>Cavalry doesn't have place in 20th centur-
Cavalry doesn't have place in 20th centur-
>you'll never be a modern knight, speeding across the field on your faithful motorcycle
seriuosly, if mongolian archers learned to use bows on moving horses, imagine the carnage of a bike rider who knew how to accurately use a gun while riding
Cavalry has place in 21st century in a form of Mohawk Biker Gangs.
>biker lance charge
They don't stay on the bike. They get off and start shooting, that makes them dragoons.
this tactic is being deployed in contemporary Iraq and Syria with great success.
My horse was faster!
It’s called armor, tanks and tank-like vehicles replaced the horse, they’re even labeled as “armored cavalry” divisions.
Yor point being?
Cool, I was wondering when or how one of these former nomad peoples would begin implementing some sort of cavalry tactic adapted to modern use.
Dragoons and cavalry are different my friend.
In the 1970s, the US Army created an entire divison equipped with dune buggies and motorbikes for deployment to the middle east
Until your dragoon unit starts getting used as shock cavalry so often they rarely ever use their carbines.
See: Bongs in the early 19th century.
That photo has to be from 1983 at the earliest because he's wearing a PASGT helmet which was introduced for the Invasion of Lebanon but wasn't issued in large numbers until 1984.
Also color version
>deploys a single line of barbed wire in front of you
>entire battalion immobilized
Found the original caption, it's dated October 15th, 1983
>doesn't post horse mounted troops
>acts like mounted troops in general haven't been a thing continuously since horses disappeared from the battlefield
Shit joke user. If you try to play both sides at the same time you only look stupid.
Roads? How boring!
A single truck can transport five times the soldiers, extra baggage and a fixed gun and can be moved independently of the passengers
>Lance charge at 70mph
>Fly off your bike on impact and die
The problem is that unlike a good horse, where you don't ALWAYS have to be on the reigns, you need at least one and usually 2 hands to operate a motorcycle, especially in rough terrain. That pretty much eliminates any possibility of actually fighting while mounted and makes them pure dragoons.
The bike doesn't maintain stability like a horse does. Perhaps quadbikes.
Also can move only in one direction, faggot.
>not posting the much better pic
Also Wiki has the bugle calls of the Bersaglieri, pretty cool
>What is reverse drive
Come back when you get your driving license kid.
Right. 5 people moving backwards is what will save us from whoever.
The Chinese still have their last two Cavalry battalions, who move between Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, and sometimes Xinjiang.
Most of their duties involve rescuing stranded nomads in the winter and police duties like arresting poachers or smugglers or criminals in the steppes.
>get off
>cut the wire
>proceed onward
>Throw RPG
>Barbed wire gone
Do you think horses move sideways like crabs outside of slow, prepared dressage displays?
With bikes individual troops can be positioned and retreat independently. Technicals are a larger target mostly good for its mounted gun's force and more destructive weaponry with higher calibers and rockets have also been applied.
I was actually going to post two more pictures (that's why it's bersaglieri1), one of which was the one you posted, but I got the message that I couldn't upload a duplicate picture. Pretty stupid desu.
Moving with less than a squad? I doubt it.
Pickup trucks are being used for all sorts of transportation. Being able to mount a gun is a nice bonus though.
As for the truck vs. motorbike part, it was found out already during WW2 that trucks or jeep-like vehicles are logistically far superior to motorbikes, which were mostly relegated for courier and scouting uses.
Fuck it feels like yesterday that they were the most powerful group in Iraq and Syria.
is that a technical or a quad cannon
Man, if only there was some way you could carry soldiers over harsh terrain fast than horse or motorcycle.
Shit, imagine if it could also fly and launch missiles too.
>Those were the days my friend
>We thought they'd never end
>We'd sing and dance forever and a day
>We'd live the life we choose
>We'd fight and never lose
>For we were young and sure to have our way
They can you stupid fuck.
shit imagine how much that would cost
>mechcuckization shills btfo
I'm sure you have plenty of evidence of horses doing so? Especially when stressed or in battle?
> See Lance charge coming
> Shoot at the wheels and engine
> A few bikes go down and take out 3/4 of their comrades in the process
That must be a cool job.
I'm guessing the Chad Calvaryman is Budyonny
This looks kind of unstable with wheels that small.
We take what we need!
Our clan is strong!
Scorpion tank
Don't get on my bad side!
>Roaming the wild steppes with your buddies and horse friends doling out justice and rescuing farmers
Pretty cool
Tukhachevsky is the Virgin Mechanisation
Heavy-Cavalry probably would be okay vs motorcycles but horses are really expensive and nobody uses motorcycles in combat anyway.
I think there's a use for horses as light cavalry.
Part of me really wants to see an alternate history where "motorized dragoons" with "(semi)automatic-carbines" are experimented with pre-ww1.
All a real man needs, a horse, his buddies, a rifle, a payment for doing manly things .. and I bet they get pussy too.