why do people still support it?
Why do people still support it?
Because fuck you thats why
I have never, ever met an IRL supporter of the USSR. I mean there's idiots online but that's not really representative of support in the population as a whole. You can find a few morons who support damn near anything.
you clearly don't live in Eastern Europe (or third/second world in general)
Stupidity and lack of education.
You're right, I live in the USA.
ignorance of what communism is in the first place and a refusal to realize the real life complications that arise from marxist thought. They ironically enough praise his criticisms of capitalism, but the difference is most capitalist will actually acknowledge that, while marxist have a dogmatic refusal to confront the colossal problems with their own shit. Also, its a fringe tier belief and usually retards and/or social outcast only support fringe beliefs like that, especially edgy ones. pic related
This. In real life the only unironic sympathizers of communism i've seen are mostly stoner kids or philosophy freshmans who just discovered 20th century Marxist philosophers like Althusser
Eastern Euros hate communism
Literally no one does
Even die hard commies demonize the USSR
Compare that to all the unironic fascists on here who think Hitler's "based" and you realize you're asking the wrong question.
>Literally no one does
t. commiecuck in shill mode
I rather liked a quote from Putin about this
>Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.
Nostalgia is a powerful thing.
Antifa doesn't even know what the Soviet Union is. They probably think that flag is just the official flag of communism.
Post a person praising Stalin.
>unironically posting a Pariah state as an example of the popularity of Communism
That's like posting a map of territories held by ISIS and saying Salafi jihadism is the next big thing.
>this machine kills fascists
bitch how the fuck is a cardboard sign a machine
those people are literally the product of a youth counter culture and a general disappointment towards the enforcing of Pax Americana. In reality you won't see those people getting important positions in the Congress, since they are more like a cult rather than a functioning political party
They have mental issues.
Its just a cool saying to them that they dont even get the history of. Its kind of like college girls who hang up posters of marylin monroe or audrey hepburn, but have never even seen any of their movies or even have heard of them
Because they dislike the way the bourgeoisie behaves? Because they dislike western propaganda and imperialism? Because in their countries capitalists privatized state owned businesses and reduced the wages of the employees while giving nothing in return?
Me and my brother, as I've said on another thread, were socialists and he was party of a commie party. It's basically a religion for atheists who like to think very critically of western ways and methods but don't use that same critical mindset on the religion of communism itself. I grew up around a lot of communists and socialists so that's where I got lulled in. My first redpill on it was realizing it was designed as a weapon. His first redpill was seeing cultural marxists and intersectionalists flooding his party.
taking part in a commie party*
>Because they dislike western propaganda and imperialism?
Are you american? if so, what state?
>what state
Crippling depression
unpopular faggots in highschool wanting attention support this cringey shit, all socialism in general
They are too senile to realize they don't have to anymore.
Seriously speaking, though:
>Rose tinted glassses for the past
>Propaganda; people got constantly their country is awesome and during capitalism they get told it's a shithole
>Better social security and more equality; bigger respect for the working man; more nationalism
>Intelectuals and "bourgeiose" academics got shat upon
>No immigration crisis, no memegenders, "men were men and women were women" etc.
for the memes
We both moved around and lived abroad
The USSR bankrupted itself from supporting its satellites, while western empires profited from exploiting their colonies and puppets.
>same critical mindset on the religion of communism itself.
>what are leftcoms, Marxist-Leninist, Maoism etc etc
Considering how sectarian the Left has always been, I am calling bullshit.
>supporting its satellites
With shells, bombs and bullets?
yeah, its not like Mao formed some sort of weird cult of personality or anything where a bajillion chinks worship him even though he was a fucking retard
i really hope this is bait
How is that revelant to communists not being self-critical and constantly splintering off? Mao did those shit coz he was an egomaniac, not because his ideology demands it.
>It's basically a religion for atheists who like to think very critically of western ways and methods but don't use that same critical mindset on the religion of communism itself.
They did use the critical lens on communism, that's why you have Maoists, leninists and leftcoms, each with their own views on how to reach communism that is distinct from Marx's conception.
I support communism because I recognize it to be a historical inevitability and I consider it to be the only moral system.
>historical inevitability
on one hand it's
>but on the other hand we need violent bloody revolution and decades of purges to enforce it
I don't believe we need a revolution for it to come about.
That is a symbol of the Communist Party, not the Soviet Red Banner
>Communist Party
Russian one?
Why do people still support it?
It's an alternative to the evil that is unrestrained capitalism?
Liberals who pretend to not be liberals like to LARP as it.
same reason people support neo nazism
The Hammer and Sickle on a red field is the symbol of Communism.
The star was added by the Soviet Union.
>selling oil for low prices
>funding industries
>rebuilding the devastation left by WW2
>giving billions of $ worth of arms for free
>selling oil for low prices
While trading Uranium mined by enslaved political prisoners for wheat.
>funding industries
While ordering high-end economies to convert to heavy industry.
>rebuilding the devastation left by WW2
While forcing countries into denying Marshall plan, that actually worked.
>giving billions of $ worth of arms for free
Even fucking Nazis armed their auxillaries.
*builds wall to keep people in*
>While trading Uranium mined by enslaved political prisoners for wheat.
What the fuck kind of world are you living in?
>While ordering high-end economies to convert to heavy industry.
That's literally the opposite of what happened. The USSR demanded it, and kept an even split in it's economic sectors. The US became increasingly service sector. The fact you think that a largely privatized economy is ordering things but a centralized Soviet economy that HAS to do this is, well, I don't even have words for the backwardness.
>Even fucking Nazis armed their auxillaries.
While the Soviets were scouring their so called allies for it's own rebuilding.
lmao right
And what they should support, fairytales of Rosenbaum and Wall street?
>why do people still support it?
Because people against it are shown to be sociopathic pseudo-social darwinian faggots with a dream of owning "bydlo".
Also, because it's the only time in Russian history where people on top could actually be responsible for the shit they carry out, even though via inter-party war and "cleansing".
For the same reason people won't cry if tomorrow someone butchers oligarchs with their families, supporters and whatever. Faggots deserve it, every one of them.
t. Russian.
>What the fuck kind of world are you living in?
The one where communists used slave labour to extract natural resources from their satellites.
>That's literally the opposite of what happened.
That's literally what happened in Czechoslovakia.
A friend of mine (we are italians) is the kind of communist that belives in pursuing national interest and in not taking part at any "internationalist" or "globalist" organization, like the EU which he hates ti the core. But then he goes on about how the USSR was great and was not an supranational state, how kulaks deserved It, how Italy should "get ot of capitalism", and, the best of all, how the best korea is just a democratic regime where It accidentally happened that the Kims are the most intelligent guys and so they deserve ti be leaders.
He (my friend) defines him self as an "anti-revisionist" communist, but I'm starting to think that he's really just a Nat-Soc.
What irritates me is that he seems just blind ti the contraddictions in his words (UE = BAD CAUSE INTERNATIONALISM ; USSR = RESPECTED NATIONALS IDENTITIES. EU = IS DOING A TON OF BAD THINGS ; NK IS BEST K). I mean, I too criticize the EU, but to say that it is even worst than NK seems to me "wrong".
What do you think? What should i say ti him?
Poles. Otherwise there are haters and supporters.
But that's how commies mostly are in Eastern Europe. They are very nationalist.
Sure, they are all for "brotherhood" and what not, but in practice nationalist interests take primacy. It's not really Marxism. It's more of a diluted Stalinism.
*I know you're Italian, just saying, majority of communists are not like Western commies
Because of the dissatisfying unnatural nature of capitalism, imperialism and monarchy. In both fascism and communism we see a subconscious return to nature and evolution. Fascism filters out the weak and Communism the unintelligent.
>Communism filters out the unintelligent
Only a specific breed of mongoloid Western teenagers and 20-somethings seem to support it online.
lol, as if USSR is at all popular in former Eastern Bloc countries.
>niggers are commies
That's really rich, as the mass murder of local intelligentsia is usually among the first steps taken to by a communist regime to consolidate power.
Think abotu Pol Pot and then think again brainlet.
>Communism filters the unintelligent
>That's why intelligent ones are the first to go to gulag
It rather filters all those from wrong class
>Edgy cunts say and wear edgy shit
Shock and surprise
>why do people still support it?
Why do people still post threads like these? How immature do you have to be to be interested in a circlejerk?
>lol, as if USSR is at all popular in former Eastern Bloc countries
Well, there's an ongoing civil war on Ukraine where one party blatantly uses Soviet symbolism, then there's Transnitria, then there's KSČM, then there are Russian minorities in baltic countries, then there's Belarus and did I mentioned Russia which still looks with pride on it's Soviet past?
Because it had a dream so noble people believe the execution was bad not the dream itself.
pretty much all those third world communist regimes were born out of a post colonial nationalism. They just wanted their new government to be socialist is all.
m8 u dont know western commies for shit. they thrive in pseudo-intellectualism, and are definitely against drug use. this point you dont know.
oh and they smell
The only people supporting communism are anti-capitalists e.g. NEETs, minimum-wage slaves
This. They may envoke marxist writtings and all this ideological bullshit, but what it really boils down to is people who cannot functions in the word, and they think communism is just them getting taken care of by a daddy government.
How many great capitalist thinkers have actually worked a day of their lives as well?
>I don't believe we need a revolution for it to come about.
And that's why you are an idiot. Any drastic change in a system there will be winners and losers. If you think the people who are going to lose are going to sit around and let that shit happen, you're delusional.
The shit known as capitalism. So long as there's a system that keeps a majority of the population down something promising them a better life will always be popular. It doesn't matter that communism is impossible; it only matters that the ideal is better than the current reality. Capitalism has a difficulty understanding that and so we go through cycles of angry proles murdering the rich and the rich oppressing angry proles until the murder begins.
Communism has NEVER been tried.
>b-but MUH FOOD!
>b-but ebiK helicopter meme man!
fuck off /pol/shits
So Soviet Union actually did God's work (no matter how ironic it sounds), turned shitholes like Iran into civilizations.
And what next? Stupid ameritards supported terrorists and now made those shitholes even more shitholes than they were before communism.
Makes you think, huh?
Useless people require a system that allows for the continued survival of useless people.
>communism is when the state provides for everyone by taxing them and forcing everyone to make the same
What the fuck? Why is Veeky Forums so stupid all of a sudden?
I understand why third worlders would be tempted to it but anyone living in a first world country that thinks they're oppressed is a mindless idiot.
Interestingly enough, Einstein was a socialist.
He was also an ugly kike
There was only one wall built, and it wasn't in the Soviet Union. It was in one city in East Germany to close a geographical loophole.
>That's literally what happened in Czechoslovakia.
Wasn't Czechoslovakia one of the higher-end Eastern Bloc states?
he's not nat soc, he just doesn't know a lot about communism. To start with, North Korea is revisionist
Other things Einstein was:
>how kulaks deserved It
Perhaps one of the most evil and self-defeating beliefs known to mankind.
Kill the farmers, because they deserve it.
Then starve to death by the millions.
Likely the gap in IQ from a cat/dog to you is smaller than the gap in IQ from you to Einstein.
P.S. Einstein wasn't a socialist, he was smart enough to keep out of politics.
Destroy society because they deserve it and because they are in the way of my dream Utopia. Kill everybody who has a different opinion, use liberal doses of terror to achieve your goals. Sounds great!
[citation needed]
A citation is most definitely not needed, user is from /pol/, claiming ridiculous things without any source at all is perfectly fine! Sieg Heil!
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck XDDDDDD
>I saw they will be no need for a revolution
>you say that I said there will be no need for winners and losers
its fun turning everyone you disagree with into a straw man isn't it?
Capitalism depends on the value of human labor and scarcity. Both of those will soon be largely eliminated thanks to Robotics. Perhaps not communism but socialism is the only solution to the AI revolution.
Capitalism don't need thinkers, it is the natural state of the economy.
What does happen in capitalism, is rich people paying people to come with ideas about increasing the production.
>never worked a day in their lives
being an artilleryman in the 19th century was actually hard work.