Shouldn't he be coding something?
Obsidian Dev in slack all day talking out of his ass
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Pot calling the Kettle BLACK
You people are never happy. They are either communicating with people and you say they should be working or they are not communicating and you call it a scam.
He's been in there all day trying to comfort people about the price! We all know it's them dumping
also programmers routinely hang out in slack all day. it's what they do. it's how they communicate. you would know this if you were a professional programmer like some of us.
wow im certain that is 100% not taken out of context or misleading in any way
How about you show the whole picture.
Honestly being in the slack has risen my confidence in the team and the project waaaaaaaay up.
Fucking tard
wtf is going on with this coin?
devs admitted in slack no plans for adoption adn that you cant build a messanger off the blockchain because blocks are just bits of other blocks
these guys sound like they have a good head on their shoulders
99% of alts are scams. What a sad world we live in.
i should have dumped this fucking shit when i had the chance
Do it now. I'm buying.
He no dev, he marketing guy u retard
Dumped at 10% loss a few days ago and put all funds into ETP. Paid off nicely.
Well, he clearly sarcastic or doesn't know what he's talking about, because at the moment I'm testing secure messaging on the blockchain functionality on a testnet and it's working flawlessly. Won't name which coin though to prevent shit flinging.
LOL if I wasn't in the slack I would sell my coins so fast because OP wants to buy them obviously and he's doing a decent fud job to the noobs but people that hang out in slack know op is painting a half assed untrue picture of ODN and its all taken out of context sell your. See you fags in december when we 10x from the app release
blackstone isb da softwhere develupper
hahah is that so? Messaging app on the blockchain? a fax machine is 100x faster than that.
my friends and i have over 100k ODN and we're dumping it to ico price right before hitBTC
laugh all you wan't my friend, it's ok to mock something you didn't understand. If the network is robust and strong, sending message on chain felt like sending message through skype =)
100k is that all hahaha hahahaha ahaha hahahah
You can't even buy ODN with fiat from them. You have to first buy BTC then exchange it for ODN. Not to mention the team owns 60% of the coins. No thanks
>my friends
yeah that's how we know you're lying, buddy :^)
The fact that Veeky Forums, a community that gives no fucks, is so heavily invested in constantly FUDing this is a massive green flag.
Sitting comfy.
The order book is so small that you only need 97k to drop it to 6k sats.
stop talking bad about the cool af lead dev or he will leave us and not respond to us in slack
then do it, faggot. we're waitin
>this fucking delusion.
All bark, no bite.
FUCK guys i bought 45k odn in ico and now my palms are getting sweaty. should i hodl?
>bragging about dropping it to above where Veeky Forums bought in
you think odn is over? isn't it too soon even district xo coin pumped for two weeks
The team can't help themselves from fucking this scam up, The more they talk the more shady shit they reveal. Better than any youtube channel. This trainwreck is great!
100m total(and increasing) ODN in existence, 24.4m is in circulation. So the devs have over 75% of all ODN lol. And that number is growing because they're staking
kek stop lying to newfags
No working block explorer so you can't search addresses for transactions or see how much they've dumped. They're going to update the circulating supply in 3 months and everyone will see much they've dumped lulz
Friend, foe, or larp?
Just accept your fate, Veeky Forums. We can beat the normies together. They will be expecting a weekend dip anyway + the btc forks are good reason to hold btc for the weekend.
Yup as someone who used to spend 100 bitcoins on a sack of weed on silkroad I can confirm $3 by New Years.
Are you one of those retarded folks that doesn't understand context?
sick FUD op
At least they finally paid for Genymotion after they got caught using using the free version.
4 million made in the ICO?!? LOL
the only released messenger is for windows... android?
damn your attempted FUD turned into FOMO, that's a fucking dope exchange between the two partied on twitter lol
they have been expanding their dev team and are porting the windows version to ios/android
A few things I'm thinking about..
How will apps be hosted, & used by the platform?
How censorship resistant will the apps be?
is the platform anonymous and will it hide IP addresses?
how secure & private will it be in practice once attackers start being clever to try & expose identities and messages?
Make sure to buy on the way down to average your losses! 3K coming soon
Just let it happen. There's nothing wrong with selling ODN for ico price.
Let the retards sell their bags, I'll gladly take the cheapest fucking coins and wait for the end of this year with 10x profits
well fluffy pony advises them on all things related to anonymity, so I'm betting it's gonna be as good as monero when it comes to privacy.
If the devs were smart they would have made ODN untraceable like monero. Such a major missed opportunity. This is still going to ICO price by the 15th.
>Money boner intensifies
7k fuck my life...
Why the fuck I did not sold it at 20k
WTF tried to open obsidian wallet and windows 10 deleted the file saying it's a virut,
500 odn gone
what do??
you saved the .dat file r-right?
goddamit... didnt save shit
future tech my ass....
get in the slack and ask someone from the team
you dont have even privkey?
good idea
windows 10 self-updated, restarted pc, opened wallet - it gets wiped
tried to download new one, it get blocked by win 10 saying it's a threat
wtf lads...
try recovering the file or restoring to a previous safe point? Godspeed man
recovered the wallet
hope it will work...
need to kill win 10 and i think its time to switch to linux
any recommendations?
are you a gaymer? if not you can just use Ubuntu.
it's not perfect, but its good enough
Windows is becoming Pajeet infested and their product quality is noticeably degrading over time.
dont play gaems
Ubuntu seems ok
thx user
every post blackstone makes, makes my confidence in this project smaller and smaller
dumped 3k coins at 18k+, thought it was a mistake, apperently not
im not sure a hitbtc listing will do much, hitbtc most volume is in bitcoin cash and bitcoin, its not an exchange for smaller marketcap coins
Are u me? I did the exact same thing and feeling the same too.
weird I seem to have the opposite effect