>people for 4000 years believe in a higher power or spirituality
>only on the last 50 years people stop
Why though? What hubris is this?
>people for 4000 years believe in a higher power or spirituality
>only on the last 50 years people stop
Why though? What hubris is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
We used to be very ignorant.
Dude, seriously. You Anglos need to work on that. The order of letters in a word aren't randomly picked.
The Maya called this period the time of great forgetting. Rumors of destruction used to be enough to keep people in check now it seems like the Lord is going to have to show up again.
>dude we are all just insignificant meatbags flying on a pointless rock in space nothing matters morty *burp*
is there a more reddit belief
>people for 4000 years couldn't explain volcanoes, lightning or natural disasters
>today we can
Fuck me look at our digits lads
Yeah, the belief that there is some magical dude in the sky that keeps track on every single human being ever in every little detail of their lives and should you happen to break one of his rules you will be punished
How not why. You've been played by your societal handlers.
The same hubris that leads people to deliberately draw disgusting disformed minimum effort MS Paint faces based on an incredibly stale meme pic used by crybabies from Facebook who want to say bitch shit like TFW and ywn Every. Single. Post.
>forgetting about all the atheist movements even from ancient Greece
>misrepresenting the argument
You need to read more Vedic philosophy
"Everyone proclaims the existence of a God, it is unmistakable; but all our religions are obviously the children of men." Napoleon Bonaparte
You don't have to believe in Christianity to still believe in a higher power brainlet
>Not knowing the origins of the big bang is the same as saying the universe came from nothing.
>dude stop masturbating
>dude stop putting plastic over your penis or you'll suffer eternal damnation
I think that one.
>you are only worth as much as you earn
and this right here is where crushing majority of religions come from
man refuses to accept that he's not fucking special and he in fact does not have a purpose in life unless he comes up with one himself
here is some consolation
>people for 4000 years believe disease is caused by magic
>only on the last 50 years people stop
Why though? What hubris is this?
theres no evidence of a star ever making anything besides plasma
now its caused by cigarettes, africans, and being a faggot
Also you can read this : press.princeton.edu
there's also no evidence of the existence of a god
the element creation process has been replicated in particle accelerators
gg no re
thats not a star
I don't need any
who we stopped being ignorant superstitious dumbasses, what a fucking disgrace...
and we advanced more in these 50 years than we did in the last 1500
>i dont understand science
did we invent another steam engine?
I bet you dont
We had the exact same fucking thread with the exact same baitpic yesterday, faggot.
>what is the digital revolution
nothings changed though
>I don't need any
Now let's look at who made the most technological and scientific advances of the 20th century
>everyone else
So you've got at least 50% jewish, another good majority Christian, some atheists and also most likely some Aryan pagans
If you really think atheism has fueled scientific progress you're quite retarded
>Implying this hasn't been the fastest period of technological change in all of human history
Also using the steam engine as an example is pretty fucking stupid since we have steam engine patents going back to the 17th century and it took hundreds of years of slow improvements before we could power factories or even vehicles.
>You don't have to believe in Christianity to still believe in a higher power brainlet
If you honestly only believe in an abstract unknowable """higher power""" then there's no reason to even get in debates with atheists or have a personal investment with atheism. I'm willing to bet that with minimal digging you'd turn out just to be a super lay Christian who doesn't even have the stones to defend his scripture.
>Now let's look at who made the most technological and scientific advances of the 20th century
>made the most technological and scientific advances of the 20th Century
This is your brain on crack cocaine and /pol/.
>tfw you share a board with morons who think you are a nazi for pointing out german scientists contributed the most for rocket technology
>conveniently ignoring how I said Jews were most important in scientific advances
you posted the pic with Autism War in it so I'm just going to pretend you're having a giggle and not call you a fucking faggot
>take ancient chinese fireworks
>make them bigger
>we wuz rocket scientists and shit!
Yes, there is literally no difference between gunpowder based firecrackers and jet-fueled spacetravel-capable rockets. NASA is all a sham, amrite?
>only superior german intellect could do ti
>no other racial group ever had physicist and smart people
>being THIS desperate to pick a fight with a strawman german supremacist
>STILL IGNORING how I said Jews were responsible for AT LEAST HALF of all scientific advances
either I am being baited or this is your brain on Veeky Forums
Name 10 notable inventions german scientists that worked under nazi rule made between 1933 and 1960, I'll wait.
>muh roketz en shied
>they were super smart
>that's why they failed to create an atom bomb
>also lol only germans and jews educated in germany provided to science!
>if you aren't some diehard bible thumper you shouldn't get involved in religious debates
All Americans must hang
Haha what, does G*d have a reason for calling down storms?
Germany not really pursuing nuclear weaponry was due to Hitler being a brainlet
>be American or Soviet in 44
>rocket weaponry is fucking dime a dozen by now
>Germans make another one of those things that are fucking useless for war effort because of retardedly long and expensive production crippling the deployment pace, but on engineering level pretty impressive - defo would have try making something like that if we didn't have big fucking war to win
>Germany gets BTFO
>well, time to dabble in that ballistic missile shit, probably a good idea to get these folks who have been working on it already on our side to split the workload
>70 years later
>implying they didn't fail because they were too smart to fall for "jewish physics"
If you took a rationalist who genuinely did, on his own, come to the conclusion that an abstract higher order exists and put him in the same room as a rationalist who didn't, there would be no compelling reason for either side to want to or be able to sway the other.
The reason for this is that you can't really identify atheism as problematic without invoking latent Christian morals.
People who exist in this fucking limbo of exhorting Christian morality while dodging any accusations against Christianity are the ones that need to hang. It's disingenuous and makes it seem like you have no set beliefs, it's like you just want to attack atheism without having to defend any solid beliefs of your own.
National Socialist rule ended before 1950 and the land was in ruins.
Memorable achievements until defeat:
Autobahn system
Space Rocket (V2)
3x1000 (look it up)
Crypto machines (Enigma)
Long range U-Boats
Long distance artillery
Plus the whole wealth of human development in archeology, nature and society standards.
Shills want to hide with half-truths that German society on that period was quite OK, and more focused on its citizens than on the ((merchants)) that sponsored either capitalism or communism.
the narative got old
we need a new narative
Fuck me I was thinking this was the same thread and got confused.
Good to know it's just OP being a wanker.
Why don't you dumb fuck go over to Germany and tell people who lived trough the time about your spectacular findings and see what happens?
>Totalitarian dictatorship is so much fun.
>nazi germany is the only that invented stuff in that time period, please ignore the rest of the world
>Autobahn system
not an invention
>Space Rocket (V2)
>3x1000 (look it up)
a jet plane- not invented by germany
>Crypto machines (Enigma)
>Long range U-Boats
You mean the XXI? Everybody had electric subs.
>Long distance artillery
That means literally nothing. Give example.
There have always been atheists and theists. There have been peaks and valleys in beliefs and disbelief as well.
It's the same with our current age.
>Why though?
You can't keep 'em down on the farm.
More data about the world. These stories seem more and more unlikely the more we understand how the world works.
Literally space, without space people would still be very religious.
This is a toddlers level of understanding
Outer space is the one aspect of our world that debunks every religion user.
>only in the last 50 years
I have a theory that every time there's a big breakthrough in understanding the universe atheism jumps temporarily, as the folks who based their religion on not explaining that shit find it explained and come around by reason. Their kids, having the same religious impulse lots of people do, find different reasons to believe in something that are compatible with the hip new science.
>only on the last 50 years people stop
What's depressing is this thread is full of idiots who actually believe this - both that people are no longer believing, and that absolutely everyone believed in God in the old days
>There is a deity of some kind that made people and then removed all evidence of itself in order to fool us into believing it isn't real, so we have to take it on blind faith that it's real and its threats of punishment are real.
I think it's funny that there is n definitive proof that deities exist, et people will blindly waste their time and money of paying them homage in order to feel like they're not just cosmic flukes and that their lives are essentially what they make of themselves and do for others.
I no longer believe in Santa because he's not real. I have evidence that my parents placed presents under the tree on Christmas Eve after I went to bed.
I used to believe that diseases were caused by God being unhappy with me. There someone showed me that they're actually caused by microorganisms that I can't see without mechanical help. Now I don't believe that God is trying to punish me when I get sick.
Knowledge. The word you were looking for is "knowledge."
>>only on the last 50 years people stop
what? There have always been atheists, in ancient Rome, in Greece, even in China.
In regard to the picture, noone definitively says that the universe came from nothing unless they are a dumbass. That is, unless there is some compelling evidence I haven't heard that supports this.
Most atheists I've spoken to will say that they dont know where the universe came from. The important thing is being able to recognize when you don't know and not assuming those things.
>the men in the world who contributed the most to human achievement believed in god
My mom is extremely religious. She refuses to accept the concept of other galaxies existing. Her cosmological construct of the universe allows for other stars and even other planets in orbit of those other stars. But other galaxies as larger clusters of orbiting stars absolutely not. She not only tells.me that it isn't possible but that she just doesn't even understand what that would mean. Her universe includes only the stars she sees with her naked eye. When I showed her pictures of other galaxies she was visibly upset and asked me not to show her anything else ever again.
That's the day my last hope in there existing a rational approach to religion died.
>you need evidence for a belief
>we are created from exploding stars
sorry reddit but how can you come to that conclusion by looking at things through a telescope
How does she explain Andromeda? It's visible to the naked eye when there's no light pollution. It would only take a very weak telescope to see it in greater detail.
Watch them say that you need evidence for a lack of belief and can't *prove* that god isn't real
>only on the last 50 years
>my belief is proof enough to say you are wrong tho
Stars create atoms of new elements in a process that we can replicate in particle accelerators
>we can replicate it
>no way some higher power used it to create everything
>How can you come to any logical conclusions without literally seeing something happen
>nobody saw the crime and I don't have the patience to listen to sherlocks reasoning
Believe it or not, there are quite a few processes we know of without having directly observed them and that nobody bats an eye at. A lot of the justification is very easy to learn a ton about just by reading a Wikipedia article or two.
We use stellar spectroscopy to find elements in stars.
If a higher power existed he could definitely do that. Now all thats left is to give me a reason to buy into his existence.
A good friend of mine is a zealous atheist and he believes in homeopathy. When you want to show him how medical science and simple regression analysis work, he just refuses to listen and gets upset aswell.
Just saying that some facts that are contrary to what you perceive as true might be hard to accept
She lives in a city and has never seen it. She would never be interested in looking at it. I have a telescope and live in light pollution free area. She just decides not to accept it as a galaxy.
In short, she has never seen it. Doesn't want to see it. She wont look at it if I showed her.
>here are some facts someone else said are true so you should just believe them
>these guys did some smart things, that means they are immune to common logical errors and everything they did and believed was the gospel truth!
>Just saying that some facts that are contrary to what you perceive as true might be hard to accept
Can you explain this a little bit more to me. I dont understand what you mean?
The onus is now on you to disprove the entire discipline of stellar spectroscopy.
>I am the only source of credible knowledge and I cannot give a fair shot to anything that contradicts my presuppositions
>people believe the universe unironically came from nothing
>people unironically believe that a bearded pandimensional thaumaturgist farted the cosmos into being
>people unironically think the Big Bang presumes the existence of nothing
>the alternative to this is:
>rare disturbances in the field of virtual quantum foam are "nothing"
Top retardation, retard.
Things that are logical but counterintuitive may take some time to understand
Yes but galaxies? How is that so hard to understand and accept? I mean we have fucking pictures of them???