If baldness runs in my family and creatine also accelrated my hair loss (thank god i stopped early) can I get away with...

If baldness runs in my family and creatine also accelrated my hair loss (thank god i stopped early) can I get away with a 500mg test e only cycle?.

My hair is really thin atm up top and if i hop of this cycle is there any risk of losing it all, since its not DHT but just test?

just go bald, bald ripped guys are hot, don't be afraid to lose your hair if it's pretty much going anyway. accept it, grow a beard and i'll let you wreck me

creatine accelerates hair loss?
pls be trolling

Breh if you are gentically predisposed to mpb creatine will for sure accelarate your hair loss, tbousands have reported it, mild studies have been done. A month of creatine for me had my hair thinning at an alarming rate.

>take creatine
>hair becomes a lighter hue of brown instead of just barely brown

well brb then, shaving my head already

just fucking accept it. there is nothing you can do to stop it. time to shave

being a man causes male pattern baldness in those with the genes for it, and creatine makes you manlier

you have two choices

a) weak dyel effeminate cuck with a beautiful head of hair

b) strong muscular manly man with a bald spot

make your choice

A.k.a thinning because its not as dense anymore

So no one can give me a legitimate answer lol, everyones worried about my hair instead of answering my question if straight test will make it fall out or not

yeah seriously that's how I see it and accepting it seems to be the only choice
if I didn't accept it I'd just fucking lose my mind sooner or later

Literally no study has been done showing creatine accelerates hair loss, even in people with mpb. There is the one study everybody quotes that showed an increase in DHT, which may (in theory) accelerate mpb. It will not "for sure" accelerate hair loss. Until it has been demonstrated (not in body dysmorphic faggots posting on internet forums), it's just speculation.

test will be converted to DHT via 5a reductase. DHT thins your hair, it also is the most potent androgen in your body that acts on every tissue except muscle

you can block 5a-r with an inhibitor like finasteride but that's pretty much throwing your life away.you do NOT want to fuck with your DHT, its the lifeblood of your body that makes you a man

creatine increases DHT by upwards of 50%

Listen up creatine for sure had my hair falling out way quicker than it was when i was on it and as soon as i came off my hair loss went back to a normal amount. Creatine will fuck with your dht levels.

Thank you this is what i wanted to hear, an educated response. Much appreciated good sir

We believe you. We're saying it hasn't been scientifically proven. Your story is called anecdotal evidence, and it's worthless.

so you're saying you're that kind of guy that believes keto is good

Can confirm on creatine starting hair loss
I took it for a few months when I was 18, realized my hairline was receding and quit back in late 2014/early 2015

Now I'm stuck at nearly the point of no return, hairline is receded as fuck and thinning, bald spot starting to form

I am not sure I want to live anymore. By the time I'm 21 I'll have to shave my head.

This, DHT is anabolic but also androgenic so more gains but more manly issues like baldness.

I took creatine and my hair was noticeably thicker after 6 months and my hairline filled in more.

So veganism is the only way?

No he's saying you are, because keto worked wonders for your barber's sister's mom. You make generalizations based on the experiences of a single person or at best a handful of people. For all you know creatine might cure baldness completely half the time, and cause it the other half. It's wrong to assume that because something happens to you, the same thing always happens to everyone. That is almost never true.

Also, you have to remember the people with negative experiences are more likely to speak up about them. Reading what people say online is listening only to the people with the strongest opinions.