At what price will women get into crypto?
I've been noticing on jewbook more normies are talking about crypto or commenting on things in the news feed. But its 99% males.
I can't wait to see all the females being bagholders when crypto bursts
At what price will women get into crypto?
I've been noticing on jewbook more normies are talking about crypto or commenting on things in the news feed. But its 99% males.
I can't wait to see all the females being bagholders when crypto bursts
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how is left any different than right?
At 30%+ what men are paying. Crypto is sexist
well i have pretty big boobs for a man, i didn't FOMO bitcoin until it went to 5k and I bought the 3500 dip (my broker jewed me though)
I would say any time now.
you do NOT want women in crypto... once the first wave of normie bitches get rekt on a market pullback they will be raising hell with politicians to get the shit banned globally
Probably cheaper than you did, delusional r9k faggot
well there's always going to be outliers
Who gives a fuck about women?
funny you post that image, op.
Girl here, first thing when I make it is plastic surgery to fix my fucked up face
you're a dumbass. you unfocus your eyes and it will look like she's actually standing in front of you. I've tried to jerk off to these types of photos before but it's incredibly difficult to keep your eyes like that for more than 20 seconds. then when you finally refocus your eyes straining very bad. if you still are confused, try to go crosseyed while looking at the photo. line both of them together and wala
>crosses eyes while jerking off to a shitty jpeg
>calls other people a dumbass
Veeky Forums
probably never, cunts can't handle money.
they can't comprehend hodling, try explaining crypto to a cunt.
she will look at you like a dog would, same dumb stare.
>tfw naturally look great so i wont have to waste my gains catching up in the looks department first
lamboland here i come
Never, 99% of women dont invest in stocks either, "too risky gambling"
99% of men don't invest in stocks either
What's your point?
lol its a morph of her face. the right picture has more angularity in her zygos.
> tfw I have retruded infraorbital growth
desu genetics cucked me
sounds like incredibly sexist /pol/ tier shit but i can't disagree, women are more politically active and what has happened in tech easily sets the precedent.
And honestly everyone is underestimating the probability of mass adoption for remittances anyway
>At what price will women get into crypto?
At the same price that women will get into trading or stocks.
Which is never.
They have a natural and biological aversion to risk, are not competitive, and have a less deviating IQ.
if the scenario i'm imaging happens at all, saying stuff like that will probably get you killed by rioters
why invest when you can just marry a millionaire?
I live in Oceania, I'll be fine.
spiders then
Not that island. There is no scary spiders on mine.
>She would look at you like a dog would
I trust a dog to hold if I tell it to.
Looks at the cheek
You are a jew aren't you?
This only works if the photos are edited for stereoscopic or if you have two photos from different angles similar to the distance between eyes.
I'm a woman into crypto, though I work in tech so it was hard not to have heard of it.
I think most women will get into it the same time as most normies will - when it's a fucking boring market with stabilized prices ahah. By that point I'll be filthy rich though, sucks for them.
women are npc's. they don't do anything ever, just follow the herd. their only interests, throughout all of human history, have been
- their social status
- chads cock & genes
- some betas ressources
- conformity and ostracising of nonconformists
and that's fucking it. women are decoration in the game of life.
Something tells me OPs picture isn't a girl.
Lets see the dick OP.
The nose is different
>At what price will women get into crypto?
As soon as you change the name of the kitchen to crypto.
Also as soon as some over the hill broke female celebrity is on the home shopping channel selling physical crypto coins and offering people 6 easy payments on FlexPay to buy them.
I know one that dropped 250k into BTC. Probably still sitting on coinbase though
Where do you guys live? You must know some boring-ass women.
And like, I'm not saying they aren't out there. But damn, it's like if I judged all men by the retarded hicks in the small town I grew up in.
>REEEE women
I know chicks who are chill as fuck, what is y'all's problem?
Like, yes, the Stacie's are just as bad as the Chad's. But damn, there are a shitload of women just like us out there y'all idiots just keep pushing away.
Yeah I know don't marry etc etc I'm not one of those cucks but you can't hate the player dawg
this made me kek
I got a gf to buy some crypto, she doesn't understand it because she'd rather do her nails.
Fucking women. Anyway at least she's got something long term because she's too stupid to be able to use/spend it right now.