If cryptocurriencies are entirely speculative in value, why don't we just get together and do this:

If cryptocurriencies are entirely speculative in value, why don't we just get together and do this:

1. Create a cryptocurrency worth $ 0.0001 per coin, pass it around Veeky Forums

2. Wait a few days. Then, as a group, speculate that the coins are worth $10,000 each

3. Sell for profit on the free market

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we're too retarded to do that and someone always tries to take advantage

What makes you think that hasn't happened like two dozen times? It's called a pump and dump. It's literally stealing millions from the uninformed every week.

whos gona buy your shitcoins you dumb pothead?

we're already doing that with chainlink

so about 4 years ago I made a shitcoin...

its a straight fork of Litecoin. I've been mining it myself ever since. I've got like 11 million

obviously they are worth $0, on the open market. but its still 4 years of solid proof-of-work, and its a meme/shitcoin with its own blockchain not some shitty ec20 token

I could airdrop it around and everyone shill it hardcore, if we can even make it worth $0.01/coin thats a lot of money

also to add, it was 0% premine and announced on bitcointalk back in the day so nobody gonna come bitching about premine etc.

everyone had their fair shot at mining it themselves the last 4 years, kek

Whats it called?

I am interested in this venture, what do I need to do?

you mined 4 years of blocks with 0 transactions? I didn't even know that's possible

there are a few transactions, mostly just me dumping millions of coins from various computers I mined on into one wallet, lol

Sounds like something I could get behind.

I will buy 1 million of them for 100$ serious


interesting. thanks for the offer, I guess there is some small value in a 4 year old shitcoin that is still active

my problem I guess is that its running on 4-year-old litecoin code. and I have no idea if I can update it to whatever the current litecoin codebase is without breaking it to shit

will think about it

Give wallet and airdrop us, we will become a shill army


Britcoin? PND?

If you give me a wallet with 1 million of your shitcoin, I will send you 100$ equivalent in BTC. I think we can get something going with this. All we need is an airdrop and a name and we can start trading it.

oh the other problem is the wallet is linux only, I never bothered compiling a windows binary

so theres some dev work I guess I need to do before we can start this project.

open a discord for real

maybe we should turn this into an ICO since that shit is all the rage these days

nobody had even heard of an ICO when I made this thing lol

How do us anons stay connected on this?

dude....Wtf, do something with that shit. I cant code and it would take years and too much effort im not willing to put in because im not interested in it. But mad respect to developers; make some cool shit and make bank

ok niggers, its Dorian Coin (doriancoin.org)

made a discord -

no idea if I will even go forward with this right now but we'll see

Dude let's do it. I'm serious right now. Open a slack or a discord

It's almost like you airdrop a coin to 4channers cough FENX and then you have them hype it up and sell it for profit

Lets be honest, 80% of people who bought link have no actual idea of how any of it works. They just read a bunch of FOMO and decided to buy based on their guts.

You can pretty much at least x2 any shitcoin if you shill it and FOMO with text that seems plausible

Looks like youll need a REEEEEbrand

Will this be the logo for our coin?

Look at BSN from CE it shot from 70 sats to 1100 sats all from hype when the website looks like a 5 yearold made it

I cant do web design but i can design a logo for some coins.

Not clicking on that link though.

Lol. I'm down. What sort of wallet does it go in lol?

well right now you either compile the wallet from the source code in linux or figure out how to compile it in windows =/

and its a normal old school wallet like bitcoin/litecoin from 4 years ago

measn the wallet works on mac too right if its already unix?

Nobody actually bought link. That was an organized group of shills

This has been tried a million times and there's countless telegram groups doing this

unfortunately probably not

I mean its likely possible but you'd need to manually install whatever dependencies like libboost or whatever and compile it from source

if I really gave enough shits I would compile a windows and mac wallet binary, we'll see


I'm installing xcode again for no reason lel

The people that I make the, "WHY HAVENT I HEARD OF THIS COIN?!?" threads for, my man.

Link is bae