Why was Hungary so poor historically despite its size?
Why was Hungary so poor historically despite its size?
It ate its wealth because it was Hungary
describe what do you mean by "poor"
It wasn't historically poor, it was one of the richest countries in Europe before the 15th century because it produced most of Europe's gold and silver.
Steppenigger genetics
Surely a wealthy nation like that could have expanded more no?
it excelled before the creation of the modern state. The Hungary sort of fell into obscurity as a peripheral and destitute power because it lacked centralization and found itself lodged between two competing powers (The Ottomans and the Austrians).
Hungary otherwise did pretty well for herself until then and served as a bulwark in the East.
They are Taiganiggers, not Steppeniggers.
Because they are useless goulashniggers.
Expanded where? The surrounding Balkan areas were either poor or nomadic and expanding militarily into the HRE wasn't really an option. The Pannonian Basin was flat and fertile which made it perfect for nomads like the Magyars to settle down into, on top of the fact that it's protected by the Carpathians as a natural barrier. They already had the best land in the region, what's the point of trying to conquer some shithole like Serbia or Galicia.
Not to mention the ethnic tensions from such an expansion. *teeth hiss* Not good.
>*teeth hiss*
*teeth hiss* no. I will continue lurking and posting.
>I will continue lurking
Do that.
>and posting
I implore you to reconsider.
Galicia was not a shithole, it was located on a good trade route and it had plenty of salt to trade. Hungary had Galicia though for a short period.
low development provinces with negative terrain modifiers.
So what your saying is that HUN rolled shit rulers everytime and didn't have enough mana points?
h8 eu4
Rolling a 6/6/6 won't do shit for your development if all your provinces are have an 80% development cost increase
>why was *insert eastern European shithole here* so shit?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Who knows, maybe something to do with genetics?
t. /pol/tard
So why is it that all of eastern Europe is a shithole with an average IQ lower than western Europe? Why is it that Poland has accomplished so little as a country compared to all of its surrounding neighbours, some of them, like Germany, which contributed more to western civilization in the last 100 years than Poland has in all of its existence?
Not even going to mention any other country apart from Russia because most people wouldn't be able to point to them on a map. Russians are also mostly retards but at least they did stuff in the past. Every other eastern euro country is an absolute joke.
This guy gets it
it's almost as if, maybe, countries which are conquered don't do as well as their conquerers, especially when they remain conquered for centuries and into the modern era...hmmm.
>vanguard of christianity against powerful ottomans
>subjugated for years
>only got slight autonomy in the 19th century
>50% mountainous terrain
Hint: the answer is not genetics
>economic reasons
>political reasons
Poland was a happening place during the commonwealth
So why did Pooland get conquered? Was it because its nobility and kings were retarded? Poland wasn't always under a geographical advantage as it had Prussia as its vassal and Russia and Sweden were weak. Sadly, Polish "people's" potato heads can't really think into the future
Yes, it was used as a cum dumpster by its superiors. Anyone who stepped foot onto Polish soil was free to pillage Polish cities and rape Polish women due to Slavshit incompetence.
Meant to say geographical disadvantage
Ethnicity didn't matter in the middle ages as long as you were Christian.
Eastern European IQ is the same as in Western Europe generally speaking.
>Anyone who stepped foot onto Polish soil was free to pillage Polish cities and rape Polish women due to Slavshit incompetence
I know you are /pol/tarding but its true that the south commonwhealth was a endless rape zone
do you also claim that rome didn't achieved shit because it was eventually overrun by barbarians and later on, turks?
empires rise and fall but their fall doesn't washes up their achievements
same same, just more retarded the more Balkan.
Inferior nomad culture and genes.
Strong men created good times, which created weak men, which created bad times.
>real life is just like Total War where every country's sole interest is to blob in all directions as quickly as possible
what the fuck?
>using outdated data
Wealth and industrial age migration would be answer. However, judging by map average IQ just as fades as much muslims inhabitate a country. Germany has Syrians and Kebab one, parts of Russia has indigeneous muslim inhabitants, even Moskvabad though.
That's a meme map. Their methodology is laughable. Don't ever post that again, or your mother will die in her sleep.
They weren't. The Ottoman wars resulted in the death of 80% of Hungarians and it hasn't really recovered
Does islam make you retarded?
big caentry stronk ceanty!!