Adjusted for inflation, Bitcoin is exactly where physical gold should be rigjt now. In fact, it is now billed as "Digital Gold". XRP will soon be billed as "Digital Silver". Physical silver price is 1.33% of physical gold. Do the math, and adjust your crypto folio accordingly. Buying XRP right now is like buying multi ounce bars of silver for a penny a bar. Your welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck xrp
>digital turd
I've been an XRP bull for years and even I think you're fucking retarded.
Moar fud please. I buy fud. It always makes me money. Learned early on that hyped coins like chainlink lose me money, unless I want to participate in 15 minute pump and dump scams, which I do not.
Obvious Strawman is obvious. Show your XRP holdings or bullshit.
You.linkies have a lot of time in Moms basement to come up with the most amusing things.
this one will separate the men from the boys
Enjoying your dump to 3k?
Soon 2k sats.
Excellent. Thanks for the heads up. Liquidating funds to buy more pre conference. Your a real Bruv.
With a 30 billion dollar war chest, I doubt The Founders will let it fall much below . 25 cents pre conference. The Sat dive is due to a pump and dump being perpetrated on Bitcoin by Goldman Sachs.
You're a fuckin nigger pajeet. Quit role playing and fuck off forever
What are your thoughts of other coins, like XLM? Think it'll rise higher in proportion to XRP?
>everybody that thinks xrp is garbage is a linkie
Paranoid and delusional.
Why this false dichotomy? Are they not mutually exclusive?
I have 15k XRP and I'm HODling it but you're analogy is fucking retarded
*sigh* Once again, proof or Bullshit.
I do not currently hold XLM, but the product looks good. Will study more before making a decision as to whether or not to invest.
>Your welcome
Might wanna Photoshop that cutie in to pink for future use.
Dump this fucking scam currency and get into something more worth while.
I sense some tension. Did you get burned in the Chainlink scam?
Nope. I held ripple for several months as a hedge for when banks win. Read their site, read anything about the value xrp and see how it's nothing but a sham. It's not meant to be accumulated or speculated on. Gateways don't need much at all so your hopes for a pump based on adoption are a dream. Intrinsic value to hold based on appreciation through the burning of it but that will take decades.
Something that increases in value over decades verses pump and dump come and gones. Thank you for making my point. You postulated it so eloquently. Good day Madam/ Sir.
I mean you might as well just put it into ETFs then. Stable growth and not a fed manipulated operation. At any point they could just dump it. Xrp isn't necessary for ripple to function.
I think you cant see the forest through or the trees. XRP will be steadily manipulated upward and others regulated out of existence.
>mfw I just bought your FUD
I'm now a LINKer
We are not interested in what you do with your mothers offal, nor in your obvious coprophiliac obsessions.
Except link is two potheads, and ripple is a Government.
>Physical silver price is 1.33% of physical gold
>XRP price is 10% of BTC
So what you're saying it it's overvalued by about 8x?
Ripple is going back down to 10 cents after Swell. Maybe 5.
buy espers on yobit sirs
Current price of Bitcoin is 5,738 and change. Ten percent that is 573.80. (YOU) look like FOOL, DONT you! Along with the rest of the illiterate fudders in this thread.
Normie money coming in after swell. Ripple will no longer need sperge pocket change.
ripple sucks i dont understand the shilling unless it's corporate
it's a scam
also gatehub is clearly coded by indians who are paid $0.20 an hour to create something flashy and barely functional
i just closed my account after receiving an error that said "The device does not match. Please open link in browser you loggined in"
This is real
This is what you are putting money into
Good luck dumbasses
We cannot help that you are computer illiterate, and using a Fedora OS.
get a life kid
almost 3 hours of your life is wasted on calling people illiterate for not liking your shitcoin
what is the point? seriously?
you can't compare their prices per coin when they have different amounts of coins in circulation fuck head god damnit you ripplefucks are so dense
I an actually multitasking on a major project at 64 bucks an hour. Im sorry limited IQ does not understand such things.
desu, XRP should probably be measured against USD. I expect at least a peak at 1$. whatever that means for BTC.
>I meant marketcap retard
Ya so, are there equal amounts of gold and silver? Uh, might explain the price difference?
there isn't 2,000x as much silver as there is gold in absolute amounts either retard, that's why you can't compare it like OP did
lol, their war chest comprises of the circulating XRP they manipulate and the XRP they hold and can create.
They don't have 30 billion liquid you stupid fuck.
I cant wait till this board becomes land of the pink wojacks once ripple finally takes off
Im a Mining Corporation owner. I know how much gold and silver there is, and isn't, and you will not find that info on Google.
You need to crawl back under your link rock. You know nothing of the internal finances.
Fucking Polo not releasing deposits. WTF is this exchanges problem? It takes 30 seconds to transfer from Polo to Trex with XRP, but hours to Xfer back because Polo refuses to acknowledge the deposit.
Useless cunts
lol you are so full of shit. go apply your vast iq to their own fucking website and actually see the utility the token serves.
My vast IQ forcasts green candles in a few minutes.
It's on, Leon.
you must be mensa level to predict price action after btc makes ath and retraces. what a rally. it's almost back to where it was yesterday! just unbelievable!
Sorry. Didnt follow the Goldman Sachs bitcoin pump and dump. Is it already over?
My price predictions actually involve merely the observation of charts and abstract reasoning. I once took a test for an alphabet soup job at Thunderbird. The Test was for Abstract Reasoning Ability. The only one to ever score higher was a Colonel from Luke Air Force Base
we get it. you're a genius. have fun shilling your bags of shit to the uneducated. you'd be a super star on ripple's subreddit.
Never been on Reddit or Fakebook.
The coin that is worth the "digital silver" is still under development.
Won't tell you what coin that is.
1) $100+ Million in VC funding from Google, Santander, Seagate, etc.
2) 200+ employees, including former SWIFT execs
3) Offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, India, Singapore and Luxembourg
4) Sits on Federal Reserve Task Force
5) Sits on IMF Fintech Advisory Board
6) SEC Registered
7) ~$15 Billion in unrealized assets
8) 100+ Banks testing/implementing Ripple tech
9) Confirmed real world use of XRP on 10/10/17 by Cuallix
1) A couple of retards like to spam about it on Veeky Forums
Junior Mining Startup with Crypto has been tried several times and failed badly.
no my friend. no.
i don't think you'll find a retard alive to dispute who is the bigger entity. the point of contention is the value of xrp. it's not meant to be a store of value.
>I have no rebuttal.
>it's not meant to be a store of value.
That may be so, but it still needs to be of sufficient value to facilitate a $5.3 trillion/day market.
I advise you to think carefully about your investment in ripple... In the crypto space you gotta stay away from things that are centralized. It takes away the heart of what crypto is.
Hold before or til after Swell user? I hold 12k
costs 1 millionth of an xrp per transaction. it literally says this on their website. gateways need 10 xrp annually.
>In the crypto space you gotta stay away from things that are centralized. It takes away the heart of what crypto is.
IDGAF what the "heart of crypto" is. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is DOLLARS. And I am in this to make more DOLLARS.
Absent a complete apocalyptic level collapse of society via war or worldwide natural disaster, you are NOT going to beat the banks at their own game. Ever.
Are you retarded? Who said anything about transaction cost?
Let me put it this way user: How does Bank A send Bank B $20 billion with XRP if it's entire market cap is $10 billion?
After. Sit and hover on the chart. Take a couple of days off. Stay up. Normie money may 10x this thing pretty quick.
Hey by all means if riding the pump and dump train makes you sleep well at night go for it.
File not found user knows
10x would be wonderful but I don't see that happening just because of SWELL. We'd need some more major institutional usage to get those kinds of numbers.
what do you predict after swell? major announcement price fomo?
You're right, the heart of crypto is clearly 50million dollars for pre-mined tokens and a whitepaper only.
Im sorry, I meant unauthorized access denied user knows.
This. Normie Money Swell.
>XRP will soon be billed as "Digital Silver"
lol you must be new to this
>brainlet who never once bothered to actually read a 10page pdf on XRP use cases
>will still tell the people who have thoroughly followed it how things work
Why are you here? To look stupid?
Feel free to tell me what is incorrect in my scenario.
the banks dont need to even touch XRP to use ripple
the tokens really have zero value
After all this time, it never ceases to amaze me that this FUD is still spread.
>No banks need to use XRP.
We know this, dipshit. We know it QUITE well. But using XRP across the RCL saves 60% on remittance costs.
Now, brainlet, go find me a bank that doesn't want to save money. I'll wait.
what kind of dumb nigger gives money to a bank? its nearly 2018
MENSA in a sea of Sperge. A Blind Squirrel Finds An Acorn. Hello Brother/ Sister.
So you're telling me Banks have to go out of their way to utilize a highly volatile token to save money
>I actually have no argument so I'll just start throwing 'nigger' ad hominems around.
This is a bankers world, putz. You're not going to beat them.
I replied to the wrong guy, i was meant to reply to the
>"it only uses 1 gorrilianth of an xrp"
Again, this has been addressed. You really think a company with qualifications doesn't have a plan for volatility?
>What is a market maker.
Fair enough. Hello Ripplebro.
>ripple shill having ZERO idea how ripple works
ripple uses a ledger system to send info around. it's not used to exchange x dollar into y xrp back into x currency. they send info into the tx of 10 drops, one millionth of an xrp, to complete the transactions.
it literally says all this on their own fucking website.
>Issuing gateways do not need to accumulate or exchange XRP. They must only hold a small balance of XRP to send transactions through the network. The XRP equivalent of $10 USD should be enough for at least one year of transaction costs for a busy gateway. Private exchanges and liquidity providers may choose to hold additional XRP for trading. Ripple (the company) does not promote XRP as a speculative investment
> it's not used to exchange x dollar into y xrp back into x currency.
Actually that's exactly what it's used for you twit, and they are specifically targeting inefficient payment corridors. The XRP is purchased, transmitted, and sold in the clients native currency.
>Issuing gateways do not need to accumulate or exchange XRP
A GATEWAY is not a BANK you fucking imbecile.
yes, 100 billion xrp premined with no more to ever be created will be used to capture a trillion dollar market when xrp is explicitly meant to be burned, not held. you're just wrong or being completely dishonest.
enjoy your decade long burn to a reasonable return on this shitcoin.
To much disrespect I pulled the plug on Biz to teach them a little humility. It's going up without them on normie money during and after the conference now. A few Believers from this board who showed no disrespect are welcome to come along. No more Government insider info though. You guys blew it.
quit larping you stupid nigger
What a faggot.
Do you LARP prediction and power because your daddy took it away from you when he molested you?
*gasp* Yes, 'tis I. Couldn't you tell by the rapier wit?