Was there a historical Jesus, and if so what was his nature?
Was there a historical Jesus, and if so what was his nature?
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Paul made him up
Apocalyptic Jewish prophet
stop asking stupid questions and post more SOCDEM GANG memes
Jesus was a soyboy. Satan? He was a chad.
Yes, only a fedora'd largely nonacademic fringe thinks that he did not exist as a historical figure. The Ebionites were likely the descendents of his following in the area, possibly from a Jerusalem community led by Jesus' brother James the Just. Problem is, anything purporting to be a direct quotation of his was written decades later by anonymous figures who weren't actually the authors traditionally given - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and so on - and they frequently contradict.
Jesus was from Nazareth, the center of a Jewish apocalyptic/messianic movement, had an association with John the Baptist, most likely illiterate and was executed by the Romans under Pilate - that's about all historians can firmly agree upon as uncontroversially factual.
>supersonic airlines produced
I'm a planefag and this triggers me, supersonic airlines are literally the most useless fucking things on earth. This meme sucks and so do you.
>supersonic airlines are literally the most useless fucking things on earth
literally fucking kill yourself you technological aesthetic hating brainlet, you piss swilling smugoid, you mong-speaking wanksocket.
i bet you like the c-series.
Come post in this thread, we're having an interesting conversation about the same topic.
Divine and human, 2 separate natures, single will.
He was a Jewish doomsday preacher.
>Jesus was socdem
what a load of shit
Jesus was ANCAP, but you would be good christian, working a honorable trade and doing charity
T. Bart 'cherry picker' Ehrman
Lmao I am laffin
>Render unto Caesar
>Was there a historical Jesus, and if so what was his nature?
Whomever wrote the gospels/whomever Jesus is most certainly worked directly for that which is God.
>I am laffin
And that's all you'll ever gonna do about it, it's not like you could refute him on an academic level.
No, there wasn't.
Why in hell are you asking the internet about the divine nature of Christ? Go to your local church and figure it out. Asking the internet about God is like asking an Astrologist about science.
There was probably a historical Jesus, and the entire point of his story is that he was a pacifist.
>There was probably a historical Jesus, and the entire point of his story is that he was a pacifist.
He's not a pacifist. How many Kings you heard of that are pacifists?
Yes; see the writings of Tacitus, Josephus, Pliny the Younger, the Talmud, Lucian, Mara bar-Serapion, and Seutonius.