Are anglos inherently evil?
Are anglos inherently evil?
All humans are inherently evil silly, but hold the capability of being good.
yes, but they should've stepped it up to the belgian congo level
KIDF still at it?
Churchill was a malignant narcissist, Hitler was a megalomaniac. Churchill didn't care about who died if it was good for him, Hitler thought his victory was certain so he eschewed useful but undignified methods of war and kept his economy in a peacetime footing well into the war.
>being the one country that tries to provide for it's people in wartime is megalomania
I couldn't imagine actually thinking this
>tfw no alternate timeline where the world teams up to finally genocide the anglo once and for all
I prefer the version because it's funny
>Not wanting justice4germans
How are Winston's words bad? Also is there proof they ever said that?
>Ironically first act of WW2 was bombing of Wielun, including hospital with big red cross on roof
>Some time later gets bombed back
>g-guys how about we stop bombing each other?
Fucking this ->
Interesting that you read that as an example of something Churchill is claiming to be a good thing and not simply a statement of fact. Especially when this was apparently said in the context of the First World War which saw Germany carrying out air raids on civilians less than 2 weeks after the war started.
Fantastic references by the way.
Let me guess, some burger with "muh german ancestry" is running this.
Tbqh that childish delusion is not the know-how of krauts.
And yet it was Hitler who started bombing civilians first.
>he started it
It was literally the first military action of WWII.
>he started it
>going to war on the claim that Poland started it
What did he mean by this?
>Not the other way round
Off yo self my Hobbesian friend
>Hitler thought his victory was certain so he eschewed useful but undignified methods of war and kept his economy in a peacetime footing well into the war.
This is wrong on so many levels. I hope this is bait.
Somebody asked for justice for Germans?
Don't argue facts with men who have /pol/.
>a high degree of discourse