What's so bad about eugenics?
What's so bad about eugenics?
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you wouldn't be alive if they were applied
Nazi skinheads like Glump want it to happen so we have a duty to oppose it as good people. It doesn't matter whether eugenics is actually bad or not, what matters is that Nazis want it and Nazis get punched.
That´s a plus though.
and how is that a bad thing?
I think as soon as we identify the cluster of genes responsible for Frogposting, eugenics will suddenly get popular again.....
How can you even ask this question? Go back to where you came from we have standards and morals here you fucking shitstain.
Nutsies did 'em u raysist prick!!
you know sane people who don't suffer from crippling depression have usually a pretty strong self-preservation instinct, but if you don't count among these, then be my fucking guest and rope yourself this instant, because I'm sick and tired of people who stealthily beg online for reasons to live
cyber-euthanasia is my newfound passion
Subjectivity regarding what characteristics are 'inferior', slippery slope in giving governments the authority to kill citizens preemptively, lack of understanding about the full interactions between genes causing collateral effects, impoverishment of the gene pool making it more susceptible to new illness strains, etc.
In short, it's a lot of work and risk for little gain. The odd retard and cripple are a negligible waste of resources in light of the possible disadvantages of eugenics.
Most people don't have a problem with eugenics at the individual level, look at how many pregnancies of Down Syndrome fetuses are terminated for instance. What people shrink from is the state using its power to enforce eugenics whether you like it or not, especially when its along pseudo-scientific or explicitly racist lines like Nazi Germany attempted.
Because it’s a stupid concept and it just doesn’t stop at skin colour. People will always find something else to bitch about like hair, eye colour, weight etc. Hell, gingers are universally hated for the some reason despite being white
I was talking about OP. But boy you sure seem triggered
I´m with
FPBP. And we are about to enter a whole new era of euhenics.
It threatens the elite and their vice grip on the levers of power.eugenics is unironically the most egalitarian force possible because it Rob's the elite of their monopoly on genetic capital
He asked for BAD reasons.
waste of time
>and it just doesn’t stop at skin colour.
>race is a skin color
>Hell, gingers are universally hated for the some reason despite being white
no they aren't. that was always just a South Park joke and the only ones who ever even laughed at it were literally 10 year olds
You could make a better case for actual anti-Irish racism than a South Park joke, but then again, the Irish are an actual racial group, not just an isolated phenotype like hair color or skin color, which doesn't conform to you're retarded oversimplification of racism.
>a high degree of discourse
Impressively woke post.
nothing, its only bad because (((they))) can't as easily control and manipulate an intelligent people
We don't yet know how everything works and we might end up doing more bad than good
Just look at how many health problems new pet breeds have
Nothing. Now keep eating those burgers goy, them being unhealthy and fucks with your balls is just a leftist conspiracy.
The le evil XRUMPELTF is not a skinhead, he is THE Hitler himself.
>le ebin dying is fun meme
XD follow my Instagram page!
This but unironically
Imagine a purity spiral that wipes out humanity.
That's the problem people have with Eugenics.
There's nothing wrong with the idea of improving the species.
There are a few dangers lying in the details.
First, if an oppressive force decide who gets to have children.
But that's solved when foetus screening becomes available and people are just forced to have desirable children.
There's the problem of force in itself : some people will be unhappy if they are not allowed to have children that carry their genetic defects.
But that is not an issue with eugenics but with governments. If your government does not recognize the right of people to use their basic bodily function you have a problem there that will not disappear or be lessened if eugenics are forbidden.
But asking whether eugenics are bad or good is beside the point.
They will be developed anyway. They already are. For now we just kill Downes, and we will display moral outrage when the Chinese start improving their kids' intelligence. But we will follow.
The question is how to make it work.
Abortion is eugenics lite. Only poor people and those who make stupid decisions have them.
Nothing. It's the best thing that can happen.
>flu comes
>not enough genetic diversity to hold strongholds of immune people
>everyone dies
not bad at all
>Trump is a Nazi
>let's his daughter marry a Jew and then makes him one of his senior advisors
What did he mean by this?
>only good answer in thread
>all others are crude race baiting
Hate this board.
It doesn't rob the elite of anything, it just creates more people of the elite.
natural selection is the only thing that can determine what genes are most fit for their environment
if the genes nazis label as inferior are actually not fit for the environment theyre in, they will naturally stop being selected for.
Well rich people don't have kids at all.
You seem to believe that it is about replacing all children with clones of a few specimens.
Screening get used for genes related to diabetes or low intelligence will not expose them to diseases.
It robs the elite of the genes that give them a leg up
Human beings are natural.
If Nazis are part of the environment, the genes they label as inferior will naturally be selected against.
You know, if we lived in a fascist, amoral technocracy for just a few generations, where progression of humans as a species was placed above all else, using eugenics, allowing human experimentation and all kinds of morally reprehensible shit in the name of science...
... We actually could put ourselves in the position to have a nigh-utopian republic, by having all people be of high intelligence and genetic makeup and thus all being highly eligible to participate in governance, having a greater understanding of science than is possible by abiding by morals, and making a rational egalitarian society.
Of course, the only way to do this while being sure that there would be no corruption during the time we were subjugated would be to design some sort of AI that would shut itself down once our species reaches predetermined milestones, and nobody would EVER willingly subject themselves to some kind of dystopian AI-ruled nightmare with the vague promise that decades from now our descendants would be able to create a great society.
>your genes arent fit for reproduction
>>why? they got every generation before me this far.
>because fuck you, that's why.
What does the pope think of this?
>basic eugenics is necessarily tied at the hip with dystopian hell holes
Stop watching TV
>morals dont exist
>progress exists
pick one.
>>because fuck you, that's why.
Yeah that's what 'natural' means.
I didn't say basic eugenics, I'm talking about extreme eugenics where vast swaths of the population are prohibited from breeding if they're not up to a high standard.
I'm saying that in this impossible scenario morals would be put aside in favor of cold logic so the human race could weed out all the genes that make people violent or morally reprehensible. Basically get rid of the people who ruin things for everyone.
Then afterwards you could return to a society where morality is balanced with reason.
so dont call eugenics a universal/absolute good then? it's a relative good/bad depending on who you are.
We already do that. it's called prison.
Some people like politicians and top busines-people manage to convince people they dont belong in it though.
Jeez, get a load of this asshole
Of course, everything is relative. But my point there was that natural selection covers everything that happens, including intraspecies violence.
how is that an argument?
do people really value their pitiful existence more than the advancement of humans as a whole?
I do,
great post.
Weak people oppose eugenics because they know that theyd be sterilized if it was enacted. Only reason to oppose eugenics is if youre afraid that youd be the target for it.
>only reason
The only reason to support eugenics deliberately is that you don't care about human rights.
Go back to your shithole, subhuman.
It dosen't work
>theyd be sterilized if it was enacted
Or just have to pay a tax at every kid. Population control is not necessary zombie nazis cutting your balls.
It did. In Sweden.
The reason why it was vilified because every nigger who came up with Eugenics went at it for ideological reasons like "Hurdurr Master Race Purity." While Sweden went after people with actual medical problems.
>tax kids
>the rich can have kids freely but not the poor
Capitalism go!
It worked perfectly so far on all the animals and vegetal species we improved thought selections.
Some birds now make good and fat eggs for us, wolves keep our homes safes, boars are now pink skinned and so on.
This is the idea. Retard and challenged people are bred out of existence. This is as far as you can go without being authoritarian and you avoid the idiocracy trap.
OR you would have been born in a better family and body.
No. It might not be obvious to you, but poor people's desires to have families are legitimate, and opposing them is already authoritarian.
Oppression doesn't start to exist only when it affects the rich.
>slippery slope in giving governments the authority to kill citizens preemptively
Why do everyone think eugenics is shooting retarded people on the streets? You just sterilize them.
>Taxes is theft
Okay, you are free to go.
Taxes designed to fund the activities of the state are just as acceptable as the state.
Taxes designed to control the activities of the individuals are by definition oppressive, and discrimate between those who can pay and those who can't.
Cigarettes are taxed for this exact reason.
Hydrocarbures are taxed for this exact reason.
Hey retard red heads were associated with witchcraft and being jews
And I don't approve of those taxes.
But making children is also something that is more important than smoking for most people.
>It did. In Sweden.
Biodiversity is a good thing. If you want to know how eugenics turns out, just look at any purebred dog.
It'll iliminate most Veeky Forums users from the gene pool.
jeebus. I know who we'll start with
This doesn't make any sense to me. If you want a world where everyone has elite-tier genetics, wouldn't that just result in only the elite being allowed to breed?
>Why do everyone think eugenics is shooting retarded people on the streets?
because the nazis "liquidated" invalids
It's possible that the genetic code of those with high intelligence is not successful in terms of reproduction and evolutionary success.
Intelligent people have far fewer children than people of average intelligence.
If you start artificially selecting humans for arbitrary attributes, it's possible you could end up with a race of humans who just won't breed.
Eugenics nowadays are about taking a large population and removing unwanted genes.
It only marginally reduces diversity, and is different from taking a small population and removing unwanted specimens as we do with pet breeding.
No, not with futuristic technology.
If we use genetic screening, average people will be able to produce average kids. They already are able to actually, just rarely. But we could have 10 or 100 in vitro fertilisation with their gametes and select the 3 best embryos to reimplant and this make sure that they actually do the best they could.
With genetic modification, we can let the parents do their thing and fix the result with foreign genes. It still will be 99,99% of their genes going into the child.
>Eugenics is cloning
lmao, what a stupid retard
>it's possible you could end up with a race of humans who just won't breed.
We already have those. In Italy for example. Their existence is not a problem.
So what's the motivation for the elites to provide this technology instead of allowing the lesser castes to breed themselves into a slave race
Why do you assume eugenics involves forceful sterilization
No they don't. Cows provoke problems to the CO2 emissions. Certain dogs tend to have either heart problems or respiratory system. The imminet need of such animals to be protected against other predators now that they are harmless.
Because gene therapy is more ethical and efficient.
It makes the:
not smartest
not strongest
not socially manipulativetest
feel like shit so its banned.
>skin color
Eugenics is mainly targetted at intelligence not skin color besides black women already do reverse eugenics where they breed with mostly dumbasses and treat their intelligent men like complete shit.
It's almost 2018. Jews can be Nazis now.
Nothing, as long as it's done carefully and with moderation. This is one of the upsides to easy access to abortion. Genetic diseases become rarer since people that would have been born with something, let's say down syndrome, are not.
It's just that there's no clear limit to this. Should babies with heart murmurs be aborted? That sort of thing.
>black women
you mean ALL women, right?
Good question. There's no obvious answer.
It is even likely that the rich will try to keep this for themselves.
If capitalism ensures, we can hope that they will prefer short term profit over long-term dominance of society, and sell it to the middle class. If it is used that way in time the prices will fall.
In any case, we will need the states' intervention to make it available to the poor and very poor.
so why weren't they applied?
>marry your first cousin
>have pic related
>Pic related somehow breeds
>The Walking Dead
Unfortunately, IQ is not as accurate as other sciences and lacks a scientific basis. That would put IQ in the pseudoscientific category.
The use of "race" is outdated. Also, it's not based on science and the new taxonomy classification methods. That would put "race" in the pseudoscience category too.
No wonder there are people trying to shill for this kind of "knowledge", for political or ideological reasons. First they try to convince you about "harmless" """"science"""", then the "conclusion" would be killing the "inferior" or just discrimination of the less "favoured". To be fair, this is not the case either. As these topics are pseudoscience, they will only convince people who lack scientific knowledge or people who share a similar political or ideological stance.
Yet, another "there is no races or IQ" shill.