Imagine human history if horses had never evolved.
Imagine human history if horses had never evolved
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>implying we wouldn't domesticate fucking tiger and shit instead
We would've discovered Africa and domesticated the fucking zebra.
Or we would've brought elephants back to Europe and bred a cold-resistant elephant.
Jared Diamond can suck my dick.
Goats would fill the gap.
I would fill the gap for your mom. sorry
The Nordic man, as the smartest and the most innovative human in the world, would subjagate other animals and anyway conquer the swarthy races.
Chinese are way smarter than Nordics and you know it
In 1000 AD?
5000 BC started civ
They were civilized by the Nordic man too (Tocharians). It doesn't matter if they score higher IQ by a few points, if they are uninnovative, and weak race.
In 5000 BC the Nordic warriors started their expansion which resulted in mass civilization of the swarthy races like medish and dravidian.
Chinese are superior no matter how you look at it
We would ride giant deer into battle
Wrong. If this was true, the chinks would not have been a race of inferior copycats for all the eternity.
I want to ride your sister in to battle.
import Zebras
Just charge into battle Vitalstatistix style.
Larger Empires would have a harder time keeping together, and steppe Empires would not form at all.
Camels would become the main form of transportation on land.
Maritime empires might end up being top dog from the start.
>posts cromagnid roundhead
I mean, that is indeed the true master race, but calling it nordic is just factually incorrect.
That's a Nordic, not a CM type. CMs have diffrent noses and wider faces.
>that sculpture
>not a cromagnid type
lmao, I am part lappish with an FWHR of 2.03 and even I am not this brachyfacial. Typical nordicist denial!
>camels would be the main form of transportation on land
jesus christ the horror
Donkeys and camels would still be available, people would just use them, they are almost as good as horses. Camels would spread to Europe and be used for heavy cavalry, donkies would be bread for agility and be used similarly to steppe ponies.
Maybe people would even breed war cattle, although they couldn't be ridden due to their wide backs, only used to pull chariots.
Fuck... fwhr is fucking everything, especially if you are bald, fuck my life and my shitty face shape
Facial Index (traditional name for "fwhr") is better when it's low. This means you are more progressive. High "FWHR" (low facial index) makes you look niggerish and primitive, also inferior to the real Nordic narrow-faced warrior.
>narrow-faced warrior.
Lol, your picrel has nothing to do with facial index. It's just 1. fat, 2. normal, 3. athletic
Camel and elephant would suffice for war, at least. I'm going to assume there are no Donkeys, because you might be able to use Donkey husbandry to create "horses". How fast are camels? Might those do for swift scouts and messengers?
Again, no FI, it's just 1. man with narrow brows, 2. normal man, 3. man squinting his brows
Also Indo Europeans probably wouldn't spread as far. Irl horses were native to the Urheimat on the pontic steppe which allowed Indo Europeans to spread into a large part of Eurasia. However without horses they would be left without cavalry as neither camels nor donkies were native to their ancestral land. Also they would be at a disadvantage to Central Asian people who would get a headstart due to having Bactrian camels.
So we would have a largely Turkic/Altaic Central Asia, a Dravidan India and a Pre-Indoeuropean Eurasia (if those camel people don't conquer everything).
>Also Indo Europeans probably wouldn't spread as far.
You are wrong. The Nordic warrior would have always found a way to conquer the swarthy races, with horses or without.
>facial index
That term doesn't mean anything, retard.
Every strongman has a wide midface because the hormones make it that way.
There is no "narrow face warriors" because a narrow face is for aristocrats who never did anything physical in their lives.
Pic related.
We would see continuous civilizations spanning thousands of years. It's not clear whether such a world would advance more quickly, from the stability, or more slowly, from the reduced chaos. Certainly, history would be very "one way" on such a world, with the civilized peoples always advancing and the savages retreating, unlike the ebb and flow of nomadic power versus settled power of our own history.
>Every strongman has a wide midface because the hormones make it that way.
No, they are just of inferior Cro-Magnid races which are maybe better at weight lifting, but less intelligent and innovative than the supereme Nordic creator of civilizations.
The grid above shows they are fundamentally different faces. They have completely different midface dimensions.
Cultures and nations in general would be much smaller scale, right into the modern period.
Elephants and donkeys
Nordic supreme ruler. Superior to any m*dcuck and cro-magnid primitve.
kek. You're fucking crazy
Don't give me that moronic mumbo jumbo, and don't post idiotic pseudoscience pictures, I'm talking about human physiology here. It's a fact that physical activity releases growth hormone, which in turn turns the bones thicker. That's why weightlifters have thicker midfaces.
How would you get to subsaharan Africa (safely)without the infrastrcture?
elephants maybe but it would definitely have to be a small breed. Remember, though, elephants have very long gestational periods. It would be a frustrating and difficult task to do at a mass levels without the right procedures and the infustructure.
it's safe to say the world would be a very different place though.Would we even have gotten to the point that we are at now at this millenium?
Donkeys and camels would be more important
>and don't post idiotic pseudoscience pictures
>Taken from a literal work of a Professor of Harvard University
>I'm talking about human physiology here
Me too. It's called "physical anthroplogy".
btw your pictures from a meme sites like "" are not scientific, and definitely not more scientific than ones taken from the actual works of Professors
Wow, lots of brainlet in this thread with very limited knowledge of animal science, biology, and the impact horses had in the places where they were most useful (the Plains and highlands) for the robustness of their economy and warfare. Not to mention the energy and resources that go into mass domesticing other animals compared to horses.
It's to be expected though.
Here's what low test cuck faces look like. It's soft, thin, undeveloped, and gets poor ratings on Tinder. Curiously the Asian guy with the widest midface had the highest testosterone.
don't forget about that sweet sweet mares yogurt, mmm
>lactase persistent feels
>ywn open your mount's vein and drink horse blood on the run
Cherrypicked from buzzfeed, therefore irrelevant.
Also women with low facial index don't have higher testosterone, it's an another retarded meme of anti-Nordics.
If you've ever seen a rock climber's hands, their fingers look like sausages. It's from that constant strainers climbing that they do which gradually thickens the bones in the fingers.
We already did is called a house cat.
What do you mean cherrypicked? They look like a bunch of narrow face nerds picked randomly out of an anime con or something.
That sculpture is mesocephalic, Lappid subhumans have considerably shorter skulls.
what does mare's yogurt have to do with blood?
It's not shocking leftists have lower testosterone. Now I am waiting for you to compare an average Nordic man with an average inferior racially man.
fuck off amerifat subhuman, back to your mcdonalds
Nordic weightlifters and "warriors" also have thick midfaces, there is no ifs and buts about it because it's a matter of hormonal activity.
Yeah, sure the cucks who do nothing physical like leftist politicians have thin midfaces. It's not a sign of progressiveness but a sign of femininity.
>The past 200,000 years of human cultural evolution have witnessed the persistent establishment of behaviors involving innovation, planning depth, and abstract and symbolic thought, or what has been called “behavioral modernity.” Demographic models based on increased human population density from the late Pleistocene onward have been increasingly invoked to understand the emergence of behavioral modernity. However, high levels of social tolerance, as seen among living humans, are a necessary prerequisite to life at higher population densities and to the kinds of cooperative cultural behaviors essential to these demographic models. Here we provide data on craniofacial feminization (reduction in average brow ridge projection and shortening of the upper facial skeleton) in Homo sapiens from the Middle Pleistocene to recent times. We argue that temporal changes in human craniofacial morphology reflect reductions in average androgen reactivity (lower levels of adult circulating testosterone or reduced androgen receptor densities), which in turn reflect the evolution of enhanced social tolerance since the Middle Pleistocene.
I think it's clear user, that there would be and already have been other forms of dometication. Any foil can see this.
What OP it's asming, it's so how would that change the course of history. The answer is ALOT exactly itsssn what ways :would we all stall? Would we advance faster?(I'm highly skeptical of this considering the horse took such precedence in the places where they were available) Would totally different areas of the world have advanced faster?
This is a very interesting yet very difficult question that probably doesn't have a real answer. It would be fun to historical fanfic it though .
That's a narrow face, he is just in a good weight, giving him an "alpha" look.
what op is asking is how*
sorry on my phone again.
>inferior Cro-Magnid races
>less intelligent and innovative than the supereme Nordic creator of civilizations
The sculpture is still more brachyfacial than the composite lappish man.
No he isn’t, you can have a robust skull and high fWHR without being brachycephalic. That sculpture is definitely mesocephalic, the top of his head is just covered by hair.
Wow he's built really god for a savage with no access to a gym
>couldn't domesticate zebra
>could domesticate each other
the wilds are their gym
Don't worry, Cave man version of Elon Musk would have invented the late 19th-early 20th century automobile thousands of years before it was actually invented if horses werent a thing.
>implying elon musk has actually invented anything and doesnt use his engineers to do his dirty work for him
>Yeah, sure the cucks who do nothing physical like leftist politicians
*all politicians
True Nords(sami) don't need horses.
My mount and blade builds would be more fun
>True Nords
They are barbaric mongoloid subhuman scum who came to Scandinavia from North China/Manchuria/Mongolia during the metal ages and killed off Corded Nordics already living there.
>nordic man
>smartest and most innovative
come on now
>killed off Corded Nordics already living there.
Doesn't that mean they weren't all that then? Might makes right and all that, yes?
Warfare might be a bit different without cavalry, but other than that I can't see much difference as the other main use as pack and draught animals can be easily replaced with ox, camels, deer, etc.
No they didn't, the Mongoloid ancestors of Saami never ventured into the Corded Ware inhabited areas of Southern Finland and dwelled in the Far North, they avoided confrontation due to their high inhibition Mongoloid genes. Once they encountered the Baltic Finnic tribes of the South they got slaughtered and got pushed to Finnmark and other hellholes where the sun never rises during wintertime.
Unlikely. China and Rome were not based on the horse, but both were destroyed by it. It's more likely nomadic groups will be much less effective and landed civilizations more so.
This, we only keep felines of the smallest size for a very good reason.
Elephants and cows it is then.
Who wants to know!
Oxen are way too slow.
Camels are way to temperamental.
Deer are way to fragile.
Humanity really won the genetic lottery with the horse.
>no /mlp/
I wonder hw that version of Veeky Forums turns out.
But all of those traits can be improved with selecting breeding. That's what humans did to horses, in fact. They weren't always so big and strong.
>Be Central Asian """"Nordic"""" man.
>Subjugated by Turkics.
>Subjugated by the Chinese.
>Subjugated by the Mongols.
>Subjugated by the Chinese AND Turkics.
>Modern day population of Central Asian """Nordics""" are classified under "Turkic" national identities of Central Asian -stan countries.
>The descendants of Tocharians in the Tarim Basin are also labelled Turkic and are part of China's most ass-backward minorities, trumping Tibetans.
>Needing beasts of burden for civilization
*Laughing Native American civilizations.*
>chinese and mongols listed seperately
Sorry if this changes the topic but is it possible that women liking horses is evolutionary?
Hear me out, for tens of thousands of years owning a horse = rich/warrior caste/aristocracy of some kind. So based on this is it possible that women evolved to associate horse ownership with wealth and status?
To this day women view horses as some sort of romantic past time while men are mostly indifferent and use them for racing more than recreation. I am drunk so maybe I am just being silly, this thread made me think this way.
The Roman Empire would have inexorably expanded with nothing to stop it to the east other than a crumbling persian Empire. No alexander, no hannibal, no parthians, no huns. Just a persian vs roman grindfest that would have ended with Rome bordering China.
How are those 2 the same?
Do you also think that turkics are also chinese just because they had slit eyes once?
nobody domesticated cats, they did that himself. Its more of a symbiosis than anything.
>you need a gym to stay fit
plastic americans everyone....
Australian aboriginal average IQ of 65 they area race of retards Koko the gorilla is more intelligent then them.