Veeky Forums University

/b/, /pol/, /a/, /vp/, and /mu/ have their own universities, so why don't we?

Post images of Veeky Forumstorical figures along with their position in the university. We can add, remove, or alter positions as well.

Ernst Junger for biology (entomology)

Gilles de Rais for Campus Day Care

Veeky Forums also has their university

Werner Von Braun for Aerospace engineering.

Mike Eruzione for hockey

Hildegard Un Bingen

Dean will be Charly 2. Let's get that one out of the way. Pinochet for Campus Transport.

Francis Bacon as the Dean of Science

Can I suggest Sraffa for economics? He gave birth to an economic school. He will trigger /pol/ because he's jewish, homosexual, and a democratic socialist. He well trigger leftypol because his school refuted marx and he was called a liberal by gramsci. He will trigger austrians because he refuted hayek. He will trigger neoliberals due to the cambridge capital controversy. He also inspired wittgenstein.
He represents the fragile equilibrium of Veeky Forums between extreme positions.

no because your post is autistic

given the level and state of discourse of economics on this board I'd posit that we stay away from that position for the time being.
>Habeas Corpus
>Maritime Law
Ching Shih
>Political Science
>Womens studies
Bernini :^)

>Rifle team
Lee Harvey Oswald


>Property Law
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Diogenes for Dean of

Literally who?

>medical science
Shiro Ishii
>Swimming coach
Harold Holt
>sexual health
idk, Beria?

no, Temujin for sexual health, and also hostile takeovers.
What, he can't be two professors? What are you gonna do, he's Temujin

American History

Public Speaking

>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.

>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.

Seconding the Beria decision

Chill bro

Kissinger for diplomacy
Henry VIII for culinary arts

>College Radio
Iva Toguri D'Aquino
Fritz Harber

He'd be good at corporate raiding.

HH Holmes for Hotel Management.

plutarch: ancient history


/pol/ has a University? I mean, that's my "home" board, but why haven't I been made aware of these "libraries"? I have book lists from so many boards I should honestly be resident Veeky Forums librarian at this point.

Hall Monitor

its obviously ironic

Richard Owens.
>uguu you lizards aren't so terrible after all

>Mergers and Acquisitions
Marcus Licinius "House's on fire? You've got a buyer" Crassus.

>Hostile Takeovers
Julius Caesar.

>Property Law
Pompey Magnus.

>Hotel Management
Who's the guy who made the death hotel where he killed his guests?

This is both heinous and hilarious.

King Arthur as the Frat Officer. He had a pretty choice group of bros before half of them fucked his wife and died.

I think Sulla should be the property law professor rather than Pompey """""""Magnus""""""" since he invented the whole proscription business

So far so good. If I missed anyone's recommendation, I apologize. I want to put Pompey in there somewhere to get the full triumvirate in there. I'm thinking of putting Voltaire as the Asst. Dean.

If anyone who can do a better job of putting the pictures and captions on the image, please feel free to take over because I'm just using mspaint

>Hostile Takeovers

Neville Chamberlain

>American History

Shelby Foote


Thomas Jonathan Jackson


Also Thomas Jonathan Jackson


Thomas Jonathan Jackson again

>ROTC Commander

Nathan Bedford Forrest

>Campus Day-Care

Pregnant Anne Frank


Leni Riefenstahl


Joachim von Ribbentrop

>Rifle Team Captain

Jack Hinson or Simo Hayha (pic related will be the name of the rifle team)


Reinhard Heydrich

>Latin American History

Charles II of Spain (also married to the head of Campus Day-Care)

>Sexual Health


>Campus Newspaper

Julius Streicher


Robert Edward Lee

Oh yeah and


Albert Speer

>Public Speaking

Adolf Hitler

>Fraternities Officer

Nathan Bedford Forrest again

Control your autism please

Just make it yourself.

Archimedes for piratical engineering

forgot pic

martin luther for chaplin

*disturbs your circles*

Looking good, but can I recommend GIMP?

*screeches incoherently in Greek*

>Medieval History

Charles V

Also Conrad for football because tactics

What in the fuck are those science categories. Whoever made this should be taken out back and shot

>native american studies
andrew jackson
>agricultural engineering

Add Geography and make Eratosthenes the prof.

>swimming coach
Frederick Barbarossa

Lindybeige for British History

Matt Easton for historical fencing (HEMA)

I feel like Napoléon should have its place in there but I don't what place that would be. Any ideas?

>Campus Newspaper

> Agricultural engineering

He doesnt look germanic at all

He was half Dutch.

>Head of Business


>Criminal Justice

>hotel management: HH Holmes
My sides have ceased to exist

Pol Pot for Economics

Beria should be in Women's Studies and Anatomy too


>hotel management
this is good

Either Newton or John von Neumann for Mathematics. I'd personally choose the second.

I don't know if he should be the journalism professor or the chapel


Napeleon fashion. He had his guard dress in mamluk cloth for funs.

Why not Hugo Boss?

>Track and Field

Wasnt designed by Boss faggot it was made in a Boss factory. Stop your shitty memery

>not lysenko


Marshall McLuhan
Pol Pot
Sergei Eisenstein
Camilo Cienfuegos

>Not linguistics


Louis XIV

>wanting something that /b/ and /pol/ has
you arent doing a good job convincing people to your idea, lucky for you this idea is appealing to neet permavirgins that want to feel like they contributed to something lasting

You do realize that it's not healthy to have a stick so far up your ass, right?

Go with Von Neumann if you would like a good touch of Veeky Forums in the list, Descartes if you want to stick more or less in the humanities/philosophy crowd.


These threads are almost never referenced again after they're made.

John Adams (composer) - music
For his operas about Nixon and Klinghoffer he's the most Veeky Forums composer.

Columbus for Native American history

nice quads

>property law

>Track and Vault Team
John Wilkes Booth

The only correct hitler answer itt

Vlad Tepes
>woman’s studies
>Drivers Ed

>Vedic Philosophy

people on those boards also breathe, so pls stop doing it

>medical science
Trophim Lysenko obviously

Herodotus as the head of the campus news