ITT: Veeky Forums Approved professions

ITT: Veeky Forums Approved professions

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Gay pornstar

Cold War Historian specializing in Industrial Espionage of Soviet-Aligned States against Western Production.

selling muscle worship sessions on craiglist


Good thread.


Gets in your cardio at work, surround yourself with goal bodies, quick sources of free protein. It's the dream.


Pro shitposter.


Blue collar is best collar


Army 11b or 18x

You want everyone but yourself to be an archaeologist though.
Otherwise you'd be examining large bones all by yourself.


>killing illiterate goat herders in the desert is a glorious job

>mostly arrest people doing drugs or people barely speeding to meet quotas is a glorious job

Black Lives Matter protester... Haha jk: police

Teenager detected

you made this thread on pol aswell motherfucker


Prove me wrong

Carpenter, beast forearms and the joys of working manual labor without bone-crushing menial jobs


>Not carrying the irons in marriage

Fuckin Pleb firefighter

Pic related. Must be Veeky Forums to climb 300 ft towers twice a day, good pay/benefits/security, take naps in the sky. My forearms are like fucking Popeye

>uses inane personal opinion
>says prove irrational behavior as a theoretical false

its always dumb white hillbilly motherfuckers

did you go to college?

whats annual salary?

wind turbine technician isn't really a dumb hillbilly job though

Registered dietitian/clinical nutritionist

You literally get paid to sperg on people and make them diet plans based on their macros and metabolic issues

White collar workers can suck a dick.

-get all the pusspuss

Developmental Biologist anyone? Work on lab bench all day, if I don't take breaks I fuck up my posture, but I literally work on muscle development all day.

steady-cam op

Been working in dietetics for 7 years now, graduated from Kings with my masters and got a place at Royal London within the first half of the year. Would not fucking recommend, just be a nutritionist and enjoy a well paying job and happy life

My dude. Inorganic or Organic? I love both, just asking

I want to do carpentry on the side so badly but I'm in college and I don't have access to any materials or tools...

Lol 18x is the best thing that ever happened for recruiters. The Army can reap in tryhards like yourself in droves and then swap them to wherever they want when they fail out against people who have done their jobs for years and know what to expect.

Meme tier mos choices within a scam of a profession full of people with chips on their shoulders and something to prove.

Gay bartender

He's not wrong tho.

Wealth Management, Invest on the side. Just trying to make it financial so i can build my own gym at home (and a nice gym, not a throw together shit tier gym).

You can just use the top of the axe into the halligan to force entry or just kick a door in bud. Set of irons is a meme. Bet you are a volunteer firefighter. Career firefighter reporting in.

I'm not the guy you're responding to but -
any advice for someone looking to get on anywhere?
How did you do it?

Same I wanna know

>TFW Network Admin
>tfw everyone I work with is a numale

All the young guys ie my age are fucking cucks man. I'm only 20 so I'm the youngest here but fuck man. How can you be only making 60k at 25? at 25 I want to be making 6 figures, no matter what

Nation's military.

Getting training in plumbing for free now, but what I really want to do is get into firefighting and/or nursing.


dumb white hillbilly motherfuckers with amazing forearms

Athlete is the best job available-

being Shredded for a living
proud family
and all the girls mirin.

because of that accident where two workers were trapped at the edge because of a fire and one jumped off to his death and the other burned

/ thread

This. What I'd give to go back and time and tell young me to train as early as possible in sprinting/swimming. I'd have gone to the Olympics

Take fire science courses or volunteer at a department for at least a year.

College degree helps.

Military experience helps.

Some people get in without any of what i just suggested, but they are few and far between (and probably have SQUEAKY clean criminal records and/or interview really well).

Fuck yeah man rocking the central science!


Professional Shitposter

You mean dietician.

penis inspector

>be 25
>making 42k
am i ever gonna make it

you need to kill yourself you gigantic pussy

I don't something that pays enough so you can live a comfortable life.

Depends what do you do?

Restaurant and Rooms to Rent business owner who works only a touristy period (~2 months per year) and gets you enough money for not having to work for the next 10 months.

Ok gandhi

>mfw I dream of a blue collar job but I'm afraid my family or gf would never accept it so I enrolled in university and will be stuck being a white collar worker for the rest of my life.
>Also worried about blue collar wages.
>All I want is to spend a lot of time outside in the nature why is it so difficult ;_;
>mfw parkranger/border guard is a dream job for me lifestyle wise.

I remember back in elementary school a classmates father had this job. Apparently he was really strong.
The girl is a real qt3.14 too.

> Rich

Yeah. . . About that

>tim hortons cup
Does it get more canadian than that gif?

I'd like to be a chemist with my own labotary so I could make my own supplements, if you catch my drift.

Massage Therapist

Same breh. Management, tech, or strategy?

Jealous cuz dumb


English Teacher

no, it's not.

t. someone who worked blue collar for 2.5 years.

Student now

Studying to be what?

I major in International Business Administration

You're just proving his point

Gym instructor/coach

NEET masterrace


Nah, I'm just not bourgeois trash like (you). If you don't work with your gains how're going to keep your gains? You'll be a fat, peice of shit, white collar loser for the rest of your life.

Fuck that. Follow your dreams, user. I'm a trained graphic designer-- with a good deal of awards that I got both in and outside of college-- and I quit it all to follow my dream of becoming a park ranger.

Certainly not anything where you have a boss. Autonomy == freedom.

Shit kills your back after 10 hours straight. Can confirm it's a Veeky Forums job.

This is very relevant to my interests. Any tips? I plan on doing it after my bachelor's.

Self employed entrepreneur

I'd love to be a park ranger - in the US. My girlfriend is American but I'm not. While I do maintain some hope, I believe it is quite difficult to become one as a foreigner. I have read on it some time ago but I don't really remember much.

How was your path from graphics designer to a park ranger?

Orthopedic surgeon.

Real estate agent
Doesn't require fitness at all, but being really toned in a suit definitely helps you make the sale (assuming you aren't autistic to begin with)

Also great part time college job if anyone is looking for one

Is welder Veeky Forums-approved?

This. I work at a gay bar part time and people mire all the time.

Physicist here, life is pretty good

What field?

R&B artist.