basic JUST token
worst coin of all time.
getting rid of these bags is the best feeling.
it will NEVER do anything. screencap this.
Basic Autism Token
Bought at 5k, sold at 6k, easy 20% profit
anyone holding this shit is literally retarded
Just dump it, I did
You are an idiot. I'm holding $300,000 in this which includes my life savings and a mortage that I took out on my house. I bought at 6300 sats and you're retarded if you think this is anything more than a dip. Being down a lot and now caring at all should give you an indicator of how confident I am.
The ONLY reason this is down right now is that we're waiting on news of Brave. Once Brave comes out this will skyrocket to 9000 sats regardless of this dip. Watch and cry. You cannot lose with this team. Idiot.
>I'm holding $300,000 in this which includes my life savings and a mortage that I took out on my house. I bought at 6300 sats
What news of Brave? I thought Brave was already out, or are you talking like BAT-Brave integration?
I seriously hope you're joking.
They released a code preview last week, but we are still waiting for the actual release they promised which is coming out tomorrow probably.
When Brave drops tomorrow I will make double my money. It will go to 12000 sats. They have Brendan fucking Eich.
In any case, keep being a loser. It's your loss.
brave has been out for months you retard
Sorry dude they released it this morning, even tweeted about it.
>bought at 6300 sats
why are you calling me a loser you don't even know if I own BAT or not, I was inquiring about a claim you made faggot.
>the day brand new marines were formed, perhaps to pass even the legendary digimarines at some point
What the fuck? I checked their Twitter, because I didn't give a shit and this is actually true.
Has the news not reached Bittrex? This is not possible. This is manipulation, the Twitter is hacked, or someone is keeping the price low to buy in.
This is going to 20,000 sats. It is a delay right now. I am buying in more for when everyone else realizes Brave is out. I will not be an emotional trader right now. This will triple my money.
full Mercury release is out, man...
Sigh... It's called Mercury you dipshit.
Yeah but people must not have realized or it has been manipulated somehow.
There is not a better investment than Brave. I did not lose any money.
lol you're fucking lying
bittrex got a small bump earlier today then just kept dropping
there was a 12% rise in an hour but then it drooped.
once this BTC nonsense passes over and alts rebound, i expect a HUGE increase for BATmen
Absolutely JUST.
in all fairness everything is getting its shit fucked up, but I just thought it was funny after that price jump was just a huge escape route for quick traders.
this is the lowest it's ever been
I'll put a bid if fora few hundred at 2700 sats if it dips that low great if not I may cave at 3k
the single most pathetic event in crypto history
I'm embarrassed just by looking at this, let alone holding the bags
>i did not lose any money
>i didnotlosanymoneu
dude mercury came out today.
There was one pump for 30 minutes and it just immediately went back down. I sold at the top of that and just rebought, but if you think mercury is going to do anything for this coin, it wont.
The team has done absolutely 0 marketing.