My vote goes to salt water.
>Yes goy, this water which makes up over 90% of the water on Earth, isn't drinkable!
>In fact it will make you THIRSTY when you drink it, yes!
>It's bad water, leave it all to us, goyim!
>Don't try to drink it, everyone's accepted this water is "bad"! We've even dumped human waste in it offshore so you'd need a boat to drink it unpoluted, only you'd die of thirst because water makes you thirsty ehehe trust us
What's the biggest lie in history?
Your mother's love.
t. Some nobody from a flyover state who's never seen an ocean in person
Go to the sea and drink it, if you believe salty water is a jewish trick
Yes yes 97% of the Earth's water will make you THIRSTY when you drink it. In fact drinking said water will make you DIE of THIRST.
This makes perfect sense and isn't part in a scheme to horde 97% of the Earth's fucking water.
One of the dumbest posts I have ever seen
I have, it was tasty and I didn't die. Tasted better than "normal" water, in fact.
Salt water dehydrates because if salt. Evaporation and precipitation make this exact water drinkable by filtering out said salt. Did they skip the hydrological cycle in your home schooling? Also kys.
>hydrological cycle
How can I trust this when it lends credence to the lie you know who made to protect their water source that takes up 71% of the Earth's surface?!
>Veeky Forums cracking its teeth at a Veeky Forums subject, failing hard as ever.
I love these threads.
Checks out. Those dirty thiefs had the veil on me this whole time. From now on I'll hoard barrels of sea water in my basement, no matter the stench.
you can drink sea water same way you can drink salted soup
it won't kill you, it may even taste alright, but it sure as fuck won't make you not thirsty
the more of it you drink the more salt your body accumulates, bonding with the water and making you even thirstier
Fantastic. You should reveal the secret to everyone by drinking nothing but seawater for a year. You'll be the greatest hero in history.
The Holo-
The 300,000 is a lie.
Harris was a saint who was dropping food and humanitarian supplies for starving German civilians but they were burned in massive bonfires by the Nazis who kept shooting down his planes.
What do seals, dolphins and whales drink then?
That gays exist
>hey there is a group of man that have sex with other man
>but they can't reproduce why would they have sex?
>how come they even exist without reproduction?
>uhh let's not talk about that keep quite
They don't drink. They are thirsty till they die
That's actually a good question. Quick somebody go ask
>but they can't reproduce why would they have sex?
t. Someone who has never had sex.
>seals, dolphins and whales
Pic one
They don't exist
I would so love to suck his big pulsating aryan cock
i don't think he'd allow nonwhites sweety
Something something sodium poisoning something
unironically a 10/10 thread op
Heya boyo we sure BTFO those Gerrys amirote wink wink nudge nudge bang yernan
Ignore this LARPing nigger
Really triggered my synapses t.b.h. I started googling.
at least i don't have to pretend to be white
Should I ignore him again?
>keeps taking screenshots of my posts
>"guess i'll just keep ignoring him ecks dee"
they have special glands to excrete seawater s
What's wrong with liking men?
Nothing if you're a woman.
this is bait... right? you don't seriously not believe that salt water exists, right?
Ther is nothing wrong liking girly boys. The problem arises if boy in question is not girly which makes person gay. Historically liking girly bois were celebrated. Some girly boiys were so cute they were made god had cults. But there isn`t any manly homo who has cult or god. Like i said being girly boy and being boy liking girly boy isnt not gay. If you manly man liking other manly man that makes u homo.
> Historically liking girly bois were celebrated. Some girly boiys were so cute they were made god had cults
Citation needed
>But there isn`t any manly homo who has cult or god.
There were quite a lot.
>If you manly man liking other manly man that makes u homo.
If you like manly things that makes you manly and not gay liking cars is manly, liking man is the manliest thing you could think of. If you like girly things like girly boys that makes you a homo because girly boys aren't manly.
Bad bait
I mean it worked for him pretty well
I drank the seawater outside of Oakland once and now I'm HIV positive.
OP is a fool
I like cocks.
Many marine mammals get their water from fat.
But, you didn't get thirsty, right?