Crypto is a scam

You guys all realize crypto is a giant ponzi scheme?

You can make great gains on paper out of the Ponzi, but good luck getting your money out into fiat.

I love how as coins crash in price all exchanges simultaneously experience "technical difficulties"

Who are you gonna go to about it? No one. There's zero regulatory bodies. And now this tether bullshit? No one even has the fiat to back the USDT they give out.

This is like banks in 1909. If more than 10% of all exchange participants go to sell their coins and demand fiat, it all comes down.

It doesn't matter anyways, you goons will never sell out to real dollars anyway, just watch the "increases" of your magic internet coins

90% of gains are dumb money losing out to pump and dump whale groups

Yes there's no such thing as insider trading for crypto, hence why countless telegram, discord, slack, etc. Groups used to manipulate the markets and shill the coins, to sell to you suckers

Its all the biggest bullshit smoke and mirrors of all time! I love it, I can't wait to see the fuckery ensue when the SEC tracks all blockchain transactions and exposes crypto for what it fundamentally is:

Black market transactions of human traffickers, drugs, and illigal porn, and nothing more than speculative assets

Every shit coin bought is only bought for the sole purpose of being sold to someone else at a higher price

Keep drinking the punch boys, it only goes up

hard cope for a nocoiner lmao must suck to see bitcoin reach 5700+

funny i just cashed out 9k fiat yesterday.
its in my bank account at this very moment.
and that is pure gains from crypto.

this nocoiner is wagecucking while we earn his entire salary sitting on our asses


*breaths in*


We like it because it's convenient on the large, international scale. It's slowly assimilating itself into the businesses that will develop our future.
You don't get it. Bitcoin is the beginning of a new world.

Thanks for the fucking thumbnail, you worthless piece of shit

>we earn
you didnt earn anything, another retard paid more for crypto than you did. There is always another sucker, until there isn't. Then the ride stops and your crypto is worth shit.
aka Doge coin

I don't expect anything less from this place, but I am posting here. There are obviously going to be people like you.

That's good, how was the slippage, bid ask difference, how was the liquidity? What exchange let you take out that much in one shot, or did you do small chunks/24h a few times. This is what I mean, now it's calm and you small fish can do this, but imagine several whales trying to cash a few hundred thousand. Every gain is someone's loss, its a zero sum game

Retard wannabe sharks swarm this market sure, but the reason why it's climbing right now isn't about gamblers playing the volatile market.
It would have never made it past 5k if this were the reason. There is a real market here, and people are noticing.

dub speaks the truth.

sooner or later the bubble will burst. Those who cash in time will be in profit. those suckers who believe they "trading" will eat shit. probably have few dollar gain in net.

>Sees shit going reach 5k. Sell.
>Sees shit coin value trending, buy more because of greed.
>This is how pump and dump start.

Expect big dump. Might take year (because it is not regulated)
Also, the value is artificially inflated.

bitcoin is either worth a similar amount to where it is now or maybe a little lower (for the corners of the internet visa and paypal won't touch) or it's worth 100 times what it is now, or it's worth nothing. people are speculating, deal with it and swallow your nocoiner pill faggot

lmao you idiots think this is about the FIAT?!?! hahahahahahahahah

The majority of your "real market" (besides speculators) and a couple of niche "pizza and clothing" shops that are trendy and accept cryptos, it's simply money laundering and getting around capital controls

Let me put It this way, in China, you're not allowed to take out of the country more than $50,000 USD worth of yuan Per year, PER PERSON.
So if you're a rich gook, like oh so many, and want a way to quickly get, say $1,500,000 out of China, to buy your daughter a condo in Seattle, how are you going to get around the capital controls and eyes of the government? Bitcoin.

Say youre a Belarusian mobster and just sold a sea container full of Moldovan lolis to a prostitution ring operating in france, how are you going to launder the proceeds?? Litecoin

You get the drift

This is actually how stocks work you fucking idiot


Stick with the Vanguard fund grandpa

If you think Bitcoin is good for money laundering you're a retard. Every single fucking transaction is logged, it's a regulators wet dream.

My point exactly, lol
Yeah, maybe in 1928
Are there any actual rebuttals, or you will just continue say these things?

You're all re assuring each other, I know I'm in the belly of the beast here and expect nothing less,

Ofcourse you don't want crypto to go down, you're all invested in it, you're all leaning and re assuring each other. Ofcourse blockchain is the future!

Maybe you'll remember this thread one day.

>Buys crypto because it has value in fiat.
Use the money to trade rather than buying. how many are actually using this money as money? 0.001%?

>Panics when it cannot be exchanged for money.
>Panics when 1 exchange center goes down
>Puts pink wozka when fiat value does down.

Tell me it is not all about FIAT.

>Still hanging on to demand and supply meme. Good luck with high school economics mindset.

So Ponzi was legit all along....

stop informing faggots and just watch Veeky Forums burn

don't you ever talk about doge coin again mother fucker if you say one more word i will not hesitate to kill u

waiting for pajeet to reply.

idc if its a ponzi, I've already paid myself back for all my initial investments and I pay myself out weekly whenever I need money from my BTC... lol

Ok so take money from people laundering money? idgaf as long as I get some gains

People have been saying this shit since day 1 and look how strong it is

I cash out about 2k a day in fiat, how is this possible!???

You are likely a small fish, I'd keep withdrawing into fiat as frequent as possible if you can
The higher it goes the more real it becomes. Some people warned against stocks in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927. How about the people warning the 08 collapse back a few years before it? People called them crazy, it's just too real right now. Tread lightly, simply look at the community, it's self explanatory

High risk-high reward

You forgot low liquidity

I rarely hit the 25k limit but I have a great job (6 figure salary) with traveling about every other month.. started last year this time when btc was below 600, did small purchases of like $1k and then went for a few larger purchases during a small dip and have been pretty much riding that out after paying myself back and invested into mining for fun. Definitely not a big fish but I've been blessed with friends getting me into this sooner, they tried in 2014 and 15 and i finally bought in 16

First of all crypto is not so good that it's unbelievable. People are losing money in this and people are gaining money. 2nd, saying "too good to be true" to every new technological advancement because you tiny nigger brain can't comprehend technology is why you will stay a wage cuck you pajeet. People said mobile phones were "too good to be true" at one point.

Play it smart, keep it coming back in fiat
I just googled ponzi and chose a pic, don't over analyze

>keep realizing the gains and paying short-term capital gains tax

This better be bait nigger.

What do you want a rebuttal to? People not being able to get their money out? Well that's not happening and anyone who tried it can tell you so. You can try yourself, send 20$ or something to an exchange market, maybe exchange to a coin then back if you feel like it then ask for your money. "Oh but you can do that, only not with big sums and in high intensity periods". Yeah, so it works, but in an unclear situation in your mind it doesn't. You can make the exact same arguments about banks and it would be just as valid.

>Every shit coin bought is only bought for the sole purpose of being sold to someone else at a higher price
I'm not sure whether you're aware, but that's the way people use traditional investments too.

>This is like banks in 1909.
Yeah and banks sure did crash and burn

>If more than 10% of all exchange participants go to sell their coins and demand fiat, it all comes down.
That already happened, more than once. How many times did the market fall by 25%? You think people never claimed their money? You think that all these people who made millions never got any of it back? You do realize that a very large proportion of the market value is stored by the exchange houses, right? Turns out it works exactly like a credit institution. Better get your money out of the bank, goy, you know that shit's not safe there. What if everybody suddenly decides they want cash? If you think cryptos are at risk of crashing any second you should take a look at how fragile the world economy as a whole is

Maybe one day the "bubble" will burst and the entire market will crash and burn, alongside with everyone who still holds. Everyone who invested in it and is not a complete retard knows the risks. But, meanwhile, people are making a lot of money out of it. The technology gains more popularity and the adoption rate doubles every year.

Every currency is a scam until enough people adopt it.

>now it's calm

People have been saying BTC is a ponzi scheme ever since the beginning. It might still be fundamentally true but it won't be true for other utilities based tokens.

Hey man I give you credit for being the first one with substance

20$ like you say it's small, but what's actually important is large sums in high intensity periods. That's when liquidity matters most. Ponzi schemes always paid out the small fish, that's what kept it alive.

About traditional investments being bought for the purpose of being sold at a higher price - they are not similar.

Stocks (some) have actual intrinsic value, not only that, but some pay dividends. Some pay annual dividends, some pay quarterly, some pay monthly. Either way there are some tangible assets like real estate, or inventory, etc. That that company has that shareholders have a claim to in case of insolvency.

Some stocks also have voting rights, so you can attend shareholder meeting and influence vote according to the size of your stake. So to compare crypto to a stock (and not those new crypto that pays 'dividends' or buying a master node is 'like' divys) that's pays no dividend and one that has no voting rights, then alright. In the case it al goes belly up, what assets are siphoned and auctioned, what value is retuned to the "shareholders" (coiners)?

Banks are not a good comparison because its the status quo, what crypto does is create an economy outside of the traditional system, Atleast with banks you have FDIC per account and yes grandpas mutual funds are protected up to 1m dollars in case of fraud. With exchanges being like credit unions okay, Nice comparison, but credit unions are regulated and crypto exchanges are not. That means that's exchanges can do anything they want to an extent, if theres a stock halt it can only be 10 mins max by the SEC but If an exchange goes offline, no ones there to tell them to come back.

But the reason they keep the exchange in as best standing as possible is since they're unregualted they have access to the entire order flow and holding. Exchanges are essentially the ultimate insider traders.

nocoiners trying this hard to justify their lack of gains
dumb shits like OP were making the same tired old arguments 7 years ago. and still at it today...

Dude shut the fuck up, Crypto is a massive ponzi scheme and everyone knows it.

The only people that are actually profiting off of Crypto are the liars and the whales that got the capital to pay for all the coins because they previously had their own jobs or business's.

Crypto is too good to be true. We might as well be speculating on poker chips because that's basically what it is.

>Exchanges are essentially the ultimate insider traders.

you better believe exchanges place bets against their own clients, because they know exactly where their markets are going

You keep saying that large sums won't be liquefied, but this just doesn't happen. If it happened you'd hear about it everywhere. You only need to do a quick google search to see how much people complain about delays and technical errors, imagine if something so bad as not being able to withdraw your money would happen.

You CAN exchange your coins for fiat. This is just a fact. Saying that there can be situations where you couldn't is just speculation based on the worst possible scenario. It would only happen if, either, most holders suddenly decided to sell all their coins at the same time or if most exchanges decided to run off with their money. Which would be a really dumb move, since that would be highly illegal. They can make a lot of money just from commissions and .. erm... "speculation".

And besides that everything you have is scenarios. Yes, it is possible for the entire market to crash to 0, which would cause everyone to lose their current investments. But it's extremely unlikely, at least for the near future. It had huge fluctuations since it became popular and yet it always recovered. It has been involved with schemes, illegal activities and rampart criticism since day one and it only grew at an extreme pace. And the more it grows the less likely it becomes to crash to the ground.

Everything you said can be boiled down to "it's extremely risky" because it's unregulated and not backed by the governments. Which is completely true, but didn't stop a lot of people from making a lot of money off it. And a lot of other people to lose a lot of money from it.

You can call it a ponzi scheme if you wish, and I guess technically you wouldn't be completely wrong. But the reality is that so far it's been an accessible, easily tradable asset whose value increased at a ridiculous pace. And a lot of people made a lot of money off it, not only a select few.

I've got over 20 grand worth of "scam" from a simple 2 grand investment.

We took risk FAGGOT

Your tears taste yum yum

For real. There's a good possibility I make $20k in two days and all it took was a little patience and a lot of video gaming.

LOL. Get rekd op

You can exchange coins for fiat because, as of current, there's a willing buyer, or there all willful buyers. but yes what I'm saying in a scenario were the buyers aren't there, or not in the amount that sellers need, what happens? Where are the market makers? Again yes, being unregulated, there's no market makers. And it's basically true, extreme risk due to no regulation. But taking some out to fiat when all is well isn't really the problem, though theres alot of slippage. It's when shit hits the fan, buyers dry up, no market makers in sight. Simply take the exchange offline
Also being unregulated, what's the percentage of coins that are not in lost or in dormant wallets? This is a very key statement where there's shares outstanding (say total Bitcoin 21m) and % shares floating (how many are actually tradeable to the public, not locked up by insiders) if this can be calculated you can see how many bitcoins are actually tradable, and shows why the price can go up 20% when it has a 75 billion $ market cap on only $50 million worth of volume. It implies that when the crows come home to roost, theres a very small amount of buyers. The same will happen with sell orders. A few trades at successively higher prices will make everyone appear richer on paper, but if that simultaneous need for liquidity arises, and you see actual high volume, who's actually buying?

Fuck off. You're next.

This. It's traceable digital cash, which really gives some pause about the fungibility of tokens with open blockchains. That said, I'm not a salty nocoiner

>in a scenario were the buyers aren't there, or not in the amount that sellers need, what happens?
The prices go down. lol. That's literally it. I think you're unclear on a certain aspect. The exchanges are holding all the fiat money they received from clients. That might be an exaggeration, they may or may not use some of it for their own purposes, but the point is that they have enough to give back the fiat that is requested in any reasonable situation. They don't have to rely on the current buyers for fiat. Fiat money becomes an issue only if the entire crypro market crashed to the ground and the value of currencies are basically 0. At this point this issue would be irrelevant either way.

>Also being unregulated, what's the percentage of coins that are not in lost or in dormant wallets?
Your logic with this entire argument is backwards. When some of the coins get lost the currency becomes stronger, not weaker. The amount of buyers remains the same (maybe even increases, since it creates sparsity) while the amount of sellers diminish (because they can't sell it anymore cus they lost it). Besides, these are also coins that will never be redeemed, so the money that was spent on them will never be reclaimed. If anything, this only helps with the (non-existing) liquidity problem.

>a sea container full of Moldovan lolis for some Litecoin

holy shit, I never would have believed it but this shitcoin actually does have a reason to exist. strong buy signal LTC

You answered both of my questions how I imagined, yes the price tanks. Depending on how many people want money it could collapse, but the exchanges go offline so people don't do that.
And the 2nd part, i know the currency becomes stronger, as you say It, because less supply. It's not stronger, maybe you mean since it's more scarce, it's rarer, which drives the price up, but that's not stronger. Tiny volume can move btc price huge is what I mean, you mean stronger because you want it to go up. That means strength to you, but it's the same the other way. A measly 2million of sell volume can crash the price for every holder, whoevers out first wins. It's more of a weakness

>I have anticipated your answers :^)
See, because of this kind of shit no one bothered to give you a serious reply and I'm a fucking moron for doing it. Because any online argument degenerates into 2 retards trying to prove they're smarter than eachother and one or both of them trying to explain how the sky isn't actually blue.

> but the exchanges go offline so people don't do that
That's not true. You pulled that out of your ass. No major exchange does that because no major exchange needs to do it. If they did that no one would trade on it.

>It's more of a weakness
No it's not. Even if I were to accept your whole "less actual volume = higher price fluctuations" (which is certainly debatable) that wouldn't make it weaker it would make it more volatile. Which is one of the main reasons cryptos are so attractive to investors.

First off you're a nigger faggot. Now that we got that out of our way let me demolish you in 2 sentences.
>every gain is someone's loss, its a 0 sum game
As opposed to normal marlets where you make gains out of nigger autisam fairy dust rather than some stupid cunt that made a bad decision
>if everyone wanted to cash out bla bla bla
Listen here you extra chromosome, failed abortion excuse of a person just replace crypto eith bank and you have the same god damn retarded argument.
Now fuck off to your 10/hr Starbucks job filthy nocoiner.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Go learn what blockchain technology is and why hashing is such a breaktrough that people aren't even aware of the impact its going to have on the world. The internet is still in its infancy, no one is appreciating the power it hold nor the speed at which it's reaching new levels and oh boy are we in for a ride.

This thread is embarrassing. It will probably be made again when BTC hits $10k in six months. Good luck OP.

You are legit retarded. Just because something is new and still in progress of shaping itself doesn't mean it's a fraud. Pick up a god damn book to see how markets first came about. It was in fucking taverns where people sat and traded shit and then it started evolving with scribes, blackboards for wrting down offers, news etc.
Go be retarded somewhere else.

Nocoiner cope lmao