What is the story of haplogroup I1? How did it manage to attain more success genetically than either R1a or R1b in Scandinavia?
What is the story of haplogroup I1...
Only autistic neckbeards from /pol/ care about haplogroups.
Haplogroups barely tell us anything about history.
>Haplogroups barely tell us anything about history.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Haplogroups are less discuseed on /pol/ than on Veeky Forums
it's a native European haplogroup likely linked to the Cro Magnons.
that's all
It's a pre-IE haplogroup
They hid well and didn't get genocided
>circa 1500 BC
>some lucky asshole becomes king of a tribe and has tons of descendants
Most likely the I1 Allfather was from Jutland and had white skin like the steppic IE and unlike the vast majority of Neolithic-Mesolithics who had swarthy skin. This whiteness helped him to blend into the Indo-European society and over time his bloodline may have even improved it as Germanics were the single most dominant force in European history.
Scandinavians are inbred, stupid, bland retards
fuck off mongoloid
Why does population genetics get cucks get so butthurt?
>population genetics
back to r/eupedia
haplogroups are informative of population genetics but not on a fine scale. You need to factor in autosome markers for that.
I am a Caucasoid
fuck off inbred shitskin
>Indo-Europeans were whiter than Paleo-Europeans
Now this I find very hard to believe.
WHG were swarthy, imagine a Spaniard with dark tan skin and light blue eyes. The Ancient North Eurasians, which are half of the Yamnaya's genetic make up had several alleles that allowed lighter skin.
Yeah, the brachycephal, relatively swarthy bronze age-derived element of them.
Allfather was a Polish R1a Nordic, you dumb m*Doid
Indo-Europeans brought pale rosy skin and blond hair to Europe
No, they were mesocephalic and dolichocephalic
>Indo-Europeans brought pale rosy skin and blond hair to Europe
Then why places with highest percentage of R1a aren't as blond as Scandinavia or Finland?
That's the I1 pre-IE
IEs were brachycephalic.
Haplogroups =\= autosomal DNA
100% of modern I1 descends from a man that lived during Corded Ware times, there's no proof that his descendants (or he himself even) had pre-IE blood significantly.
I'm sorry honey. But Scandinavian natives clearly painted in their caves arrival of the large men with big axes on the boats.
Those natives of Scandinavia were l1 and they depicted arrival of R1a to Scandinavia, the Battle Axe culture
Not all Paleo-Europeans, just the ones who lived south and west of Scandinavia and Belarus and lacked entirely the EHG component.
>one from the south, the other from the northeast. The latter followed the ice-free Norwegian north Atlantic coast, along which novel and advanced pressure-blade stone-tool techniques may have spread. These two groups met and mixed in Scandinavia, creating a genetically diverse population, which shows patterns of genetic adaptation to high latitude environments. These adaptations include high frequencies of low pigmentation variants and a gene-region associated with physical performance
>The range of Western European Mesolithic hunter-gatherers extended to the east of the Baltic Sea, where these populations persisted without gene-flow from Central European farmers until around 2,900 calBCE when the arrival of steppe pastoralists introduced a major shift in economy and established wide-reaching networks of contact within the Corded Ware Complex.
Scandinavian natives were I2, honey. Where and when they picked up I1 is unknown, but we do know that it isn't indigenous to Scandinavia.
Scandinavians have no SHG admixture, though.
t. l1 subhuman
The truth must hurt :')
>I1s are IEs
Bronze Age Steppe Cultures lack I1 but have plenty of R1a, R1b, and even some J.
Scandinavian peninsula was the destination of ancient migrations and the source of nothing.
Jutland was where the R1b Bell Beakers, the R1a Corded Ware(Single Grave) and the "lucky" I1 native lineage met to form what would eventually be Germanics.
it should hurt to be an l1 subhuman. I'm R1a-Z284 and my ancestors fucked women of your ancestors lmao
You're obviously some asshurt Poolack
>my ancestors fucked women of your ancestors lmao
Yet the vast majority of Scandinavian mtDNA is Indo-European and I1 literally came from a SINGLE MAN who lived during Corded Ware times, how it became so widespread you can figure out on your own :)
It came from the Corded Ware culture, I never said it was Proto-Indo-European.
>nordicist polack pile of slavicshit
>calls anyone a polack
Lmao. Keep wishing slavshits are Nordic, meanwhile you're a subhuman worm to me, dumb pripet marshes subhuman.
Polacks are worse than niggers and arabs here in Sweden.
>IE roasties massively cucked their R1a husbands for Finnish and Nordic bulls.
R1bulls did well to throw these garbages away, and marry native cuties.
>It came from the Corded Ware culture
Culture has nothing to do with genetics.
You're probably schizophrenic, pretending to be Nordic 10 minutes after posting "I1 subhuman"
I1 had probably been a part of Indo-European society for some time prior to "exploding", which means that it would've been Indo-Europeanized many times over genetically.
The fuck you're talking about you slavic subhuman.
But culture is environmental factor.
How could it have been a part of IE society before IE society arrived to Northern Europe?
It wasn't, but it had been for some time prior to expanding.
Not him but if I1 isn't native to Northern Europe, then it must be native to Eastern Europe(Pre Corded Ware).
Thus :
Swarthy I1s are in Eastern Europe > R1as invade Eastern Europe > R1as genocide almost all I1s and bleach the remaining ones > R1a and Bleached-I1s invade Northern Europe
>Swarthy I1s are in Eastern Europe > R1as invade Eastern Europe > R1as genocide almost all I1s and bleach the remaining ones > R1a and Bleached-I1s invade Northern Europe
This, basically
>polacks are worse than niggers and arabs here in Sweden.
how to spot a shitskin easily. carry on.
The expansion begins just around the time CW first shows up in Northern Europe(2700 BC), although it intensifies later.
No reason why the genetic half Indo-Europeanization couldn't happen in those few centuries as the I1s were still a fringe minority in a sea of R1a with the R1b coming in too.
that image proves you wrong
Is there any evidence of segregated native-derived hunter gatherer groups in Europe surviving until the Copper Age, and if so could this at least partially explain why their Y-DNA faired better than that of the farmers as opposed to purely simple "luck"? I imagine they would integrate better with Indo-European culture.
See But the eastern Baltic WHG and mixed WHG/EHG hunters were I2, Q, R1a and R1b.
Regardless, they were struck down like animals by the CW and all of their Y-DNA lineages are extremely rare now if not extinct.
In Sweden there was not so much segregation as the loose and opportunistic farmer women ended up in the I2 etc hunters maternal genomes.
I keep seeing this meme yet what the fuck have Scandinavians actually done?
The answer is nothing.
oh yeah, explain this.
I dont get why people come in here to say
>duur why does yoh care about haplogroops they arre meaningless
just ignore the thread then you spoon. A post like that is hardly going to convince anyone of anything anyway.
Swedes discovered quite a few elements and, er, that's about it
Created the best living standards in the modern world. Also:
>What are the Vikings
Cromagnons were 100% likely to belong to Haplogroup CV not I2. Proof are the samples found in Beligum belonging to CV dating back to 28,000 BC and remains in southern russia dating back to over 35,000 years ago.
They brought the middle ages by conquering Italy and Spain in the 6th century
And by letting in moors and intermarrying with them
Many of the moorish elite in iberia were blonde, as the moors had a preferance for blonde pure visigoth virgin children, which the visigoth nobles were more than willing to provide with.
visigoths were only ever the elite lad, it was the iberians who were too weak to resist, also in order to fulfill your cuck fantasy you act as though the ”moorish elite” were for the most part north africans when in reality they were mostly assimilated locals which included visigoths first and foremost as they were the ruling class muslims wanted to appease
sorry to break it to you, but blondism is actually native to the west coast of North Africa and is mad old
indigenous Berbers and shit
link related
>the aboriginal Berber inhabitants of the Canary Islands.[1]
>Linguistic evidence suggests ties between the Guanche language and the Berber languages of North Africa, particularly when comparing numeral systems.[7][10] Research into the genetics of the Guanche population have led to the conclusion that they share an ancestry with Berber peoples.[11][12]
>created best living standards using eugenics, hard work and iron discipline
>throw it away by importing en masse inbreed hordes with no discipline or work ethics
For what purpose?
Are they fucking autistic or what?
I1 is a Proto-European haplogroup beard by cold-blooded Cro-Magnon warriors of the Brunn and Borreby racial types.
Modern Swedes are predominantly Nordic and R1 though, however I1 people hid in mountains and became predominant along the western coast.
you people seriously have to put things into more realistic perspectives, seriously tho, every fucking thing is about 'achievements, and 'success', its like youe all 12 or something
>I1 confirmed for goblinz and trollz