But of course any rightist has to be your ridiculous skinhead strawnan who thinks that only 200,000 jews died in the holocaust and every piece of information ever about the war on "their side" is immediately true.
Not any rightist, any stormfag. Is this your first time on Veeky Forums? I see the shit you mention every day.
So not only have you stopped shilling it, you are now pretending that you never did so in the first place? lol
also, stop saying "rightist" as if you own the entire political hemisphere you LARPing child
thank God we beat the Nazis
they are binary brained and unironically think that if you arent a nazi, then you are a jewish communist
1 white French girl > 1 000 000 000 subhuman slavshits and Jews
>he doesn't know
(Mein persönlicher Favorit ist die Liebstandarte)
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
Really makes you think...
>totalitarianism and genocide are okay because someone wrote an article I dislike
stormniggers truly are mentally children
Not him but pretty sure in the greatest story never told talks abot how 58,000 were dead or *missing* after the invasion of Poland
EDITION BERLIN 1940 Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt VOLK UND REICH VERLAG BERLIN: More than
58. 000 Dead and Missing - were lost by the German minority in Poland during the days of their liberation from
the Polish yoke, as far as can be ascertained at present. The Polish nation must for all time be held responsible
for this appalling massacre consequent upon that Polish reign of terror. Up to November 17, 1939, the closing
The actual estimates of these dead/missing are supposed to be around 5,000 in actuality, but all of this happened post-invasion. The natsoc meme that this happened before the invasion in nearly non-existant. If you would like to read accounts of what far-right ebil neo-nazis think about the Polish during WW-2 previous to Molotov Ribbentrop, read this
It has a massive compilation of sources of different incidents all properly cited, even if you dont like the conclusions of the evidence or the opinions of the author
>proving his point
Immediately after him saying "oh if you have any disagreements with people fundementally they resort to ad homs" you do it.
-1 faith in humanity holy shit
Ohja, stimmt. Die verbreiten immer nur Liebe
but that is literally true
>everyone who is a rightist is a nahdzee :DDD
Liberals dont change? Is that what im supposed to make of this? Not everyone who doesn't think Hitler was satan 2 german boogaloo believes everything he and the natsocs did in Germany, but i guess that is too much moral ambiguity for the weebs on this site
In before he explains how that was really carried out by British SOE agents and French partisans in disguise
>all you have is ad homs!
You don't know what an ad hominem is.
>-1 faith in humanity
Go back to wherever you came from.
Oh no, one group of Germans bombed a village during a war (for no reason, no really they just did for lulz because white people are satan). Time to invite the caliphate into Europe, fuck white people. What even is white anyways, there is only black people and islam.
Wtf i hate myself now
>everyone who is a rightist is a nahdzee
Where did I say this? You're in a thread, insisting that stormniggers haven't been ranting and raving about the "Danzig Massacre" for the last several months, which is the exact same thing the king Stormnigger complained about to begin with.
>if you dont support nazism then you support an islamic caliphate
seriously, why did you choose to become this retarded user?
Oh and strawmen memes.
>everyone who is a in the far right is a national socialist
Hmm... guess i'd better call up Falangists and integral nationalists about how they are all nazis because a weeaboo on Veeky Forums doesn't understand in group politics outside of his immediate political base.
>Time to invite the caliphate into Europe
"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
Reading /pol/tards is akin to watching someone swing at imaginary beings created by his mind.
>the state of /pol/eddit
A few years ago, this would've been considered bad bait but you can't even be sure anymore
>churchill didn't like islam and didn't want immigration
>which is why he fought to preserve the rights of a liberal democracy infected by a bourgeois and rootless elite that supported it as much as possible
rly makes u think
well, according to nazis I wasn't white anyway so it's good for me
>a rootless elite that supported [immigration] as much as possible
>refuses to allow a boatload of refugees ashore and sends them back to Nazi Germany
What did they mean by this?
>the sheer amount of cancer coming from the morons on this site
This is just getting sad. Instead of atually talking to me you resort to childish ad hominems and anti-dialectical mannerisms seeking consent from a false majority that supposedly agrees with you by being a true scottsman of Veeky Forums
Yeah i think Hitler was a good guy, no im not a nazi. Try complaining about that without posting a meme image and saying "god just look at you.. right fellow Veeky Forumstorians?
>if you dont like nazism, then that means you love islam and want and islamic caliphate
>even though Hitler was a islamboo
>also, churchill is directly responsible for the current refugee crises
lol what the fuck is wrong with you brain user? youre all over the place
This, alt-reichtards need to get off Veeky Forums.
Seriously, where the fuck are you from?
>Churchill was dictator of the Britain
*Prime Minister
He was a representative of the people who make britain so vibrant today, regardless of whether or not his personal opinions agreed with them. Really enjoying the acid makeup your women are getting these days, really spices the place up.
So Churchill is only in control when its convenient to your pseudo historical narrative. Got it.
I'll make this easier for you cupcake.
Yeah i think Hitler was a good guy, no im not a nazi. Try complaining about that without posting a meme image and saying "god just look at you.. right fellow Veeky Forumstorians?
i dont thinkn you can do it, i think you lack the mental capacity to venture outside of majority opinion
>Churchill had full control of Britain
>as a PM of a democratic, constitutional monarchy with a the House of Lords and House of Commons residing over a global empire that continuouslt shilled the interests of international elites
>rootless elite can get the prime minister to fight for them
>they can't get one boat of refugees past passport control
What did they mean by this?
>Muh acid attacks
You know most of the 'victims' of those are black male gang members who are being attacked by their rivals because a cup of acid is cheaper and easier to get than a gun, right?
the nazis wanted peace with the western allies
no nazi wanted to genocide the french
Look, user. You've been spouting fallacies incorrectly like you're some 15 year old that you just learned them and is eager to use them. You've also been using expressions that make me think that you're both relatively new to Veeky Forums and have a bad case of dunning kruger. Besides that, you seem to be eager to discuss something but haven't said anything worth discussing. Do you want to discuss whether hitler was a good guy or not? Wanting to genocide groups of people (and doing so) makes him a bad guy to me. I guess in your personal morality that might not make him bad but I'm not interested in your morality, so what is there to discuss? You tell me.
>when his time preference and general perception of time is that short
We are talking about long term consequences of supporting a liberal democracy whose primary goal is purely economic in interest, as can clearly be seen by the anglo selling million of pounds of opium to the Chinese and violently supporting the right of these interests in China. That kind of system, whether its being supported by an anti-immigrant and nativist PM will not conform to the views of one strong person, its the entire system that controls society and which replaces the ideals of said society with a zeitgeist of materialism and hedonism in the name of profit.
*very correctly, argumentum ad hominem means arguing on character versus arguing on actual logical points. I said that not everyone who is sympathetic to the nazis is a nazi necessarily or believes in everything they were or said.
I was met with
>fuck off stormfag
>you're like a little babby
a strawman and ad hominem, unless you oh arbiter of logos on earth would like to tell me what kind of argument that would be?
That's cool and all, but what does it have to do with "rootless elites" controlling Churchill?
>you've also been using expressions that make me think that you're both relatively new to Veeky Forums and have a bad case of dunning kruger.
>*very correctly, argumentum ad hominem means arguing on character versus arguing on actual logical points
Which nobody did.
>I was met with
Exactly what I'm saying, you don't know what an ad hominem is. "Fuck off stormfag" is not an ad hominem. "You're wrong because you're a stormfag" is an ad hominem. An ad hominem is claiming a proposition is wrong due to who expressed it, not simply insulting someone.
I'm also not the person who posted that pic.
Its not rootless elites controlling churchill, its churchill representing the interests of rootless elites. There is no coercion in this relationaship, Churchill openly defended liberal democracy and the economic system which leads to disregard of moral hazards, which in the long term has backfired as many people predicted and warned against, as i guess seeing Sadiq Khan's face on television should tell you
>Which nobody did.
>Fuck of Stormfag does not mean "you're wrong because you're a stormfag"
You'd better be pretending to be retarded. So if i say
>hey i think Hitler made some good points, jews are not all innocent scape goats and have acted as economic middlemen for very unsavory people throughout european history
and someone says
>fuck off stormfag
tell me what that means if they aren't disagreeing with me?
>Sadiq Khan
What's your issue with him?
I don't support multilculturalism and i dont support the islamification of Europe and britain for that matter. Terrorism is not part and parcel of a major world city, its part and parcel of a multicultural one.
Him being mayor of London is nothing but trouble
It probably tells you they are tired of stormtards spamming shit all day. But no, it's objectively not an ad hominem. Not that that's what happened in this thread either, neither of the posts you quoted when you started crying about had hominems had ad hominems nor people telling stormtards to fuck off.
>Sadiq Khan
Oh fucking hell you had me going for a second there. If you had said he was a radical left winger and prominent member of the Fabian Society, I'd have given you some credit. But no, just "muh islam". You know actual islamists have declared him a heretic and called for his murder because of how shit of a muslim he is?
I mean seriously, britain spends decades dealing with the IRA and UVF fighting and bombing each other in Northern Ireland and it suddenly thinks that inviting radically different populations into the mix on top of that mixed in with the fact that Scotts no longer want to be a part of Britain in increasing numbers, yet somehow people are going to make peace and get along so they can work 30 hours a week and breath?
People are more than economic units, this is only going to cause tensions between people or the death of British culture in the name of replacing all culture with deracinated consumerism, because that is the only other alternative. Which includes the immigrants as well, its ridiculous
>representative of the people who make britain so vibrant today
He was a paki?
>and this
>aren't ad homs
they objectively assaults on character. Holy shit, one is a meme of a strawman caricature
(^in case you don't know what that is)
and the other is telling me to go back to wherever i came from, in other words, attacking me and my ideas based on who i am and *not* by presenting logical counter arguments
You know that the vast bulk of Pakistanis and Indians arrived in Britain before the Troubles in Northern Ireland, right?
wrong link
>he is a left winger
>other muslims call him a heretic
because he is a liberalized muslim? There are liberal and leftist muslims, you do realize?
So any Islamist who isn't a rightists isn't a true scottsman - excuse me - islamist?
>islamic socialism is a thing and he's brownish so that must be the political theory he follows
Educate yourself.
Ah yes, back when there was 10,000 of them and not a million.
>In the 2011 UK Census, 1,174,983 residents classified themselves as ethnically Pakistani (excluding people of mixed ethnicity), regardless of their birthplace.[1] The equivalent figure in the 2001 UK Census was 747,285.[38] Of those Pakistanis living in England, Wales and Scotland in 2001, 55 per cent were born in the UK, 36.9 per cent in Pakistan and 3.5 per cent elsewhere in Asia.[37] According to estimates by the Office for National Statistics, the number of people born in Pakistan living in the UK in 2013 was 502,000.[39] The Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis of the Pakistan government estimates that 1.26 million Pakistanis eligible for dual nationality live in the UK, constituting well over half of the total number of Pakistanis in Europe.[6][40]
Not a very vast majority there eh? Anyways, its completely irrelevant when or how they got here. They should objectively go back
>educate yourself
this is coming from a guy who doesn't know that Islamists aren't all rightists. I wonder if this will bother you
>aren't ad homs
No they aren't, the don't use the character of the person as part of an argument.
It would be a strawman if some stormtards in Veeky Forums didn't actually make those points. But they do. So you're wrong, but at least you're using the fallacy correctly. It might be a straw man if the poster assumed your personal beliefs based on what others say.
>and the other is telling me to go back to wherever i came from, in other words, attacking me and my ideas based on who i am and *not* by presenting logical counter arguments
You still don't seem to grasp what an ad hominem is. "You don't know what an ad hominem is" is part of an argument, it can be a fallacy (or not). "Go back to wherever you came from" is not an argument, it can't be a fallacy. If I said "you're wrong because of A, retard", the "A" might be a fallacy but the "retard" can't, it's not part of an argument that leads to a truth value. To be a fallacy it has to be a deduction that could lead to the wrong truth value in a value table. If you can't understand this, there's no point in discussing.
>islamists are all rightists
>they're all a hive mind and believe exactly the same thing, with no agency of their own
>they even believe it when they spend their entire life doing exactly the opposite
Why would Christian Socialism bother me?
if you really think that the current system encourages immigration as much as possible, you have pretty poor knowledge of the amount of people who'd like to but cannot immigrate to west
According to World Values Survey, close to 16 million people would like to move to Germany immediadly if it was possible for them.
>using the word objectivley to describe your opinions
>No they aren't, the don't use the character of the person as part of an argument.
So in other words, calling me a stormfag and telling me to fuck off because i am a caricture of a person and thus my opinions are invalid is not an ad hominem because they aren't assaults on my character.
>It would be a strawman if some stormtards in Veeky Forums didn't actually make those points
... oh god im done, you are a moron. am *I* making those points? Okay kiddo, read this
>an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
that is what strawman means. Okay? Where did i say anything in that fucking caricature meme image? I didn't? Well thats because it was an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
>go back to wherever you came from is not a ad hominem
Kid, if i paki told me 2+2=4 and I said fuck off go back to wherever you came from (implying he is wrong because is a paki) in response, you're telling me that isnt an ad hominem. The sheer amount of idiocy coming from you right now is just too much.
I originally made a proposition and the counter to it was fuck off stormfag (implying i am wrong because i am a stormfag). This is textbook ad hominem, i can't make it any simpler for your fragile mind
>>islamists are all rightists
>>they're all a hive mind and believe exactly the same thing, with no agency of their own
>>they even believe it when they spend their entire life doing exactly the opposite
holy christ,
>when he is such an idiot that he cant understand sarcasm
So after i give you the link about islamic socialism, your tiny little brain couldn't understand the fact that just because Sadiq Khan is a leftist doesn't mean he isn't a muslim.
It then also malfunctioned so badly to the point where it forgot that it was me who originally said that not all islamists are rightists. Wow
>telling me to fuck off because i am a caricture of a person and thus my opinions are invalid
Those are things you are imagining.
>oh god im done, you are a moron. am *I* making those points?
Nobody is accusing you of making any points faggot. The discussion started when some user () mentioned stormfags generically and some other user replied that stormfags never said those things. But stormfags say those things daily on Veeky Forums. The discussion is not about you, what a fucking attentionwhore.
>you're telling me that isnt an ad hominem
No, it isn't. You're a retard if you think anyone here thinks you or any stormtard is wrong by virtue of being a stormtard and not by virtue of having retarded arguments. Which doesn't mean I don't want stormtards and people who write in a way that make it obvious they haven't lurked enough to fuck off.
>implying i am wrong because i am a stormfag
I really don't give a fuck about the implications you read in what others wrote.
And the type of leftism he follows has absolutely nothing to do with islam or his being a muslim (which in itself is severely doubted by other muslims), with the policies he's supported actively going against islamic teachings.
>Those are things you are imagining.
How many times do i have to link you to this before your short memory actually decides to work? No, also, no, the discussion started here
Where user stated that "not everyone who is a rightist believes in everything hitler or the nazis said or did"
which was met by
then i replied
The assertion was that not all rightists (and i dont mean the milquetoast kinds either) believe in everything said about the nazis that is positive.
>ou're a retard if you think anyone here thinks you or any stormtard is wrong by virtue of being a stormtard and not by virtue of having retarded arguments
Jesus, you do NOT know how to seperate yourself from the rest of the board do you? Yes there are people who immediately shut themselves down by seeing other people's opinions. This tendency in other people is called
Something you seem to display a lot of
>Responding to the Jew
Just call them cut-cocked hook noses and be done with it.
>going against Islamic teachings
*If youre a rightist Islamist, and of course he will make appeals to non-muslims as the mayor of London?
Again, that has nothing to do with liberal democracy leading to the dealth of culture in the name of deracinated consumerism , in fact that would just support the concept
>he's actually complaining that people who spout literal stormfaggot propaganda talking points, are being called stormfaggots
When? It was only German in 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.
>everything that disagrees with me is propoganda
>etc other anti-dialectical memes used to keep your perception of reality intact
spare me
The only """Danzig""" massacre that actually took place were either the massacre of the staff of the post office (including one girl who was with her family) or all the politicians and clergy who were murdered in Stuthoff.
>How many times do i have to link you to this
Until the posts magically change in a way that make you correct.
>The assertion was that not all rightists (and i dont mean the milquetoast kinds either) believe in everything said about the nazis that is positive.
An assertion which both posts agreed with (if I understand you correctly, please write better).
>Jesus, you do NOT know how to seperate yourself from the rest of the board do you?
You're the one claiming fallacies based on the implications you read rather than what people actually wrote. I've never seen someone claim a stormnigger is wrong because he's a stormnigger, but I've seen plenty of people refute them while telling them their arguments are retarded / telling them to fuck off. So it's rather an induction than a projection.
Holy fuck you're retarded
AND a faggot
>Danzig massacre
>not propaganda
Spare me