>this is what Romaboos actually believes
This is what Romaboos actually believes
What if they're late-Romeaboos?
Yeah it's pretty much true
Jews (deemed "Christians") destroyed the Roman culture and people through Constantine
The Holy """""""""""Roman"""""""""""" Empire and Byzantine Empire are just faggot Semitic Christians LARPing as Romans
real patricians know that the hot baths boiled roman testicles and made them infertile, lowering the empire's manpower and forcing them to rely on mercenaries
HRE gives a flying fuck about Rome, that's the Byzaboo's who think their Greek shithole is totally Roman.
FUCK you faggot
Where is joke
This. Nobles overeating was definitely a major component too.
What, not gonna blame it on Roman society using paint chips as sugar?
Most likely bait, but in the unlikely case it isn't, let me correct you:
>Jews (deemed "Christians")
Anyone who knows anything about abrahamic religions knows they are not the same
>destroyed the Roman culture
Not at all, Roman culture lived on in the Byzantine empire until the 15th century.
>and people through Constantine The Holy """""""""""Roman"""""""""""" Empire
Constantine did not create the Holy Roman Empire, that was Charlemagne.
>Byzantine Empire are just faggot Semitic Christians LARPing as Romans
Not all Christians are Semitic, how stupid do you have to be to believe that? And the Byzantine empire was Roman, there's nothing you can do to change that. Take your /pol/ tier posts back to /pol/
>Byzaboo in overdrive mode
Le blackBULL poster funny stuff XD
Nice comprehensive arguments contesting what was said
Ever wondered why no one is willing to take you serious?
Byzantium is a meme.
It was always a continuation of the Roman Empire.
No, because plenty of people do take me seriously.
Yeah, like shit is a continuation of food I guess. Nobody is contesting that. But it's not food unless you're a stupid dog or a bacterium or something.
apparently just not ITT
Byzantium was not a "continuation" of Rome, it *was* Rome
Well, I like referring to the head of government and geographical location as Byzantium, but I'd still prefer calling it Eastern Roman Empire than the Byzantine Empire.
The joke is that he used the word "LARP" and intends to be taken seriously.
Aaand found the guy who eats shit I guess
Fuck off with your butthurt already
This is one of the most non sequitur things I've seen in a while
>this delusion
This doesn't even make sense.