Fellas, I got a WW2 history test tomorrow.
Tell me everything you know please
Fellas, I got a WW2 history test tomorrow
Any specifics? WW2 test militarily or politically?
Fuck off underage, I'm not doing your homework for you
European theater and the Hitlers mindset in the war
Some dude named Hitler was involved.
the bad guys won
Something something-pregnant Anne Frank
Hitler gassed 6 million jews so America invaded them
Hitler's main mindset was irredentism and the belief that Europe owed Germany for how badly it treated the country with the punishments from the Treaty of Versailles. He believed that he rightfully deserved the land he invaded and wanted to use it for German population expansion(hence lebensraum). European theater fighting was mostly concentrated in the forests and France.
(keep in mind i'm using normie explanations, if you want Veeky Forums's POV of WWII that's a whole other story)
wasn't the forests the ardennes
Yes, if you count the Winter War(Finland vs. USSR, Nov. 1939- Mar. 1940) that was also primarily in forests
Other stuff on European theater off the top of my head: basically Germany was highly vulnerable to Allied forces as soon as France was liberated and by that time Hitler had forced himself into a 2-front war which was pretty stupid not to foresee IMO
Anything else
>European theater fighting was mostly concentrated in the forests and France.
What? Did you miss the entire Eastern Front? Italy? Places like the Gembleaux Gap? The Sigfried Line? The Battle of the Atlantic? The strategic bombing campaign?
What was Hitlers reason of killing the Jews
talk about the danzig massacres
the 'stab in the back' theory
socialism=anti-rich, rich=Jews
antisemitism generally -- an antisemite was a cool thing to be
Normie reason: Hitler viewed the Jews much like the KKK views all black people--with a strangely intense image of degeneracy, like they weren't equal to other humans on society. If you want to take a closer look at his religious and social viewpoints, Mein Kampf is a good read because he really is quite honest about how he feels and you could maybe skim a page or two from what you find on Google or something. Some historians have also suggested that he may have had Jewish ancestry himself and felt embarrassed to be one. Keep in mind that while Hitler failed art school and had a pretty troubled adolescence and youthhood, most European Jews had been wealthy business owners/shopkeepers who had mainly been raised in better living standards than Hitler had.
Veeky Forums reason: Hitler saw the Jews as who they really were, degenerate scum and the cause of all the world's problems. He undertook a heroic effort to cleanse the world of such evil and was stopped short
No school is going to test over those. Again, I'm using a normie mindset, not a Veeky Forums one, assuming that this guy is an underage high schooler or something and actually needs help
You don't really have to give me normie reasons. I know about the jewish trickery in European conflicts, like the german communist uprising mostly including jews
Also, I'm an 18 year old senior.
Well, I'm trying to give double viewpoints regardless. You studying for AP Euro I'm assuming?
AP European History, yeah.
I see
Well if you know that your test will be REALLY detailed conflict-wise then you should probably take a look at these events just to be sure
Other than that, assuming you aren't retarded, most of the other operations and major events should be common sense to you. If there's still stuff you don't understand look up Tom Richey on YouTube, he's a great guy for explaining this stuff
No problem
Still kinda confused on how your class' curriculum moved so fast as to get to WWII in the 1st semesters(unless you're taking online or something)
gl on your test
>in highschool
>but I'm an 18 yo senior
>mfw putting subtle bracketed question marks on every reference I was forced to make to the holocaust in secondary history
>I know about the jewish trickery in European conflicts, like the german communist uprising mostly including jews
I fucking hate this place.
Don't forget about the Danzig Massacre where 42 billion Germans were killed by Jewish Polish Russian Communist NKVD
Hitler was an idiot who only wanted global conquest and to kill all Jews and he was an evil genius also who disliked Hungarians
>failed art school
He wasnt admitted because art at the time was shifting towards postmodernism and he painted a more realistic romantic style and was quite skilled. They actually recommended he go to architecture school, but that was much more expensive and being quite impoverished he couldn't afford it.
>I know about the jewish trickery in European conflicts, like the german communist uprising mostly including jews
This is your brain on Veeky Forums.
Look at his actual paintings user, the perspective is absolute dogshit.
>was quite skilled.
He couldn't paint perspective to save his life
Fuck off Kolten
>Samefagging this hard
His shots pretty darned good, much better than many people admitted to the same art school
fuck off kid, if you have even slight interest in the topic it should be the easiest test you ever take. be glad you actually went to a decent school that had AP history and not just an elective on remembering the holocaust where the teacher slept half the class.
>shifting towards postmodernism
this is your brain on alt-reich
don't listen to the good goys.
Hitler's mindset was the rehabilitation and ascension of a unified Germanic people
>the modern interpretation is that he did for power
>the historian's interpretation is that he saw the oppurtunity to do what he saw as good and promote a stronger, more unified concept of the German state
>the esoteric interpretation holds Hitler was the hand of Wotan and the racial spirit of the German people which cried out for satisfaction
The real understanding of WW2 was the rise of post Monarchical European powers who due to previous struggles and wars played a game of international chess. Hitler bringing a unified German people together would give central europe immense power in the wake of the collapse of the Austrians, Russians, and the decline in rapid industrialization of France and England as they were investing in colonies. Surely Hitler had his personal reasons, but it would be stupid to think he didn't see the bigger picture of what "Germany" read :Central Europe, could be.
The European theater consisted of a single tide as opposed to the standard ebb and flow of modern warfare. Germany charged forward across Europe devastating her opposition.
The German army was stopped in Russia by the winter, unable to deal a crippling strike they began the long defeat, the attrition war in the Russian heartland.
The United States and Great Britain sent aid to Russia, via logistical support, trucks, food, etc.
The Western Allies moved into Africa, as the Red army slowly pushed back Germany, the Western Allies invaded France, then both pinched Germany in the center, her ally Italy was crushed at Monte Casino.
Africa swung at Torbruk
Stalin broke the back of German resistance in Russian territory. And The Battle of the Bulge was the last time Germany made a real offensive and this time it sealed her fate.
Those were not decisive in turning the tide, they significant only in ending the war sooner.
The final solution was just a continuation of the schleifen plan, so it’s not Hitler’s but Hindenburg’s fault the jews died
Then you know nothing of art. What could easily be classified as a postmodernist modern style art of ridiculous abstracts began in the early 1900s. Nice strawman though ya dumb shit.
>eastern front
>not decisive
>Tell me everything you know
That you're gonna fail.
>he painted a more realistic romantic style
Dude could not even begin to paint or render a human figure, and playing to his strength, architecture, dude couldn't keep perspective.
You people are so desperate it's sickening.
the war started too late considering how much territories the Third Reich conquered prior 1939
how did you do
Whoever used that font on that background has no right to analyze art.
>Normie reason
>Veeky Forums reason
We aren't a single individual that thinks and acts as one, you know?
The fraggots that do that are newfags trying to fit in.
perspective is a Jewish trick
Toppest kekimus
what universe am i living in that some squab 18 yo studying for AP European History exam comes into here for tips.
>dis world
upboated post
calm thy tits, user
user made a good point.
fuck off
WW2 is literally baby tier history
>steps in front of the window
>In the forests and France
What forests? Where?
No such thing.
shit was pretty fucked for a lot of people
hope this helps