>Okay lads, how shall we name our new landcruiser prototype? It must strike fear into the hearts of the Hun!
Okay lads, how shall we name our new landcruiser prototype? It must strike fear into the hearts of the Hun!
why do I see people here refer to germans as Huns lately?
what the fuck is going on?
Who was the ruler of Germany at the time user?
>he doesn't know like the main nickname for Germans during the First World War
definitely not their anglo nickname anyway
and I don't give a sunday evening fuck about first world war so count that in too
>definitely not their anglo nickname anyway
>Hun (or The Hun) is a term used in reference to the pre-medieval Hunnic Empire of Attila. This term was used heavily during World War I and was often seen on Allied war posters.
>The origin of the term was a reference to Attila the Hun in Wilhelm II's notorious "Hun speech" (Hunnenrede) delivered on 27 July 1900, when he bade farewell to the German expeditionary corps sailing from Bremerhaven to defeat the Boxer Rebellion.
>The Kaiser's speech was widely reported in the European press and then became the basis for the characterisation of the Germans during World War I as barbarians and savages with no respect for European civilisation and humanitarian values.[4]
>By coincidence, Gott mit uns ("God is with us"), a motto first used in the Kingdom of Prussia and later the German Empire, may have contributed to the popularization of 'Huns' as British Army slang for Germans by misreading 'uns' for 'Huns'.[5] The motto was retained by Nazi Germany, but used less often.
gtfo this board you fucking brainlet
>hunnic empire of attila
lol wut
I feel like I should show some evidence as well
>Mein Gott it was terrible to behold. Every round we put into it barely made a dent. Artillery might have been snowballs, and it even mowed down that crack jaeger sturmtroppen platoon we shared the trench with. It was like Der Teufel himself come from Holle. I can still hear poor Johannes screaming as it ran him over.
>But Otto, then what is the name of this monstrous Britisher wunderwaffe??
>Ah, it's uh.....*cough*....Little Willie
You got to think of the long con when it comes to the bantz, user. You got to think the long con.
>teenage girls calling each other 'hun' today on Facebook
>He doesn’t know the various nicknames the Bosche has had
I think this is sufficient
That's pretty funny and really not that bad
Why was it refered to in Mulan? Was it just for rythm, or was there a second Eastern Hunnic Empire?
That's probably why the Mark 1, the first tank to have some proper use in WW1, was sometimes referred to as "Big Willie"
Kek, how many times did Wilhelm put his foot in his mouth?
are you sure it was "Hun" and not "Han"?
(I've never seen the cartoon)
>take tractor
>put a1-2cm of steel box on it
>put some mgs
Why was this so unfathomableto the g*rmans that they only made 17.
>Germans are starting to capture and reuse British and French tanks
>Some British Soldiers are listening in on a German conversation
>The Germans are excited that they have captured a Little Willie
>Every now and again the Germans say "Little Willie"
>The British Soldiers chuckle
this was their plan, to increase morale by making the Germans sound like they have small genitalia.
I'm pretty sure it was Hun
A lack of 1-2cm steel I imagine.
I don't know the context so I don't know what you are referring to
I think it was steel shortages in combination with other priorities.
In the 20th century, the greatest threat to civilization was the Germans. In the 21st century, the greatest threat to civilization is thots. It seems right that they're called by the same name.
Therefore, the same thing that came to stop it in the 20th century must come again.
I wouldn't count on it. Britain is the slag heartland.
Every time he spoke, and sometimes without.
London is.
British Civil War when, thank you.
La Bosch?
facial hair was a big fucking deal to sailors
Brits are also called huns though
t. brainlet extraordinare
>he doesn't know that WW1 is just a giant /bant/ fest
Yeah even called him Atilla
Mulang where women pretend to be men to preserve the honour of the family
That's completely autistic. Germans truly are a diseased people
>why do I see people here refer to germans as Huns lately?
>definitely not their anglo nickname anyway
tfw no qt british slag gf