>26 yo
>single, khv
>still live with parents
>invested 10k in stock market and 10k in crypto
>tfw should be a millionaire by the time I'm 60 thanks to compound interest
AMA Veeky Forums
>26 yo
>single, khv
>still live with parents
>invested 10k in stock market and 10k in crypto
>tfw should be a millionaire by the time I'm 60 thanks to compound interest
AMA Veeky Forums
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I‘m literally the same.
How can you be a NEET and have 20k saved up?
his parents money obviously
instead of tendies he traded for dollars.
Nice trips so you deserve a serious answer. A lot of NEETs are in fact NEETing because their parents are giving them allowances equal to or more than what he could earn by wagecucking. NEETing because of upper-mid or higher class parents is not even considered a bad thing in some cultures.
It's not fair. I had to work hard for my money damnit.
a lot of people quit their jobs due to depression, idiot.
I didn't mean all NEETs you dipshit. Is not understanding what you read a side-effect of depression?
Get a job, work for a year, get depressed and quit. Have very few expenses 'cause live at home.
Pretty much this desu.
I wagecucked for 5 years. Burnt out. Saved up 50k. Put in 30k in savings and the rest in investments/crypto.
Mild or moderate cognitive impairment can be a sympton of depression.
Lol life is hard lol
Life sucks and then you die.
I'm a 26yo meet, never worked and I have 20k saved from neetbux and not paying my parents rent
Not a NEET, but I only worked one semester as a math tutor in my uni.
I've got six figures in crypto because I started in 2013 with lunch money.
>tfw should be a millionaire by the time I'm 60 thanks to compound interest
youll be a millionaire just in time for your hip replace at 60.
I'm 100% sure you're Canadian.
money saved from previous jobs DESU, neet life is comfy life
>3k savings in cryptos
>college dropout
>i need to be millionaire next year
Join us for this Saturday!!!
How will you support yourself for the next 34 years?
By then, $1M won't be much more than pocket change.
>live at home and with girlfriend (split time back and forth)
>put $20k in crypto in january
>should be worth a couple hundred thousand by now but tried the day trade meme and now only have $100k left
>no ideas of what to do to make me happy, no hope for happiness or success in life
feels bad, man.
Also, i'm another example of a person who worked for a few years after school and saved up $30k + what I invested. Quit due to depression/getting totally burnt out. I fucking despise the working world but feel compelled to go back. Ugh.
>bought 150 btc in 2012 for 10k, all the money I had
>sold at 30% profit a month later and only had 900 ltc left
>sold those ltc in may and am now at nearly 21 btc from trading
>all while "working" some low paying it job to stall a bit until crypto peaks
I wonder when they will catch on that I do almost nothing each day, cant be much longer. The fiat saved up should be enough for a year of expenses, so lets see where this will end.
>I fucking despise the working world but feel compelled to go back. Ugh.
Why? user?
I've made enough to pay for rent for the upcoming year. If I can double my stack with LINK i'll just live on crypto and use my time doing constructive shit, instead of wagecucking.
I guess if you get paid really well get a job, but otherwise focus on shit you actually wanna be doing
you can do it user. I turned 3k into 10k in 2months. Gonna try and scrape together another 10k and put that shit on LINK. Once you master the learning curve and get to like 100k or ~21BTC, you're fucking set.
>NEETing because of upper-mid or higher class parents is not even considered a bad thing in some culture
what cultures do you mean?
Fucking all of them man; it just depends on the family.
I have a friend thats a musician and he tries to work every now and then but his parents help him out a lot so he can just focus on music. Its pretty neat; i dont look down on people like that. As long as you're doing something constructive/working towards your goals, its fine.
you and me sound the same user, best of luck to you