Guys, how do I keep from killing myself? I'm serious, not even memeing. I have nothing else going for me in life and I thought crypto could be my way to happiness, but instead my portfolio is down 80% from my peak just a few months ago. Now my hopes of ever being wealthy are gone and I'd honestly rather commit suicide than have to live the rest of my life as a poorfag loser.
Guys, how do I keep from killing myself? I'm serious, not even memeing...
Relax dude, I'm not even in the 5 digit club yet.
Put it all in BTC right fucking now.
>down 80% from my peak just a few months ago.
>down 80%
>from 60k to 21k
No wonder you're failing.
user, go all in on the Metaverse ETP dip. It's at 3$ right now. It will be worth 9$ in 1 month I promess. You will have as much as in June.
I dropped from ~140k to ~50-60k back in July and bounced back. Now I have ~350k. Don't lose hope.
Half of it is in btc, the other half in various altcoins. But it doesn't matter anyway, the value of my portfolio is never going to grow enough for me to see any significant gains from it.
Were in the same position, portfolio doubled then I'm now with my base amount the fuck.
Or was 60k your base amount?
Well, still something after all...
Just stop daytrading, you're the only faggot that lose money from May to September...
Just buy 4 BTC now, yeah now at ATH, put them in a paper wallet and forget about them at least for 2-3 years.
>60k peak
..... I don't want to sound like a complete bitch OP, but you are kind of a poorfag from the get go lol.
These fucking pajeets are heartless. Metaverse isnt as sure as LINK.
>I caught a lucky moon mission that I failed to sell and have been flat ever since
Change your strategy retard
I was at about $65k at one point in june, and at one point just a few weeks ago I was down to $15k. That's somewhere around an 80% drop.
What was your initial investment?
DGB too?
Yeah I rode that one too, fell for the HODL meme. Ended up selling at 370 sats a few weeks ago. An expensive lesson for sure.
No, $15k was my base amount.
I was day trading back in may-june, but I haven't since then. What's going to happen in 2-3 years? Even if my portfolio happened to go up like 200%, that's barely even enough to cover basic living expenses for 3 years. The fact is that I'm never going to be rich and I don't see any other reason to live if I'm going to be poor and have to wageslave at a job I hate while still struggling with money every day for the rest of my life.
Find a job that you like then, lazy fuck.
A lot of us are freelancers or part-timers, the others have a comfy/interesting job, but you have to actually work a bit to get there.
It was $15k. If my portfolio ever drops below that value, I'm probably going to just sell everything.
The fuck? then you're still doing a good job
There are no jobs I like. Working for someone else feels like prison to me. In fact, in some ways, I think actual prison would be less stressful than having to wageslave for the rest of my life, because at least I would never have to worry about money again.
Same position. I fucking want to die. All my alts tank and keep tanking.
Same bro, mine went from $30 to $10. I want to blow my fucking brains out.
Such delusion, you must be an Arkie
Don't lose faith op. I had 30 k omg that I sold for 70 cents each. It kills me to this day but I still hold hope
according to that chart you made money though. Why not just cash out right now or just exchange your shitcoins for something better?
What delusion? I don't have any friends, I'm too ugly and poor to get a girlfriend, and I have to spend the majority of my life doing work I don't care about for somebody I don't like. How is that better than being locked up in a prison where you can just sit around reading books all day where nobody makes you do any work?
how did you NOT make money during the august bullrun?
Because that's barely any money and I'm still a poorfag. My entire life savings is about $50k and I'm already 30 years old. It's too late to make anything of my life.
You're not made for this and you're never going to make it
why dont you change your portfolio then?
You're delusional enough to think that you can magically win the lottery and that if you did it would give you long-term happiness. Fix yourself.
Ok, so I guess I'm right to want to kill myself and end my suffering?
Yes but before please contribute to a noble cause:
Because it doesn't matter. There's a 0% chance crypto will ever make me enough money to change anything about my shitty life.
Money is literally the only reason my life is shit. It's why I will have to spend 90% of my time literally wasting away in an office doing useless things, for the next 40+ years or however long I live. It's also the reason I will never have a girlfriend.
>Money is literally the only reason my life is shit. It's why I will have to spend 90% of my time literally wasting away in an office doing useless things, for the next 40+ years or however long I live. It's also the reason I will never have a girlfriend.
Sounds like you suck at life then. Many people stay happy working their 9-5. Some people aren't and work part-time instead to stay happy. Others don't work at all and live off the land. Figure out a way to make yourself happy without buying lottery tickets.
You haven't even been through half of your life statistically speaking. You still got plenty of time to change things. You've already made money basically doing nothing.
Dude I’m 35 and live with my parents and I’m 40k in debt from a worthless degree. I have like 6k in savings/crypto.
But I’m not a whiny faggot so I live to see another day. There are lots of people worse off. Stop being a faggot.
How would I be able to work part time and have enough money to survive? I'm barely able to pay my bills with a full time job.
Life gets progressively harder as you get older, and it gets more and more difficult to make money ever year. At this rate, I expect in 10 years (if I live that long) I'll probably be making minimum wage or less and be forced to work an even shittier job.
Op u gotta slow things down with crypto alts will pump hard Af in November and December trust me on this. First u might want to invest in coins that have a high likelyhood of getting pumped soon. Coins that I'm personally looking at are status, rlc, firstblood, and bitbay. These coins are near their all time lows and it wouldn't surprise me if some of these hit 3-4x in a month or two maybe even soone. Gl
Baby steps op. One rule I follow is I never buy on a pump as hard as that is
Move somewhere cheaper. Reduce frivolous spending
So you're suggesting I should just be content with living like a poorfag loser for the rest of my life. How is that a better option than suicide?
>Dude I’m 35 and live with my parents and I’m 40k in debt from a worthless degree.
Wew, even /r9k/ would kek.
>valuing your money in the local government's currency
top kek
go watch some RSD videos on youtube
and if you still hate your life, just commit suicide man, it's okay.
>60k peak
>poorfag from the get go
I have less than 10k, and it is 100% in alts. I'm probably not going to make it am I?