well? which alt will see biggest gains after whatever the fuck is going on is over.
Other urls found in this thread:
they are all dead now. focus on next generation alts. airswap, request network and your good
VEN after CNC
Check em.
I want this to be true
ETH would be my other bet/hope
Any retard can throw 1k at ark at a gamble, and I hope they fucking do, because if ark reaches its potential you can set up shop in SE asia living off your voting gains in 3-5 years.
thoughts on KYBER?
LTC already up 12%. I would've wanted to get in right before this. Fuark.
ARK's future is bigger than dubs
5x to top 10 and that's a conservative estimate
eBTC : Second Moon Mission™
$20-$25 when ARK VM and deployable blockchains are out, $50 and beyond when the D app platform is complete
considering link hasn't even gone down, LINK. their is an interview tomorrow with sergey
Elix. It is incredibly cheap now und undervalued. Got in after the dump.
Literally only LINK, WTC and NEO.
ETP, but since it's not dipped really, it'll moon and not rebound.
Verge :3
Pivx will moon for sure
so many shitcoins gettin shilled..
you're welcome.
Pretty sure I told you faggots to sell me your stellar at 350 or I would dump it to 200.
This post makes it seem like you still have stellar user.
im going all in on one will it be...
BSN bastonet
will ark come back after this BTC shit?
it has pretty much been dropping for a month straight.
even with news.
I cant be sure on a recovery time but I think it'll gain value in the mid-long term. Same for XMR.
I'm certain ARK will become the next gen crypto model, probably by Q1
Thing is, the team don't give no dates, marketing's frugal and only bittrex worth mentioning
In the short term, Upbit exchange coming to life will bump it as gooks will mesh well with it
NAV should rebound
Also I think there are good things for Vertcoin
1. ARK
3. BAT
lmao. I'm all in.
This has been undebateable for months now.
ARK is the only altcoin worth holding and not day trading like a retard. The fact that they're not pumping their own dicks onto every exchange possible proves that the dev team actually cares about their tech (check the gitHub) and not playing Boiler Room in some shithole Silicon Valley apartment.
XMR is due for another big rise
I'm worried about BAT it got it's update today and only got a slight bump before dropping back down
This is a good list. I'd prob add ARK and BAT as well.
Most of them, just as they did a few days ago.
this desu.
WTC has had nothing but good news this week & more coming in future weeks, it's also being hit hardest by this BTC run.
as soon as BTC crashes money will flow back into WTC as its the most promising coin with a clear road to 5x by EOY
Of those 3 I listed it's the one that I want to buy and stash away for the long haul. ARK I'm most excited about, and LINK for trading, for now. Yeah BAT is iffy but it at least has some successful and very smart people fighting for its success.
Wtc is vaporware pump and dump. When the fuck will people wake up to this chink scam? It crashed because it's controlled by whale shitheads linked to the founders.
True, and I do like that the leads are people that had worked on Firefox. Just with that there should be some type of validity.
I'm gonna keep any eye on it and set a purchase for it when it drops another 20%
bat is just too manipulated for me to enjoy trading with, even though i believe strongly in its team.
Tenx (will see news on us cards this year)
NEO (which will boost adex)
And hopefully WAVES because this shit is fucking raping me
Fuck you normie BTC scum, I hope it crashes and fucks over everyone
Waves fucking better do something...it's down almost 50% and just keeps dropping. They overhyped WavesNG in my opinion....
I'm pretty cozy with my pivx right now.
a e s t h e t i c
Yep I agree, this is the "smart" list where you're safe to invest and hold and you'll make guaranteed gains over the long run. Not going to get 10x+ anytime soon though on any of these I don't think
I'm having hard time deciding if i should go all in on WTC ARK or NEO
The sad part is the price dropped more since I made that...like, a lot more. I would have got out at .001 but I was offline until it was already under .0009. This is a blood bath.
DIONS, bro
TRIG token? I would think after the vegas shooting people will be flooding into this coin for safety.
see how MonaCoin is doing? Kyber is up next. 11 new Japanese exchanges. My body is ready.
Also, FUN. Jez won't let us down.
POSW loves you user. It loves you for the man that you're trying to be, and it loves you for the man that you will never be.
The early mornings. The late nights. The 5 minute lunches. The box of crackers in your desk drawer. POSW loves all that about you, because it is you.
Vertcoin you fucking idiots, it's how cryptocurrency should be. For the people by the people. No premine no Chinese centralised mining that drags any forward progress. Shits starting to pump on price on it's own forward progress.
do you faggots actually care about their shitcoin? the answer is no
Do most people care about any coins? This shit is all people trying to make it
Substratum on binance. Rock bottom right now, 220mil coins, 12 cents currently
ltc is an alt. no need for it to rebound. to the fucking moon, you loser shitcoiners
Link me that, I don't see anything about it.
it's cheap for a reason jesus christ elix is the most worthless POS on the market and only pumped due to a false marketcap recording.
Sia coin its at 77 sat right now
more like poz wallet you fuckin faggot
tell me more about Kyber, brother.
Eboost to 100k
Look at how much OMG is right now. It's 144k for fucks sake.